In a powerful and argumentative circular despatch to the German
Courts, dated January 26, M. Drown de Lhuys, in exposing the illogi- cal and dangerous course taken by Prussia, implies some statements of fact. One is that the French Government is prepared for the explosion into which the crisis is developing itself. The other statements are, that a. Russian army is ready to enter on a campaign in Transylvania ; that a mere incident might place the Austrians and Russians at variance on the Lower Danube; that the intercourse between the Cabinets of Vienna and St. Petersburg is of a most delicate nature ; and that the acceptance mentioned by Prince Gortschakoff is not such as it was at first supposed to be.
The Moniteur of yesterday says that, according to accounts from Bu- charest of the 31st January, the differences between Omar Pasha and some members of the Divan have been entirely arranged. Omar Pasha there- fore retains the command of the Crimean expedition; and Ismail Pasha, the intriguing officer, has been forced to submit.