A sharp controversy has been going on all the week
between the Nonconformist Home-rulers, as represented by Mr. Hugh Price Hughes, and the Unionists, represented chiefly by Mr. T. W. Russell, which has led to a very im- portant letter of Mr. Russell's printed in Wednesday's 'limes,. in which he gives recent instances of the consequence of - Irish Boycotting and Campaigning. Of these, the most im- portant is the " boycott " that led to the murder of Bridget Flanagan at Moher, in County Clare. Flanagan had taken the farm of Miss O'Brien, who was evicted under Mr. Gladstone's. administration for non-payment of rent ; but before Flanagan. competed for and got the farm, Miss O'Brien had died, leaving • no representatives. Nevertheless, Flanagan was strictly boy-. cot ted for taking the farm, but held on, going to Ennis (20 miles, distant) to get previsions, and to Athlone (100 miles distant) to sell his cattle. At last, in 1889, the boycott was taken off,. and Flanagan was thrown off his guard ; and then only a few weeks ago three shots were fired through the bedroom window,. in bright moonlight, one of which killed his daughter Bridget on the spot. Such are the results of that evil system which the- Irish Home-rulers of both sections treat as the greatest step, in Irish progress which this century has witnessed.