3 DECEMBER 1948, Page 18


Sta,—We may not yet comment on the conduct of certain people involved in the Inquiry at Church House, because it is still sub *dice; but the conduct of the British public in the case is not yet nib judice, so perhaps we may comment on that. It is obvious that the British public is fascinated by the case, half in enjoyment and half in horror. The reason is surely just as obvious : we are all sub-consciously saying to ourselves, as each successive witness goes to give evidence, "There but for the grace of God go I." We all know that few of us could emerge unscathed from the Attorney-General's scrutiny of at least some parts of our own lives in the last three years. We are therefore all following the practice laid down by a very ancient and inspired authority, the genius that created the Mosaic law and composed the sixteenth chapter of Leviticus. Anyone who is feeling smug about the Inquiry would do well to read that chapter, and especially the 21st and 22nd verses. Against such an authority, AO one can suggest that we are doing wrong ; but let us at least be dear

what we are doing.—I am, Sir, yours faithfully, C. M. WOODHOUSE. Homewood, Knebworth, Herts.