A very C111'101113 division of the Irish Party exists at
Cork. The present Mayor, who was unanimously re-elected for a second year of office on December 1st, 1890, is a Parnellite, as all the Common Council were at the time of his re-election; but on his accession to office on Thursday, only 21 out of 56 attended at his installation, as the greater number of the Council go with the Anti-Parnellites. Indeed, the City High Sheriff refused to be installed at the same time, that he might not be identified with the Mayor ; and the Bishop of Cork wrote declining to receive, as he usually does, the new Mayor,. on the ground that recent political events rendered this course- impossible. Yet the Mayor had attended the Leinster Hail meeting, and supported Mr. Parnell's claims after all was known that could be known about the divorce case, at the- request of all but one of the members of the Council. Of course the City Court-House where the installation took place. was the scene of a great Parnellite ovation to the Mayor, who- afterwards stbstituted for the usual visit to the Roman Catholic Bishop a visit to the political prisoners in gaol. The heat between the Parnellites and Anti-Parnellites seems to be rising higher than ever, but probably it is half histrionic.. They may be falling on each other's necks to-morrow.