3 FEBRUARY 1906, Page 16


(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "EPRUCATOR:1 am a little afraid that your kind and appreciative notice of my "Principles of Parish Work" in the Spectator of January 27th may lead your readers to give me credit for opinions which are more worth considering as being those of your reviewer. He is, of course, right in laying stress on effective episcopal control, but my book is mainly con- cerned with the possibly less serious matters of church life,— with finance and administration, with education and the extension of spiritual life, with the conditions and diffi- culties of work among the poor, and the need of training in our calling. I should be sorry if it were supposed that I had written merely to lecture my superiors. Personally I am one of those who "strongly insist on the divine right of epis- copacy," though I hope I do not "often use insulting lan- guage about individual Bishops." May I, therefore, plead for a wider conception of discipline and government than the mere suppression of "ignorant youths who institute services of their own devising practically unchecked " P Surely it is the discipline of a more thorough education that is needed, and not merely that some one should be sent "to see what they are doing and tell them they mustn't."—I am, Sir, &c., CLEMENT F. ROGERS.

1 Vernon Chambers, Southampton Row, W.C.