peceocaTivE has done its worst, or its best. The People's Re- prese,atatives are dissolved. The black flag of Toryism is again unfurleal : the enemy's troops are in the field, prepared to do battle with all tt'.'e fury of despair. On the other side, the victorious banner of 11,:lform floats proudly on the breeze : in front of the pirate and renejado band, appears the united phalanx of the TRUE MEN of ENGLANO. disciplined and ready—strong in their right, determined in their furpose, calm in their resolves. One struggle more between the friemis of good and the abettors of evil govern- ment, and the victory is 1r us and for our children for ever. Our rallying-cry finds an echo a. yid an answer throughota the Three Kingdoms. Down with the Tories! is the watchword—Down with the Tories ! the battle-call f an empire of Reformers.
That the King may reign in honou." and peace, and that the Peo- ple may prosper-
Down with the Tom's - That Holy Alliance machinations and STOART maxims of mis- rule may never again pollute the soil or the air o!England- Down with the Tories! That we may be governed for the good of all, not for the unjust gain of a few ; that public servants may be honest men, ).:ot poli- tical rogues and plunderers— Down with the Tories!
That those who have only sown tares may not reap the wheat, or deprive the labourer of the fruits of his own toil; that the Re- form Bill may not be repealed, but enlarged; that Old Sarum may not be restored, or every new borough be made a Warwick— Down with the Tories !
That the franchise may be free and elections pure; that the farmer may not be driven to the poll like his landlord's serf; nor deprived of his property and his home because of his honest vote— Down with the Tories!
That the reform of recognized abuses may no longer be delayed; that change may be improvement, not destruction or revolution; that faction may be rooted out and agitation cease— Down with the Tories!
That Christian liberty may prevail; that as the Churchman is not driven to the meetinghouse, so the Dissenter shall not be forced to the church ; that the biide inay be married at her own altar, and the dead interredwith the ceremonies of their own faith-
. Down with the Tories!
That Church pluralities and non-residence may cease; that
there may be no Bishop of 30,0001. a year, and no Curates with Lek; that the Ministers of religion may be reverenced, and a po- litical priesthood extirpated; that there may 7se no flock without a pastor, and no pastor without a flock ; that the people may be no longer massacred for tithes— Down with the Tories!
That the public schools of learning and science may be open to all ; that the people may be not only educated but instructed— Down with the Tories !
That corrupt corporations may no longer fatten on public wealth, defraud the intents of the charitable, and squander the patrimony of the orphan and the widow in riot and drunkenness— Down with the Tories !
That the people may obey the laws, because they trust in them;
that the magistracy may be purified, clerical politicians driven from the bench ; that cheap and speedy and equal justice may be Within the reach of all ; that the poor man may no longer be forced to endure the rich oppressor's wrongs, and bear his injuries without the hope of redress— Down with the Tories!
That prisons may be only for the safe custody of criminals; that innocent misfortune and honest poverty may no longer suffer the punishment of the felon— Down with the Tories!
That taxation may be lightened and a wise economy enforced ; that there may be no more sinecures ; no more pensions to royal bastards, to noble strumpets, or Court sycophants— Down with the Tories!
That the cabal at the Horse Guards may be broken up; that
the Army Estimates may be reduced; that the Army may be reformed, purged of gaol-birds, and its ranks made honourable ser- vice ; that its officers may no longer cry, Injustice, injustice ! that a young lord from the nursery, with a full purse, may no more bestride the poverty-stricken veteran of a hundred battles— Down with the Tories !
That the merchant may be rewarded for his enterprise, the artisan for his skill, the tiller of the ground for the sweat of his brow— Down with the Tories !
That we may have no paltering with principles, no juggling
with opinions; no hypocritical converts; no abuse of prerogative; no desecrated temples ; no Devil preaching religion; no WELLING- TON fighting under false colours, no PEEL simulating Reform, no STORMONT hating its very name— Down with the Tories !
For the safety of the Crown ; for the safety of the People ; for the safety of the Peers: for the satiety of social order ; for the safety of public credit ; for the honour, gloss., and independence of our country-; for the cause of liberty and civilization; for the
peace of the world; to avoid the horrors of a revoluti am and the blood of a civil war—Down with the fanatics, down with the bigots, down with the renegades and hypocrites, down with the jobbers, down with the sword-and-cannon Cabinet—