A great meeting of Irish moblemen.and gentlemen assembled on Thursday
in the Rotunda; Dublin,.with- the Marquis of Downshire in the chair. His Lordship,-the Earl of Charlemont, the Earl of Erne, and other speakers supported-resolutions declaring that the country was -in a state of alarm, that Government --must -use " prompt and effective - means," that the garrison Of the island should be increased-till .no place. was "found 'without -troops, and that all Irishmen should support the English -connection. The speakers used moderate language, but they were apparently all resolved to "protect themselves,"—that is, to arm their neighbours -and implore tropps. This is the first time, we believe,- that the deep-rooted alarm now prevailing in Ireland has been, publicly ex pressed, bat it has existed for some mouths,And. is, wel fear, grow- ing dangerous. As we have pointed out elsewhere, Avery little would induce the North to take the matter into its own hands, and we should have a civil war to suppress.