One hundred years ago
The Electra of Sophocles, was per- formed last week at Girton by the Students of the College, with a success which certainly justified the attempt. The play was selected as being one of the few really good ones containing a chorus of maidens, and the whole represent- ation was given with felicity, grace, and considerable artistic power. The ladies' Greek, especially, received deserved and high encomiums from the Cambridge Dons and members of the Council who were the only gentlemen permitted to be present. The scenery, dresses, &c., were designed and executed by the students themselves, Mr Newton, of the British Museum, pronouncing on the correct- ness of the Greek .costumes. The part of Electra, which was taken by Miss Case, was perhaps the most effectively rendered; but all were creditably sustain- ed. Indeed, the performance altogether may fairly challenge comparison with those given by the members of the Universities themselves.
Spectator, 1 December 1883