3 JANUARY 1835, Page 10

Lord Roden is not to be Lord Steward. It appears

that the ap- pointinent was either cancelled, or declined by his Lordship. Minis- ters, however, showed their decided Orange partialities, by making the

offer, though the arrangement was not completed. I'he Earl of Wilton, the Tory son of the Whig Marquis of Westminster, is ap- pointed to the office. Lord Ernest Bruce is made a Bedchamber Lord ; and Lord Tullamore, it is said, will also be a Lord of the Bed- chamber. He is a hack-bone Tory, of course ; and especially disliked by the Irish Catholics, who in 1832 threw him out of the representa- tion of Carlow.

The Times contradicts the report of the Marquis of Londonderry's appointment to the Russian Embassy, and calls it a" sorry joke ;" but the courier reasserts positively that his Lordship was appointed, and actually named Mr. Thomas Liddell as his Secretary. The report, if incorrect, would not have been suffered to remain without contradic- tion for several days. Perhaps the final appointment has been post- poned, like that of Lord Roden to the office of Lord Steward, only until the elections are over.

It is believed that the embassy to the Sublime Porte will be offered to Sir Robert Gordon, who has already discharged the ditties of British Envoy at the Court of the Sultan, antecedent to the appointment of Lord Potisonby. Sir Robert has arrived at the Clarendon Hotel, from his seat in Aberdeenshire, for the purpose of conferring with his Grace the Foreign Secretary on the subject of his contemplated mission.— Morning Herald.

It is rumoured that Lord Cowley is to succeed Lord Granville in the French Embassy.

Mr. Goulburn has appointed the Honourable Spenser Montague his Private Secretary. Mr. Montague has been for some years attached to the office of the Chief Secretary for Ireland.—Globe.

Mr. Croker is spoken of as likely to get the Governorship of the Ionian Islands. He will then be near his old friend and fellow labourer on the press, Dr. Stoddart.—Globe.

Mr. Charles Sheridan, grandson of the late R. B. Sheridan, and brother of the accomplished Mrs. Norton, who accompanied Lord Mulgrave to Jamaica, in the capacity of Private Secretary, has been chosen by Mr. Henry Ellis to perform a similar duty in his embassy to Persia.

Mr. Duncan Macneil has been appointed Solicitor-General for Scotland.