The Belgian Chamber of Deputies adopted the War Budget on
Saturday. Its total amount is 1,594,000/. The carrespundent or the Chronicle says- d! With this stun, which includes every brunch and item of military expsnli- tom even to the police expenses, Belgiuin is enabled to maintain, and at a mo- ment's notice to throw forward, an effm:ive force of 0,000 ittfintrv, 1i,000 , and 1:36 fiehl-p:eres, the whole admirably appointed, equippe. 41. and Untied. This mos, the greater part of which is disposable Iwtween the Scheldt and Meuse, is susceptible of being increased in it few days to the full war esta- blishment of 110,000 men (exclusive of Civic (huards), by calling out the re- serves of militia that are either on futloagh or that hive not been required t9 juin their depiks."
There is no " dead weight," happily for the Belgians, to be provided for in their artily budget.