3 FEBRUARY 1906, Page 16



SIR,—YOU are generally so accurate in your statements that I must call your attention to a mistake in last week's issue. On p. 131 you speak of the centenary of the death of William Pitt, "who, worn out by his long struggle with France, and heart-broken by the news of Austerlitz, lived only long enough to bear of Trafalgar." The victory of Trafalgar was won on October 21st, 1805, and the news reached England Novem- ber 7th. The battle of Austerlitz was fought December 2nd, 1805.-1 am, Sir, &c., E. SCOTT. Croft House, Skipton-in-Craven.

[When a man or a newspaper makes a slip of this kind the only course is to make as open and complete an admission of error as possible. Strange as it may seem, the paragraph- was revised by two people—the writer and the editor—who knew, and yet did not notice, that it contained so obvious a mistake. —ED. Spectator.]