Was it intended that Lord Lawrence should inquire as a
kind of pemmican Parliamentinto the Naval policy of Her Majesty's Govern- ment? It is an odd arrangement ; but clearly it has official sanc- tion, for on Saturday Mr. Childers appeared before him, and made a speech of five hours explanatory of his reforms at the Admiralty, and another of fifteen minutes detailing his connection with the Megsara. We have noticed the principal argument of the long ,speech elsewhere ; but must add here that Mr. Childers entirely -cleared himself of any personal connection with the despatch of the Megan& She was employed as a storeship, and in August, 1870, Sir Sydney Daeres advised that she should be paid off as -extravagant. Mr. Childers agreed, and heard no more of her, -having been taken ill before the question of sending her to Australia had come up.