Tuesday, Dec. 30.
Jennings and Ford, Blossoms Inn Yard, Laurence Lane, common carriers—H. and C. Hollins, Nether Langewith, Nottinghamshire, cotton-spinners—Jenkin and Co. LIS- keard, mine-agents—Hoyle and Co. Huddersfield, cloth-fluishers ; as far as regards J. Lunn—Holdsworth and Sons, Wakefield, brokers—Jessop and Sons, Sheffield, steel- manufacturers; as far as regards R. Jessop—Handasyde and Bramwell, Cannon Street, commission-agents—S. and J. C. Edkius, Coventry Street, grocers.—Stedman and CO. Dominica—Marks and Chassereau, Smith's Buildings, City Road, coach-brokers--Bart- lett and Beddome, Nicholas Lane, attorneys—A. and E. Burnham, Great Marlow, baby-linenmakers—Pagliano and Rind, Leicester Square, hotel-keepers—Bate and ViPorld, SlitIngbourne, Kent, drapers—Bradbury and Co. Moor Lane, Fore Street, mus- tard-manufacturers—Clegg and Brother, Rio do Janeiro, merchants--Case and Pat- more, Bishop's Stortferd, maltsters—Watson and Co. Crown Court, Plillpot Lana, provision merchants—Bell and Ledger, Leeds, stock-brokers—Wellinud Co. Old Broad Street, stock-brokers ; as far as regards J. S. Wells—Birch and Ormston, As pall, Lan- cashire, cotton-spinners—Jackson and Sons, Leadenhall Street, boot-manufactures; as far as regards H. Jackson—Green and Oldham, Manchester, stock-brokers—Ingram and Manger, Liverpool, coach-builders—Hughes and Co. Plymouth, lacemen—W. and F. Carter, High Street, Southwark, bootmazers—Clementson and Co. Stoke-upon-Trent, earthenware-manufacturers ; as far as regards W. Jameson.
BROOKE, James, Gooderstone,Norfolk, miller, to surrender Jan. 15, Feb. 13 : solicitors, Mr. Nettlefold, Millbauk; Mr. Walpole, Northwold,1thrfolk; official assignee, Mr • Whit- more, Basinghall Street. JONES, BENJAMIN, City Road, draper, Jan. 14, Feb. 6: solicitors, Messrs. Soles and Turner, Aldermanbury ; official assignee, Mr. Groom, Abchureh Lane. LUCY, JAMES, and CouaaN, JOHN RICHARDS'S, BULIMIA, Yorkshire, worsted-spinners, Jan. 12, Feb. 6: solicitors, Messrs. Hawkins and Co. Boswell Court; Mr. Wells. Brad- ford ; Mr. Courtmay, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Eynaston, Leeds. MORE, RICHARD, and BLAKE, BENJAMIN WILLIAM, Norwich, coal-merebantr, Jan. 12, Feb. 10: solicitor, Mr. Jay, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers. Pnu,nu'a, Tiloaas, Shrewsbury, hop-merchant, Jan. 15, Feb. 10 : solicitor, Mr. Bart- lett, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham. WOOD, BENJAMIN, junior, Leeds, wine-merchant, Jan. 12, Feb. 6: solicitors, Mesera. Few and Co. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden ; Messrs. Upton, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr Rynastou., Leeds. Wortsam, GEORGE Saari's, Great Mitchell Street, Old Street, engineer, Jan. 5, Feb. 14 solicitor, Mr. Buchanan, Baainghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Green, Alder- manbury. DIVIDENDS.
Jan. 23, Preston, Sloane Street, confectioner—Jan. 23, Dadds, Leadenhali Street
grocer—Jan. 22, Harding senior, Millbank, mason—Jan. 22, Hay and Titterton, London Road, oilmen—Jan. 20, Thomson and Forbes, Crutchedfriars. corn-factors—Jan. 30. White, Gravesend, linendraper—Jan. 23, Marks, Mortimer Street, Cavendish Square, upholsterer—Jan. 27, Chaloner, Lincoln, tallor—Jan. 23, J. and W. Sugden, Leeds, machine-makers—Jan. 22, Gibson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, chemist—Jan. 22, Chard, Fromo Selwood, tanner—Jan. 23, Bake, Bristol, currier—Jan. 22, Dempsey, Bristol, stationer. CERTIFICATES, 7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Jan. 22, Taylor, Philpot Lane, wine-merchant—Jan. 21, Hay and Titterton, London Road, oilmen—Jan. 23, Chenneli, Capel, Surrey, carpenter—Jan. 23, Stevenson, Frede- rick's Place, Hampstead Road, china-dealer—Jan. 22, Terry, Bristol, ship-chandler-
Jan. 23, Parker, Cheltenham, cabinetmaker—Jan. 22, Spencer, Bradford, worsted-piece- nanufaeturer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Jan. 20.
May, Aldgate High Street, linendraper—Adamson, Stockport, grocer—Plowman, Ox- ford, ironmonger—Hornby, Hoylake, Cheshire, innkeeper—Wardell, Pickering, wine-
merchant. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS. Raleigh and Co. Manchester, merchants ; first div. of nd. Jan. 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Putt, Manchester—banks, Birmingham, wharlinger ; first div. of 5s. any Thursday; Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham—Shaw, Stafford, saddler ; first div. of 3s. 7d. on new proofs, any Thursday; Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham—Timmis, Stone, Staffordshire, Hint-grinder ; first div. of 2s. Id. any Thursday ; Mr. Bittleston, Birming- ham—Wetmore, Worcester, grocer; second and final dlv. of 6s. 41d. any Thursday; Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham—Bourne, Bemmersiey, Staffordshire, printer; first div. of 6d. any Thursday ; Mr. Bittleston, Birmingham—Beet, Bradford, dyer; div. of as. any day after Jan. 5 ; Mr. Young, Leeds—Haigh, Almondbury, clothier; first div. of 10s. any Wednesday ; Mr. Young, Leeds.
Cranium, F., Aberdeen, wright, Jan. 5, 26.
ROBERTSON, J. S., Edinburgh, writer to the signet, Jan. 2, 29.
Friday, Jan. 2.
Yeomans and Perry, Worcester, law-stationers—Geary and Nephew, Norwich, ma- nufacturers—Steains and Co. Liverpool, tea-merchants ; as far as regards J. P. Steams —Beck and Ayrton, Chester, wine-merchants—Welch and Sidgwick, Bankable, colour- manufacturers—Grant and Chambers Junior, Portsmouth, grocers—Ray and Son, Clare, Suffolk, grocers—Joyce and Parker, Manchester Street—Atwood and Hardy, Poplar, builders—Johnson and Co. Bucklersbury, merchants—Stocken and Chambers, Walham Green, Middlesex, brewers—Short and Mahony, Newman's Court, Courtin', metal- brokers—Holder and Sons, Cumberland Row, Walworth Road, glass-bottle-merchants —Grace and Co. Old Street, colour-manufacturers—Baldwin and Elliott, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, saddlers'-lronmongers—Holloway and Marten, Bradford, Yorkshire, share-brokers—Buddle and Tildealey, Paddington, wood saw-mills proprietors—Saun- ders and Carr, Maddox Street, dressmakers—Thickbroom and Hirst, Skinner Street, Clerkenwell, watch-case-makers—Sidney and Hall—Bull and Underwood, Ely Place, atomise—Cuff and Fox, Derby, stock-brokers—Wood and Thompson, Leeds, well- sinkers—Bird and Gabain, London, tin-plate-merchants—Lawson and Barugh, Brad- ford, Yorkshire, share-brokers--Gledstanes and Co. Regent Street, wine-merchants; as far as regards J. H. Gledstanes and R. King—Bentley and Co. Love Lane, Eastcheap, coal-factors ; as far as regards J. Bentley—Gledhill and Homer junior, Batley, York- shire, coal-merchants—Michele and Byrne, Strand, proprietors of the Morning Post newspaper—Parton and Co. Liverpool, Cotton-brokers; as far as regards C. H. Percival —Wilson and Sons, Liverpool, undertakers ; as far as regards T. Wilson—Novelli and Huth, Manchester, commission-merchants—Spivey and Bitten, Beverley, school-pro- prietors—Alihusen and Co. Loudon, commission-merchants—Milne and Co. Manches- ter, manufacturers—Smith and Watkins, Bridgnorth, painters—Allhusen and Co. Gates- head, Durham, soap-manufacturers ; as far as regards W. G. Turner—L. and W. Bur- bidge, Penton Street, Pentonville, school-proprietors—Fryer and Oliver, Baldock, Hert- fordshire, brewers—Sowden and Blakelock, Leeds, stock-brokers—Stent and Sumner, Dorking, school-proprietors—Reedman and Girdham, High Street, 1/Vinteclutpa bakers —Symons and Co. Old Fish Street, foreign-warehousemen—Duggan and Co. Tooley Street, clay-merchants—J. and W. Litton, Warrington, millers—Warter and Son, High Street, Borough, cheesemongers—Sankey and Sladden, Canterbury, attornies—Sharp and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturers; as far as regards J. Sharp—Pack and Co. Boston, drapers; as far as regards J. Palethorpe—Glyde and Co. Lyme Regis, clothiers ; as far as regards J. Anstice—R. and R. W. Johnson—Elkhigton and Ha- worth, St. Alban's Place, Edgeware Road, chemists— Edwards and Copner, Ludlow, mercers—Bayley and Co. Basinghall Street, solicitors; as far as regards P. Richardson —Scoles and Boreal, Liverpool, stock-brokers—Powles and Co. Bogota, New Granada, merchants; as far as regards B. S. Illingworth—Gowar and Co. Church Row, Aldgate, coachmakers ; as far as regards R. R. Gowar—Kilbee and Macfie, Liverpool, mer- chants—Bilton and Wassermann, Sunderland, commission-merchants—Patchett and Co. Manchester, carriers ; as far as regards J. Patchett and H. Jones.
BARBER, CHABLEts, Brindle, Lancashire, calico-printer, to surrender Jan. 13, Feb. 10: Solicitors, Messrs. Chisholme and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Gibson, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester.
Cos, Janes, Sise Lane, Bucklersbury, money-scrivener, Jan. 15, Feb. 20: solicitor, Mr. Buchanan, Basinghall Street; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.
Emma, EDWARD, Chancery Lane, bookseller, Jan. 13, Feb. 20: solicitor, Mr. Shaw, Furnlval's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Pennell. HEADINGTON, ROBERT, Bath, laeeman, Jan. 16, Feb. 10: solicitors, Messrs. Chester and Co., Staple Inn ; Mr. Tyrer, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool. La Jzuwa, HENRY, St. Alban's, maltster, Jan. 14, Feb. 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Lau- rance and Plows, Bucklersbnry ; official assignee, Mr. Bell, Coleman Street Buildings, LUCAS, DANIEL WILLIAM, Mark Lane, hemp and flax-dealer, Jan. 14, Feb. 13: soli- citors. Messrs. Bolton and Co. Austin Friars • official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry. • Ream, GEORGE SEAGRAVE, Portsea, innkeeper, Jan. 13, Feb. 13: solicitors, Mr. Low, Chancery Lane ; Mr. Low, Portsea; official assignee, Mr. Pennell. Pursca, Tnomas CARET WILLARD, Manchester, merchant, Jan. 15, Feb. 5 : solicitors, Mr. Abbot, Charlotte Street, Bedford Square; Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, Man- chester ; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Manchester.
Jan. 23, Solomon, Strand, tailor—Jan. 23, Howell, Queen's Head Passage, Newgate Street, hotel-keeper—Jan. 23, Donsbery, New Farringdon Street, boot-factor—Jan. 27, Hughes, Piccadilly, upholsterer—Jan. 23, Summers, Cambridge, cabinet-maker—Jan. 23, Dow, Romford, draper—Jan. 23, Baseley, High Street, Southwark, cheesemonger- Jan. 27, Standage, Chancery Lane, auctioneer—Jan. 27, Clark, Angel Court, Throgmorton Street, broker—Jan. 29, Rhodes, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner—Jan. 29,Mennell, Leeds, cloth-merchant—Jan. 26, J. and T. Lamb, Kidderminster, machinists—Jan. 26, Giles, Heedless Cross, Worcestershire, publican—Jan. 26, Rawsthorne, Manchester,
general agent. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting. Jan. 23, Solomon, Strand, tailor—Jan. 23, Powell, Chhwell Street, apothecary— Jan. 26, Wyon, Gower Street, Bedford Square, bronze-manufacturer—Jan. 26, Price, Dover Street, Piccadilly, tailor.
To be granted unless cause be shown to Me contrary or. or before Jan 23. Breakenridge, Liverpool, tailor—Burt, Lissom Grove, New Road, boarding-house- keeper—Clarke jun. Paradise Row, Rotherhlthe, out of business—T. and C. Lockhart, Cheapside, florists—Pugsley, Great Distaff Lane, warehouseman—Barwick, Great Carter Lane, Doctors' Commons, livery-stable-keeper—Hardy, St. Ives, innkeeper— Smith, Kings Swinford,. Staffordshire, iron-master—Johnston, Hammersmith, wine- merchant—Dalton, Old Kent Road, stonemason.
Fawcett, Chiswall Street, linendraper • first div. of 3s. Id. Jan. 3, and the two sub- Sequent Saturdays; Mr. Groom, Abchnrch Lane—Wood, Little Queen Street, wine- merchant ; second div. of 2s. Ed. Jan. 3, and the two subsequent Saturdays; Mr, Groom, Abeharch Lane—Patterson, Sheriff Hill, Durham, earthenware-manufacturer; first and Anal div. of 20s. Jan. 3, or any subsequent Saturday; Mr. Wakley, Newcastle- npon-Tyne—Courtney, Bristol, banker ; fourth div. of Is. Jan. 7, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Hutton, Bristol—Bower, Manchester, banker ; third city. of Is. 3d. and first div. of 7s. on new proof[, Jan. 20, or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Fraser, Manchester—Schofield, Oldham, grocer; first div. or 2201. Jan. 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester—Warburton, Manchester, bulkier ; first div. of 22d. Jan. 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester—Carruthers, Blackburn, woollendraper ; first div. of 3s. 103d. Jan. 20, or any subsequentlTuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester—Sir R. Graham and Co. Manchester, merchants; fourth div. of 22d. and first div. of 5s. 34d. on new proofs, Jan. 20. or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester—Clarke and Co. Leicester, bankers; first div. of 4s. at the following places—At Leicester, at the Three Crowns Inn, creditors whose names commence from A bi- K, Jan. 9, and L to Z, Jan. 10; at Oakham, Jan. 12 ; at Lntterworth, Jan. 13 ; or any Thursday, at Mr. Christie's, Birmingham.
lielaDass, W. and W., Glasgow, commission-merchants, Jan. 9, 30,