[To THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR.".1 Sur,—Not a few Protectionist speakers and writers, like "A Constant Reader" in your issue of January 27th, speak of Nonconformist ministers who "preach politics from their pulpits" as if this kind of preaching were common among us. I should like you to put the question to the test. I believe that a census would show that the number of political sermons preached in Episcopal churches are greatly in excess of those preached in Free churches. I speak whenever I am asked on the political platform. I am called "a political Dissenter," but I have never preached a political sermon during a fifteen years' ministry. I have a friend who drops into a parish church near his home on a wet Sunday who has heard the same sermon
on "Godless schools" six times.—I am, Sir, &c., W. R.