College Recollections and Church Experiences. By Linden Meadows. (Ridgway.)—The "
college " of which Mr. Meadows gives us his ex- periences was, we find, a theological college. This is positively new ground. We have had a whole world of "College Recollections," with " Tom Brown at Oxford" at one polo, and "Peter Priggins" at the other ; but they have never taken us into the precincts of St. Aidan's or St. Bees'. These "Recollections," however, fill but a small part of the volume. At p. 33 we are introduced to the author's "first curacy," and from that time follow him in his "Church experiences." These, though they have here and there some amusing touches of the rough and what we may call the "practical joke" kind of humour, are not, on the whole, either interesting or edifying.