Hearers the news
From Mrs John Tutton Sir: In Belfast vacant officers have been occupied by the Security Forcers, and in some placers streets are now blocked by trenchers. Rumours of peace initiatives have been centred, but now appear to be ill-foundered, as parters belonging to both churchers still look for revengers, and violent clashers have not been haltered. Government saucers remain non-committal.
In the House of Commons last night, heatered speechers on the Hatchers, Matchers, Dispatchers and Divorcers Bill were interruptered by the collapse of two back-benchers, over-loadered with Back-Benchers. One Member brokers shin, but first aid was at once given, and the bone was carefully splintered.
At question time the Minister for Transport Industries denied that there was any shortage of London taxers. "This apparent lackers a factor," he said "which blemishers all sophisticatered sitters. The peak rush-hour so harassers the cab-man that he will takers teabreak, and emerge when the traffickers less clottered. We must all be patient, remembering that to seekers to find, and that when timers of the essence the racers not always to the swift."
The Lords continued to debate the risers of wagers and pricers.
Heavy 'snow has fallen on the Welsh Marchers, and entire villagers are cut off. Rescue teams salad forth last night with tortures, and searchers are still being pursued among cottagers where sometimes only thatchers can be seen above the drifts. In valours where vergers are invisible, teams are cleverly walking on fencers and hedgers. Thatters the end of the news. (With grateful acknowledgments to the BBC.) Diana Tutton Wood End Cottage, Awre, Newnhame-on-Severn, Glos