I illSOAND. The Anti-Tory. finals need title considerable atitlitionss. &Connel l
has gone on an elections:ming tour, whiele is eqesteteall.th have gr.fatt effect oa the approaching eunteets.
Mr. Illitekburne has hetet reappointed AttorneyaGeneral, and; Mr: Pemielather is to serve lee 'Mir an Solicitor-eleueral The appoitio Faeroe of the latter to be Atterttee,,aud. Mr. ..Jackson to be Solicitor. General, have therefoi e been cancelled; ur were prematurely announced.. We pie:time that the organs of the late Alinistry will riot new deity the charge which we mid other; brought again:so Mr. Blacklearne of being an Orenge-Tory. Were lw any t hing different, he would never joie Goulburn and flardinge under the actual Ministry in the Govern- ment of Ireland. Ilisjumett with their bitter foes may be a lesson to the Whigs when they find theireselves again in power.
Dr Meet-bile, the 'Oman Catholic Arehhishop of Wentoo. Mee addressed a letter to his ciergy upon the subject.. of the appreaultiog: elections; enforcing the.- necessity. uf endeavouring,* by their influence, to pre vela bribery, peijiliy, &fluke:mit:so awl all species of corruption usual, at such times.
The reesteet (nutlet !lefties of the Dieu who were slain- at Ratheornine wars still preetesdieg e Len the last accouter: were received. It turns. our, that besides the thirtes ns. sleet, between thiag and fbrty of the pee- emery we're. worloult11.- Nut. one of the soldiers receiver:I a serious hurt 4f :my kind.
A eorimpoildeet of the Deldie Etter:ivy Prot states that Archdeacon Ryder as necNrapapied last- Sikuni.ty week to (.;ortroo Church, near the emits of. the tithe :draughte r er ilutheormate by four rnounted• Iltagoong. A bu5scriptiug has been evened for the rel:et.of the widows- nod tope:ars a the non o I yipt ; one iirat to tvilielewas 51. frtan A gentleman who was yesterday at Bartlemy; thin, spot weir* the Church of Mind has rendered so remotes, had a creme-molest: with old Mrs. Ryan, the widew, whose fine young man, the- solditos; indhe discharge of their duty, ;hot dead. " Arid is it true, Minot)," saideny informant to the hrokenshearted women, " that person 1lydrdensmnded payment of you after your FM was killed?" " Oh, then it is, ft,'". replied Airs: Ryan ; " but at the time I did not know affinity chillies:as dead: Mr. Ryder came up to me immediately after the firing:me over, and said to me, Mrs. Rpm, will you pay me my tithe,?' f swered, Lord, Sir, I'll do nny thing—hut wohe vote take awarthe military, they'll destroy my place, and kill my children?' He sail
again, will you pay me. my tithe ?' and I answered; I will, IevilC■ When will you pay me, then?' said Mr. Ryder. file Sir, said. b, this evening or to.morrow, or any time ; but won't you take away the soldiers? they'll ruin my place, and kill my children.' Mr. Ryder then began to fumble in his poekets, es if looking for a prayer-1mA, to swear me; when my little girl ran up to me, Ind cried, • Oh, met tier, mothers Mickey, is dead.' On this I left Mr. Ryder, and went a few rade;
and there, sure enough, I saw Mickey &ed. I tented up his fare, and there was my child smiling on me in death." There is a scene for yoq,
and your English readers! I have been told that, in the wildnesmof
her grief and in the excess of her affeetion, this fond and- distreete& mother drank the blood which leas flowing from her speechless sena
The Church, the Cheteh of Blood had the firer dranght, and there WNW nothing salutary in its eirculatitne " View money or your life" should
be its motto.-1'n Correspoul-nt (f the Tear [ fire eons oil woman gave substat:ti4lly the Sante account in her evidence befere the Coroner's Jury at Ratheormac.]
On Thursday, a party of the insurgents who were diaemetitedi near Rathcormac, met a soldier ef the Forty. third Regiment; end feljow
him with such ferocity that ha wits Lift for di ad, having his righte1e. knocked out, four of his ribs eroken, and his hody shockinglyniatielert—: Cork Coustitutiun.
In the Irish Court of King's Beneh, ow Thule/lily week, a curioue trial, which lied lasted her three days V:ifl excited much iitnention, watt brought to a chtse. It was an auti in for daanagea Ittenelin by a Mr. Hodgens against a surgeon named MAhen, a reLtion a 0 Gorman Alahme for adultery with \1 N. Hodgens. It appimred that the eleintill
had married. his \vide, the datiehter of Mr. Walker, a lietershefffixo
keeper in Dublin, when she was enly twelve pore old, and a. fiirrat school. She was a ward in ( Ihserery, and heiress to 7.)eit1Ct irolgetur was imprisoned for the offence, hut released on a ilnh!iiNe to eeiltie all
intercourse with the yoting lady. rids promise be did not' keep, hut curled 1,er off; end was again impsisomel, U lit releaseel: on swearia
that she had of her own accord come to his house.. In May It= however, he carried livr off to the Coutinent, aid chided the vigilance' of the officers by causing iiiinse/f to be packed iii- a cask ;nitrated' " pickled pork," and despatched. iii the Faille vessel with 115 prize th Loudon; whence he escaped to Dunkirk. Here he lived witth sJ yoneg lady as her hi:aloud, on ;:n allowinme made hi to. by his fearer of 1.501. per ammo). In l87, Mt a, Hodgeus !siting thee orage, site-was; put in possession of her th rt One ; and returned to England; where the% were at last legally married. They efterwardoresided. ii DuitriteOrne did not live happily hasether. She had two children', hie her hie:nand beat her, and made a neatress on die hoterentaid. She NA 1.1a lieu% and went into lode in-s ; where the defeedant, Mahon, visited' lire With these facts before them, the Jury tiettediS• pose the filtiqculliP 8000/. damages! Ale. O'Connell was the pleietiff4s. counsel.