The last effort at fusion between the Orleanists and Legitimists
has failed. The Comte de Paris had agreed to visit Frohadorff, and the Comte de Chambord to receive him ; but at the last moment, Henry V. was seized with one of his spasms of high but obsolete principle, and issued a manifesto declaring that he would never resign, never by abdicating "give his consent to anybody becoming the legitimate King of Revolution." This is in- tended as a hit at the Comte de Paris, who, failing Henry V., would represent both the " legitimate " and the revolutionary monarchical lines, and is fatal to any hope of compromise. The Comte de Chambord says further, that he upholds the "flag of France"—the white flag—and that the last hope of France is the monarchical principle, which will give the Army a powerful organi- zation, make French diplomacy respected, and restore to France her rank. There is a curious mixture of dignity and splenetic anger in the manifesto, which suggests exactly what all the Count's letters suggest, that he has plenty of character, endless prejudices, and as little judgment as can possibly be.