3 FEBRUARY 1950, Page 2

Enter Uniscan

An international terminology in which Benelux and Finebel are already familiar is now further enriched by the addition of Uniscan. That is settled once for all by the agreement reached in Paris on Monday between the UNIted Kingdom and the SCANdinavian States for certain minor relaxations in their financial relations. The not very impressive mouse which has resulted from the travail of Sir Stafford Cripps and other mountains involves primarily holiday- makers, who, subject to some restrictions retained by Norway will be able to travel in one another's countries with no limit on their expenditure ; the strain on the already inadequate hotel accomoda- tion in this country may be substantially increased. Though the original hopes of a much more extensive trade and financial agree- ment between Britain and the Scandinavian countries has not so far been realised this modest beginning is not to be despised. It is at least a step in the right direction and it shows that the will to greater progress is there.