Send Waugh to the pits
Sir: How fascinating is the right-wing propaganda of Waugh & Co — so much wittier than that of their opposite numbers in 'Marstribman'. But does Mr Waugh ever leave his Somerset ivory castle? It seems that he relies too much on 'reliable sources' who all seem to be founder members of the CB[, A of I, etc.
Why don't you wangle him an iaitation to, say, the Yorkshire NUM headquarters. I expect Mr Scargill would jump at the Chance to impress such a distinguished °Pponent. Mr Waugh would soon find out that nowadays it isn't all done with a pencil stub on used envelopes in a room above a Public bar . .. He could, perhaps, put in a week at the coal-face. He might even go on a trade union conducted tour of various nationalised industries. Then he would be able to compare his 'reliable sources' with self-ascertained fact. He might still conclude that his calcified opinions regarding trade unionism and nationalisation are correct. But that would be better than have him swallowing whole the propaganda provided by his own pet pundits and then regurgitating it in the Spectator as incontrovertible fact — but, then, that's what Propaganda is all about, isn't it? J. G. Holly 23 Beaconfields, Cambome, Cornwall