From Christopher Booker Sir: Charles Moore asks for help in refreshing his 'vivid memory' as to who said in 1997 that 'political satirists' supported Tony Blair so strongly that they couldn't imagine laughing at him (The Spectator's Notes, 27 January), and castigates our 'great iconoclasts' for only wanting to kick him when is down. It may not be quite the help he is after, but I do recall how, the week after the 1997 election, we launched in Private Eye the St Albion's Parish News, which has not been entirely supportive of Mr Blair over the past ten years. I also recall, shortly afterwards, submitting an article to Mr Moore as editor of the Daily Telegraph predicting that Mr Blair would be remembered for presiding over the most incompetent, corrupt, control-freaky government in history. Charles said he liked the piece but that perhaps the time wasn't yet quite right to publish it.
Christopher Booker Litton, Somerset