1..TE THE EDITOR OF TUB -sescrixoa.1 Sra,—We have to thank you for your interesting notice of our "Nature Calendar." Evidently the reviewer VMS in a merry mood when he penned it, although we think he has taken a somewhat too serious view of the little publication. The information given is almost a verbatim reprint from the "Naturalist's Calendar" accompanying Gilbert White's "Natural History of Selborne," and is mainly intended to suggest to teachers suitable subjects for inquiry and observa- tion on the part of their pupils. The date of the "first appearance" of any insect or plant is, of course, liable to considerable fluctuation on account of changes in season, latitude, and environment; but when the probable time is known the scholars are eager to make the discovery, and to find reason for the appearance before or after the usual date. The 1906 Calendar is intended to supplement the information contained in the 1905 edition, a copy of which is sent herewith.
32 Fleet Street, B.C.