Another mass of correspondence between' France and America about Mexico
has been published this week. "It is all of .the same character, though the tone grows every, week a little more bitter. Mr.. Seward repeats :always, in every variety of words, that the
• Union has no desire to ,quarrel with France, but that it , will not .long endure the presence -of French troops in Mexico, or the existence of. a monarchy planted by foreign arms upon its :frontier. M. Drouyn de Llauys. always replies that the.French troops are going, but that the date of departure cannot be fixed -until the Union has , promised to adopt a policy of .non-intervention. Be begins to add that France has susceptibilities as well as America, and there is an under-tone of menace in the latest despatches which suggests that if the interests of the • two powers allowed of war, war might be possible. As it is, Napoleon will doubtless find some excuse for retiring without annoyance tolds people. It is said in Paris that the immediate difficulty now is to discover guarantees for the last Mexican loan, which was lent chiefly by French peasants on the faith of official assurances.