Aninaeurv, Jan. 29.-In consideration of the services performed by the officers vs, the Navy, in codperation with the Army, in the trenches before Sebastopol, the fol- lowing promotions have taken place, dated Nov. 13, 1854-Commanders to be Captains-W. F. Burnett, H. S. Hillyar. Lieutenants to be Commanders-W. H. Bridge, J. J. Kennedy, J. N. Norman, C. K. Jackson, W. L. Partridge, R. W. Courtney, A. Wilinshurst, E. G. Hore, G. A. E. Ridge, W. M. Dowell. To be Lieu- tenants-Mr. H. L. Holder, Mr. W. A. Cambier, Mr. W. D. D. Selby. To be Sur- geons-Dr. J. T. U. Bremner, Mr. J. Ward (b), Dr. J. Cotton, Mr. J. W. Elliott. To be Paymaster-Mr. J. R. G. Browne. The Board have also directed the promotion of the undernamed officers, contin- gent on their passing the necessary examinations and being duly qualified-To be Lieutenants-Mr. A. St. Clair, Mr. W. Moriarty, Mr. F. G. Suttie, Mr. J. H. U. Spalding, Mr. W. M. Sanctuary, Mr. H. W. Mist. To be Surgeons-Dr. G. Mason, Mr. J. Wallace.
The Board have further, in consideration of general services performed by the officers of the Naval Brigade on shore before Sebastopol, directed the promotion of the following officers, their commissions to bear date Nov. 27, 1854-10 be Captain -Commander Lord John Hay. To be Commander-Lieut. H. W. Hire. To be Lieutenant-Mr. P. Brock. To be Paymaster-Mr. J. Hill. Aud the undermen- tioned, contingent on their passing the necessary examinations and being duly qua- lified-To be Lieuts.-Mr. H. T. Marsden, Mr. W. L. Wilson, Mr. W. F. Legh.
And, in consequence of the meritorious services of the detachment from the fleet in the defence of Eupatoria, the Board hare directed that the following promotions shall take place, to be dated Nov. 27, 1854-To be Commanders-Lieut. J. F. C. Hamilton, Lieut. A. W. Hood. To be Lieutenants-Mr. C. C. Mitchell, Mr. L. Brine. The latter, provided he shall pass the necessary examination, and on being duly qualified.