A BBOTT'S, Dr., Attack on Cardinal New- ...2C man .
Adler, Dr., appointed Chief Rabbi... 888 Admiralty Intolerance and the Naval Volunteers 852
— Skeleton, the ... .„ 886 Africa, the Division of.„ 784 -•-• South, Portuguese Revolt and Obstruotion — Rhodes, Mr. C., and his Schemes 582 — — the Probability of another War in... 716.747 Ald6, Mr. IL, on the Art of Conversation 789 Alchemy, Modern Allen, Mr. G., on "Diamonds and Demooracy " 657 Allots, Dr., on Unionism and Home-rule in con-
nection with" the Nonconformist Conscience" 8
Almanacs and Weather-Prophets ... ... 540
America, a Negro Emigration from ... ... 118 - and Italy
— (Spanish), the Cause of Revolutions in 234 (See also "United States.") American /3'armer.Organisations 49 Animal 2335thotios 621453 Animals, the Military Tactics of 306 Annuities for the Aged, Mr. Chamberlain's Pro- posal for ... Anti-Co-operative Congress, the Anti-Faddists, the, Where are they ? Antiquarians, a Word for the Aristotle, the supposed Lost Treatise of, on the Early Constitution of Athens ... 115
Art (English), Mr. Goschen on 868
Asiatio Notion of Justice, the ... ... 271 Aston Manor, Unionist Victory at ... 432 Athens, the supposed Lost Treatise of Aristotle on the Early Constitution of 11.5
Australian Constitution, the First Idea of the 934
ACCADAT Case, the .........7:: .822-823 Baden-Powoll, Sir G., on a Cosmopolitan Railway Bedford, the late Duke of 341 Belgium, the Suffrage Agitation in ... 112 Bell Cox Case, New Phase of the ... 505 Bench, Changes on the 163
Birds, English, in Snow 80
Birmingham. Mr. Chamberlain on... ... ... 7 Bismarck, Prince, and the German Emperor 265 Blackburn Emento '471 Bompas, Mr., on the Legality of Strikes-, 73 Bonaparte, the House of .,. , 433 Books, English Niggardliness in 410 Booth, Gen., his Plan Prof. Huxley's Irish Story in Relation to ... 44 — Mr. C., on the London Poor ... 853 Boulogne, the Irish " Ne otiations " at... 42 Boy-Messengers, the, and Mr. Ralkee 435 Brarllaugh Debate, the ... 162 Bradley's, Dean, Easter-Day Sermon 470 British Museum, the " Find" at the ... 115 Budget, Mr. Goschen's 580
CAMBRIDGE Spinning-House Scandal, the... 332
— the Teaching of Greek at 820 Canada and the United States 194.501 Canadian Elections, the . . 2a8 Capital and Labour, the Commission on, and the Conservative Party ... 296 Capitalists Writ Large, or Co-operators? 885 Cards: Ladies' Whist.. 47
Cart-Horse, the ... ... 340 Catholic March in Ireland, the Opportunity of 368 — Disabilities and Historical Conservatism ... 284
Census, the, in Ireland 785 Chamberlain, Mr., on Birmingham ... ... 7 — — at Portsmouth 470 — — his Proposal for Annuities to the Aged ... 682 — his Epigram ... 880 Childhood, the Heroism of ... — 81 Children the Society for the Protection ... 653
Childrente Dinners 166 - Parties 79
(Milian Naval Fight, the ,„ ele Church, Lay Help in the „.580 Churchill, Lord B., on the House of Commons... 595 Civilisation, a Canadian Archbishop on ... ... 196 Clergy, the, in Conference 537 Clothes v. Dress117 Collings, Mr. J., and the Small Holdings Bill ... 371 Colonial Church, Mr. Gladstone on the ... 8132 Colvin, Sir A., on the "Standard of Comfort" Commercial Federation, Mr. .Gosehein ... Commons, the House of, Lord 11. Churchill on.., Conformist and Nonconformist Conscience:- - Alton, Dr., on, in oonneetion with Unionism and Home-rule
— Hughes, Rev. H. Price, on
— Wakefield, Bishop of, on the Conservative Party, the, and the C4mmission on
Capital and Labour... ... Conservatism, Hindoo
— Historical, and Catholic Disabilities Continent, Agitation on the (April 10th) Conversation, the Art of „. Cooke, Mr. R., on Historioal Conservatism and Cathollo Disabilities 0o-operators, or Capitalists Writ Large? Costliness, the Immorality of ... Connt-Outs, the ...
Craven, Mrs. A. ,..
Crowds, the Cowardice of Curates, the Training of
Currency, Mr. Gordian's Ideas on...
TAELPHI, the Secret of 804 D'Haussonville, M., on French Legislation 237 "Diamonds and Democracy," Mr. G. Allen on... 657 682 717 682 10 787 241 266 535 6 76 110 296 168 234 500 789 234 885 657 ... 370 474 876 269-302 ... 161 Dicey. Prof., on the Liberal Unionist Conscience Dinners, Children's Discipleship Dissolution, the Question of (May 8th) Dramatic Art, a School of ... Dress v. Clothes ...
Duff arm, Lord, on Public) Speaking — — on Chivalry for Women Durham, the Bishop of, on University Extension "VASTER Difficulty, the Modern 12.4 Edwards, Miss A. B., on the Art of the Novelist Eight-Hours Movement, the Elections :—Aston Manor, Capt. Grioe-Hutehin- son elected for ...
— Hartlepool, Mr. Furness elected for .„ Endurance, the Decay of ... English Birds in Snow — Niggardliness in Books European Frost, the ...
"Evil Life" Society, the
FAIIINES, the Probability of Great Indian- Ferrer, Mr. T. 0., on the Luxury of Safety Fireside Polities
Fog and Frost Form and Music Fortune-Telling ... France i—Constans% IL, Poor-Law Bill — D'Haussonville's, M., Speech — German Emperor, the, and the Passport — "Ifelinite Scandal," the... .„ 881 — Napoleon, Prince Jerome, Illness of ... 372 — Senatorial Elections, the... .. 42 — "Thermidor," the Suppression of ... ... 165 Free Education, the Government on.., 613-849 — — Mr. Gosehen on the Conservative View of 782 — — the Bill on 816 French Colonisation, M, de Talleyrand on ... 404 Frost, the European ... Ill Furness, r., Returned for Hartlepool 108 rit.AMBLING, Is it on the Increase? 235 Garner, Prot, on the Language of Apes ... 787 Genius, the Sanity of 749 — Does it Dwindle as Talents Multiply ? ... 854 Germany :— — Emperor, the, and Prince Bismerok 265 — — the, and France 360 — — the, on Students' Duels ... 687 — Moltke, Marshal von, death of 612 Gladstone, Mr., the Effect of the Irish Revolt on his Mind 4 — — his Elaetioity 167 — — on Welsh Disestablishment 298 — — at Hastings .,, 402 — — on "The Homerio Artemis" 406 — — his Leader in the Lords 500 — — his Sanguineness 741 — — on the Colonial Church ... 882 Gladstonians, the Double-Consciousness of 850 — — and the General Election 880 Gosohen, Mr., his Ideas on Currency 161 — — and Commercial Federation ... 286 — — his Budget ... 580
— on English Art ... „.856 — — and the Conservative View of Free Educe-
Government, the, and Free Education ... 613.849 Granville, Lord ... 404 Great Britain, the Italian Premier on 536 Greek, the Teaching of ... 820 Grioe-Hutoliinson, Capt., elected for Aston Grimthorpe, Lord, on the Lincoln Judgment 74 lETAKES, Mr., and the Bell Cox Case ... ... 505 .1.1. Banbury, Mr., and the Parliamentary Bar 403 Harrison's, President, Speech 584 Hartington, Lord, his Three Groat Points ... 101 — — on the Liberal Unionist Conscience „, 193 — — his Epigram ... .„ ,„ 880 Hartlepool Defeat, the ... ... 108 Hatreds, National ... ... 299 Ravel), Mr., on Sublimity .., ... 11 Healy, Mr., and the Anti-Parnellite Meeting in Dublin " Hodda Gabler" at the Vaudeville Theatre ... 589 Hereditary Poets, the Rarity of „. 719 Horsehair s, Lord, Bill 301 Hindoo Conservatism... ... 168 Hirsch, Baron, and the Russian Jews _ 716 Home-rule and Mr. Morley 40 — — or Unionism in Relation to the Nonoon- formist Conscience 6 Homer, the Charm el.., 406 House-Building, the Woes of „, 8943 Hours Question, the ... 164 Hughes, Mrs. W., on" Voiee•Figurea" ,„ C69 Hughes, Rev, H. Price, on the Nonconformist Conscience .„ 76 Hull, the Archbishop of York at ... 438 Husband and Wife ... 4311 — — Lord Penzance on ... 61S Huxley, Prof., his Irish Story in Relation to Gen. Booth's Plan ... .„ „, ,„ 44
IMMORTALITY. M. Renan's Conception of... 887 India, the " Standard of Comfort" in ... 241
India : Mu:m(11mm, the Future of 883 Indian Famines, the Probability of Groat ... 507 Influenza, the ... 718 Ireland :- — Catholic Church, the Opportunity of the ... 338 — the Census in '785 — a Physical Union with „. ... 77 — Political Levity in... ... 433 303 650 432 108 338 80 449 111 539 507 720 78 12 689 688 818 237 TACKSON Case, the ... .. ... ... 620
U James, Sir 11., on the Political Power of
the Priesthood ... ... 539 Jews, their Position in Europe ... ... 619
— the Now Chief Rabbi ... ... ". Sig
Judielal Danger, the New ... ...
Justice, the Asiatic Notion of „, 111 271 Ti EENE, Charles
— his Drawings " Killing Self"... Kluglake, Mr.
Koch in the High Alps
T ABOUR and Capital, the Commission on, and
J....1 the Conservative Party, Ace. 2911-532
Labour, the Pope's Encyclical on ... 780
Ladies' Whist ... ... 47 Laud-purchase Bill, Broad Effects of the 863 Lang, .Mr. A., on Wayward Woman ... 857 Lsy Help in the Church ... ... 516 Letter-Writing, Cardinal Newman's View of 114 Liberal Unionist Conscience, the ... ... 193 — — Party, the, Is it an Abortion P 400 Licensing Question. the. Mr. Ellis on 618 — — and Temperance Terrorism... 437 Lincoln Judgment, the, Lord Grimtborpo on 74 Literature, the Dignity of, and Middlemen ... 752 Local Option, the Victory of 405 London, Bishop of, on Lay Help in the Church 586 — the Growth of ... 819 — Poor, the, and Mr. C. Booth .,. 853 Lynching Affair, the, at New Orleans ... 400 lefa.CAULAY, Mr. Leslie Stephen on ... 337 111. Macdonald, Sir J. A... 817 Magazine Rifles, the Debate on ... 198 Hague, Dr. (Archbishop of York) ... ... 74-648 Malingering for Money 652 Manning, Cardinal, his Description of Socialism 270 May let Demonstration, the „, 650 " 5161inito Scandal," the ... 881 Men and Apes ... .,. 787 Middlemen and the Dignity of Literature ... 752 Military Teeth's of Animals ... „. 806 Miracles, Mrs. Humphry Ward on... ... 612 Moltke, Marshal von ... 655 Monarchs, Modern 855 Money-Lenders (Protection from), Lord Her. sohell's Bill on ... ... 301 Morley, Mr. J., and Home-rule ... 40 — — at Newcastle .., — — his Final Vote of Censure — on Local Option Mozley, Mies, on Cardinal Newman's Letters Dinueepore Outbreak and Massacre 465-501-614.631 — the Future of 883 Murders :—Whitoehapel (Frances Cole) ......335 335 Mufilp and Form 6,89 Mussulman World, Lord Salisbury on the 715 iskTAPOLEON, Prinoe Jerome, Illness of 372
.1.11 National Hatreds ... 299
Naval Exhibition, the ... ... 654 — Volunteers, the, and Admiralty Intolerance 852 Negro Danger, the, in the United States ... 9 — Emigration from America, a ... 113 Newcastle, Mr. J. Morley at 72
Newfoundland Difficulty, the, tro.... 434.4 — Debate in the House of Lords on ... 617 — Compromise, the748 Newman, Cardlual, his View of Letter-Writing 114
— Dr. Abbott's attack on ... .„ 538,537
Niebet, Mr. J. F. on the Sanity of illsualus ... 749 — — on Men of Genius Nonconformist and Conformist 001110101100:— — Alton, Dr., on, in Cenneetion with Unionism
and Horne-rale ... 6 — Hughes, Itev. 11. Price, on ... 76 — Wakefield, Bishop, on the ., 110 North, Col., and his Architect 836 Novelist, the Art of the, Miss A. B. Edwards on 303 Novelty, the Sinfulness of .., 249
OAPRS, Parliamentary, the Debate on O'Brien, Dr. (Catholic Archbishop 'in 162 Canada) on Civilisation 198 Oliphant, Mrs. L., en" Killing Self" Omnibus Men's Strike, the 812 "One Man, One Vote" 233 Opium Buyemio. the Vote against... 531
DANTHEISM, the Lower ... .,„ 1. Pantomime, a Real ... Parliament 1—Bradningh Debate, the — Cobb, Mr., and the New Judicial Danger — Count-Outs, the ...
— Dissolution, the Question of (May 8th) ... — Free Education, Proposal for — Free Edneation Bill, the.,. — Goschen, Mr., and Commeroial Federation — Borscht:ars, Lord, Bill ... — Hours Question, the — Laud-purchase Bill, Third Reading of — Licensing Question, Mr. Ellie's Motion on — Lords, the, Mr. Gladstone's Leader in ... 193 Ireland :—Two Forgotten Facts about ...
166 — Ulster, our Duty to 407
202 Irish Compromise, the New... „, 160
375 — Demands, the New ... 192 374 — Forgiveness..................
648 648 — "Negotiations," the, at Boulogne, ezo. 49.232 169 — Quarrel, Progress of the ,„ 585
117 — Revolt, the Effect of on Mr. Gladstone's Mind 4
593 Italian Premier, the, on Great Britain 536 506 Italy and America.„ ,„ 466 875 — the Economic Condition of „. ... 469 — the "Secret Treaty" with ... .„ ,„ 781 470 "Ivanhoe" at the Royal English Opera,„ 201
110 ••• 48 1. ••• 409 ••• 824 .11 .1 46
— 274 72 264 405 114 686 475 162 580 370 370 648 613 816 263 301 161 849 618 500 Parliament :—Magazine Rifles, Debate on ... 198 — Morley% Mr. J.. Final Vote of Censure ... 264 — Muneepore, the Debit e on ... 744.851 — Newfoundland, Debate in House of Lords on 617 — Opium Revenue, the Vote against .., 534 — Party Machine, the Momentum of the ... 880 — Reform, the Unseasonable Debate on _ 833 — Roman Catholie Disabilities Bill, Debate on 193 — Small Holdings Bill, the ... ... 371 — Verney, Capt., his Case and Expulsion 651-683 Parliamentary Bar, the ... ... 403 — Government, Lord Salisbury on the Flaw in 714 Parnell, Mr., his Programme (January 23rd) 108 — en the Stump .„ 800
Panaellite Split, the Speaker on the ... 267
Party Machine, the Momentum of the 880 Penzance, Lord, on Husband and Wife ... 615 Plagiarism, the Cry of 805 Political Levity in Ireland 433 — Prospect, the (May 15th) .., 680 Politics, Fireside .,. .„ 78 Poor-Law, M. Constans' Bill for, in France 818 Pope, the, his Encyclical on Labour 780 Portugal, the inaneial Crisis in (May 15th) ... 681 Portuguese Revolt and Obstruction in Africa 195-581 Post Office, the, and the Boy.Messenger Question 435 Priesthood, the, Sir H. James on the Political Primrose League, the, and Lord Salisbury Prince of Wales's Theatre, a Real Pantomime at Privaoy, the Defence of ••• Privileged Speaking ... ••• Prosers, Able -. ..• ••• Public, the, se Confidant — Meeting, Inquiry by ... ..• ••• •••
Q— Speaking, Lord Dufferin on ... ••• tIBEN, the (of Great Britain), as Statesman 783 Queen Natalie, the Expulsion of .., 712
13 ABBL the New Chief ... 888
itt Raikes, Mr., and the Boy-Messengers ... 435 Railway, a Cosmopolitan, Sir G. Baden-Powell on 238
— Strike in Scotland, the ... 8 Recruiting Difficulty, the 269 Reform, the Unseasonable Debate on 333 Henan% M., Conception of Immortality ... 7 Rhodes, Mr. C, and South Africa-. 582 Roman Catholic Disabilities Bill, the Debate on 193 "Rue in Urbe " 825 Russian Jews, the, and Baron Hireeh 746 714
— on the Mussulman World ... 715
Scepticism, Mr. Leslie Stephen on .,. 199 Behliemann. Dr., his Career, &e. .., 10 Scotland, the Wavering in, and its Signitioance 712 Scottie]] Railway Strike, the ... ... 8 Seal-Fishery Dispute, the 616 Selborne end Weimer Forest ... 791 Sensational Trials 588.788 Sherman's, GPI), Civil Career ... ,„ 721 , Skating, ti Rhapsody on ,.. „, 116 Small Holdings Bill, the .. 371 Snow, English Birds in 80 Socialism, Cardinal Manning's Description of 270 Socialist Dreams ..„.. 45 Society, the Hours of... .„ 889 Soudan : the Battle of Tokar 297 Spanish America, the Cease of Revolutions in„, 284 Spinning-House (Cambridge) Scandal, the ... 3112 Stephen, Mr. Leslie, on Scepticism 190 — — — on MacAulay „. 887 Stephen, Sir J , ReAignation of _ 502 Story-Telling, the Salem* of ... 508 Street-Music ... 408 Strikes, the Legality of _ 73 — Omnibus Men's, the ... 786.821 — Railway, the, in Scotland 8 Students' Duels, the German Emperor on 687 Sublimity, Mr. Haven on .., .„ 11 Suffrage Agitation in Belgium, the ... 112 Superstitions /11
ALLEYRAND, 11. de, on French Colonise- L lion
Temperance Tcrrorlsan and the Lieenaing Quint- tlon Thaokeray, Was ho most Satirist or Novelist ? "Thermidor, ' the Suppression of...
Tokar, the Battle of . Too Late—Too Soon L.. Trials:-
- Baccarat Case, the... 788.822.823 — Jaektme Case, the 620
— "North m Cutler" ..• ... 886
Sensatioeal „. 588-788 Trade, Lout Salisbury on Legislative Inter- ference in ... 332 Turkey :—Yemen, the Revolt of 886 TIMER, our Duty to ... 467 1.../ Unionism or Home-rule in Relation to the Nonconformist Conscience 6 United Stat:s :•••• — and Canada 194-501 — Executive, the, and its Foreign Policy ... 41 — Fanner-Organisations in ... 43 — Harrison's, President, Speech. ... 581 — Malingering for Money in ... ... 652 — Negro Danger, the ... 9 — New Orleans, the Lynching Affair at ... 400 University Extension, the Bishop of Durham on 375 University of London, Discussion on the Draft VAUDEVILLE Theatre " Hedda Goblet" attito "Voiee•Figures," Mrs. W. Hughes on
WAKEFIELD, the Bishop of, on the Con- formist and Nonconformist Conscience 110 Ward, Mrs. Hun Om on Miracles 055
Weather-Prophets and Almanacs 340
Welsh Di, establishment, Mr. °hid:done on 299
Whitechapel Murder, the (Fri:flees Cales) ... 335
Wh 1st, Ladles' .•. ... 47
Wife and Husband .•• ••• ... 439
533 582 475 200 822 407 620 532 503
SAFETY, the Luxury of ... 720 Salisbury, Lord, on Legislative Interfer-
ence in Trade .. 332 Salisbury, Lord, and the Primrose League ... 582 - - on the Flaw in Parliamentary Govern- 104 437 30$ 165 297 889 5811 689 Wild Birds' Eggs, the Destruction of 273 Wineless Dinners ... 202 Weimer Forest and Selborne ... 791 Woman, Wayward, in Defence of 857 Women, a Chivalry Wanted for 506 Women's Liberal Federation, Mr. Gladstone at 744 World, the Recoil from the ,„ ... 239
-17EMEN, the Revolt of ... 88(1
York, Archbishop of, his First Appearances in Public; and Death of ... 438.648 POETRY.
Child's Hair, a (W. Watson).- Cuckoo, the Dancer, a Darling of the Year, the IF. Langbridge) Kitty Neale (A. P. Graves) ...
Lost Legend, a ... „, Minstrel Boy, the : New Style
Paul, Eighteen Months Old, to (W. T. Webb Saul on Mount Olivet (W. C. Wilkinson)....... ' Sir Bedivere,' Outward Bound (H. W. Jones)...
' Sommerstemning (Clara G. Duff) _ Sonnets, Two: Pessimism and Optimism (E. Hawthorn) ... 860 Sorrow 756 Spring, to (J. Dennis)... 31.3 477
Tennyson, Lord, to (P. *H. Warren; 593
Vignette, a (J. Hogben) „, _ 51 Waters, Parting and Mooting of the (J. Truman) 793
Word in Season, a (j. Truman) ... .„ 513 ART.
Burlington Rouse, Old Masters at 171 English Art Club, the New ... 544 — Water•Colouriste, the 243 Fine Art Sod ty, the .„ ... 411 Four Exhibitions ... 411 Goupll's, Messrs., Gallery ... ... 411 Guelph Exhibition, Portrait Art at the ... ... 85 Hunt's, Mr. Holman, New Picture 724 New Gallery, the ... 692 Painter•EDihers and others... 343 Richmond, Mr. W. B., on Portrait 591 Royal Academy. the ... 625.060 — — and the Hanover Gallery .1 75( Water-Colour Society. the Old ... 626 Water-Colours, Royal Institute of Painters in... 411
— Royal Scottish gimlet y of Painters in... .., 412
33 0 OE B.—Authors.
A DAMS, —History of the United States ... 726 11. Arnold, Sir IC.—The Light of the World... 540 Arnold, E. L.—The Wonderful Adventures of
Phra the Phoenician ... 311 Ache, T.—Poetical Works of S. T. Coleridge 249 Atkinson, Blanche—They Have Their Howard— 863 — J. C.—Cleveland and the Dale-Folk ... 661
D ARING-GOULD, Troubadour.Land 383
— — Urith, &o. 595 Barkley, H. 0.—A Ride through Asia Minor and Benham, W., and R. T. Davidson—Life of Arch- bishop Tait ... 861.891 Bentley (pub.)—An Australian Girl 180 Tiosant, W.—Annorel of Lyonesse ... 140 13.—A Buddhist Catechism „. 176 Bickley, A. C., and G. S. Ourryer—Handfasted 812 Bishop, E., and F. A. Gasquet— Edward VI. and the Book of Common Prayer ... ... 15 Black, W.—Stand Fast, Craig Royston „. 119 13odenstedt, F. von—Memoirs, &e. 419 Beldrewood, R,—A Colonial Refertner ... 150 Bovet, Marie A. de—Gonned's Life and Works.., 88 Bowes, J. L.—japanese Pottery 504 Boyle, F.—Her Evil Genius 896
Brett, T.—Commentarles on of
England ... 56 Bridges, R.—Achilles in Soirees 382 Briuton, D. G.—America before Columbus 125 Brown, H. F.—The Venetiau Printing-Press SI Broughton, Rhoda—Alas I 83 Bullen, A. EL—Davison'e Poetioal Rhapsody 727 Bury, .1. R —The Nemean Odes of Pinder 799 Butler, Sir W.—Sir C. Napier 51
CALDER, C. H. S., and H. Meyer—Aoross East African Glaciers 446 Castellani, (1.—The Venetian Printing-Press „, 51
Castle, E.—Consequenoes 516 (Mister% Archdeacon—The Slave Prince ... 20 Church, R. W.—The Oxford Movement ... 415-477 Cobb, T.—On Trust ... 312 Oolomb, Admiral P. H.—Naval Warfare... 865 Conney, Mrs.—A Line of Her Own .., 312 Conway, M. D.—Gen, Washington's Rules of
EAR.. ,L—A Treatise on English Proze 280 Emerson, P. 11.—The Adventures of a Hoinieboat ... 17 t
Ensor, Laura—Sitter Philom5ue ..• ... 212 444 660 206 411 171 85 593 276 313 120 310 380 793 347 Corelli , Marie—Wormwood, &e. .,. l2 Crawford, F. M.—naiad : Tale Of Arabia 895 Cunningham. P.—Letters of Horace Walpole 626 Curryer, G. S., and A. C. Bickley—Handfasted 312 Curtin, J.—Russian Folk-Tales ... 482 ra,AUDET, A., and H. James—Port Tarasoon 147 Davidson, A. F.—The Memoirs of Alexandre Dumas 147 Davidson, R. T., and W. Benham—Life of Arch- bishop Tait .. 861.891 De Leon, T. C.—An Inside View of the Southern Confederacy,„ . 5,35 E Dleksee, P., and . Dowden—Othell „
o 175
Hideo, R.. P.—Jdaus Christ „, 833 Doheon, A.—Horace Walpole 626 Dormer, D.—Steven Vigil ... 803 Dowden, E., and P. Dicke:ea—Othello .„ 175 Howie, Mem M.—A Girl in the Karpathinns ... 731 Daloken, H. W.—Dr. Peters's African Expo. TOILCONER, L.—The Hotel d'Anglaterre, An 829 Farjenn. B. L.—Basil and Annette ... 150 Farrar, F. W.—Sermons, &o. 19 Venda% P., and F. O. Philips—My Face is My Fortune Field, Mrs. E. M.—The Child itai his Book Fitzgerald, P.—The History of Piokwiok... Forrest, R. E.—Eight Days Frasier, Sir W.—Disraeli and his Day ... ,„ Frazer, J. G.—The Golden Bough... _ ..„
QASQUET, F. A., and E. Bishop—Edward VI. and the Book of Common Prayer Gepp, H. M.—The First Crossing of Greenland... Gerard, E. and D.—A Sensitive Plant ...
Germain. P.—Rhea „, Gibb, W., W. H. St. J. Hope, and J. Skelton— The Royal House of Stuart Gilpin, W. B.—Ranch-Land .„ Gissing, G.—Now Grub Street Glazebrook, Ethel—The Dower of Earth Gooch, Fanny 0.—Face to Face with the Mexicans
Gordon, A. L.—Poems, ... — Mrs. .1'. E. H.—Domeatie and Decorative Electricity Grace, W. G.—Orieket
Graham, S.—A Bolt from the Blue ... — W.—Socialise], New and Old „. „, dard, O.—Edmond Soberer Gross, C.—The Gild Merchant
HAGGARD, 0.11., and A. Lang—The World's
Desire 249 Hale, Susan—Tim Story of Xiexioo 550 Halliday, H. 0.—Some One Must Suffer ... 895 Hart°, B.—A. Sappho of Green Springs ... 449 Hartland, E. 13.—The Science of Fairy-Tales ... 177
Hastie, 'W.—The Philosophy of Right, Seo. ... 833 Hay, J., and J. G. Nieolay—Abraham Lincoln.„ 563
Henty, G. A.—A Hidden Foe 896 Herman, H., and D. C. Murray—He Fell among Thieves Hill, G. B.—Dr. 'Johnson in Scotland
Holland, H. 13.—Mdme. Jenny Lind•Goldsohmidt Homer, A. N,—The Riehost Merchant in Hotter- dana Hope, W. H. St. J., W. Gibb, and J. Skelton—
The Royal House of Stuart ... 55 Houghton, Lord—Stray Verne. 862 Hug, Mrs. L., and R. Stead—Switzerland 124 Hughes, H. P.—Sermons, &o. 19 Mulish, M. B., and Mrs. A. Hunt—Turner's Richmendshire Hungerford, Mrs.—Aprll's Lady Hunt, Mrs. A„ and M. B. Huish—Turner's
Richmondshire Hunter, Sir W. W.—Lord Mayo TNGELOW, Joan—Very Young, and Quite Another Story TK. 8."—LapAns Otslami 661
• James, 0.—Curiosities of Law & Lawyers 310 James, H., and A. Daudet—Port Tarasoon ... 147 Jameson, Mrs. J. 8.—Mr. Jameson'a Diary ... 5$ Jobb, R. 0.—The Philootetes of Sophooles 347 Jennings, L.—The Philadelphian 513 Johnson, R. B.—Essays and Poems of Leigh Hunt Johnston, P.—The Prototype of Hamlet EMBLE, Frances A.—Last Letters of 412 11 Keith, L.—A. Lost Illusion 761 Kernahan, O., and F. Looker-Lampson—Lyra Elegantiarem King, R. A--Lave Legacy— „, — — Bell Barry ...
Kipling, R.—The Light that Failed ... Knowles, R. B. 19.—tilencoonoge
LANG, A., and IL U. Haggard—The World's Desire Lang A.—Essays in Lit le d„, XLangiridge, Cracked Flo, L Maei
A. F.—Visitations of Southwell Minister Le Clem H. 10.—A Rainbow at Night ... Lee, S., and L. Stephen—Dictionary of National Biography Leland, . G.—Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune- Leslie, K. C.—Old-Fashioned Shipping Lightfoot, j. B.—Chonbridge Sermons Lindsay, Lady—Bertha's Earl
Lioy, D.—The Philosophy of Right. t"••• ••• L00135 C 8.—The Charity Organisation Society and General Booth
Locker-La:ninon, F., and C. /Cornell:in—Lyra Elegant iartun
Loraine, N.—The Battle of Belief... Lowell, J. R.—Writings, &o.
ATAA.RTENS, M.—Au Old Maid's Love ... 707 H.—Ednor Whitlock 632 Macdonald, G.—There and Beek 895 — J.—Light in Afrioa 209 Macgeorge, A.—The Church of Scotland, &e. 893 Mackay, A. M., Life of—By his Sisters ... 566
— T.—A Plea for Liberty 76a Maguire, J. F., and Rosa Mulholland—Father Mathew
Male, A.—Soenes through the Battle-Smoke ... 144 Malet, L.—The Wages of Sin „. 311 Mallet, B.—Free Exchange, &c. ,„ ,,, 381 Marlette. A.—Outlinee of Egyptian History ••• 417 Martin, Anne—Home-Life on an Ostrich-Farm 311 martinean, J.—Essays, Reviews, and Addresses 121 — L. S.—Lan:mum .„ 827 Mathew, F. J.—Father Mathew 122 McCarthy, J.—Bir Robert Peel ... 691 McNeill, J.—Sermons, &O. „, ,.„.. 19 Meredith, G.—One of our Conquerors ... 763 Merriman, H. S.—Prisoners and Captives .., 440 Meyer, H„ and C. S. H. Calder—Across East African Glaciers Middleton, J. H.—Engraved Gems of Classical Miles, A. H.—Poets and Poet' of the Century — C. P.—Correspondenee of W. A. Miles _
Milroy, A.—The Church of Scotland, Ac, Moon, G. W.—Mon and Women of the Time Moore, A. L.—The Reformation, &c.
— Romp, &o. .„ 86 663. 596 89$ 725 415
15 631 596 515,
55 ao 761 598 91 461
514 682 418 861 86 597,
31.4, 627 765.
88 419.
88 515 20 881 396 126 150 765 174 448 219 518 750 45:1 801 31$
310 210, 19 996 832
12$ 126 729 09$ 146 698 6i17 567 898 517 90 4115 122 Iffunby, A. 5.-Veatigle, Reirorsum ... 892 Murray. A. S.-History of Greek Sculpture ... 262 - D. C., and H. Herman-He Fell among Thieves
NANSEN, F.-The First Crossing of Green. land .- .'. Dehe631 NeedeII, Mrs. J. H.-StephenElliootl's au 596 Newman, F. W.-Early History of Cardinal
Newman Nicolay, J. G., and J. Hay-Abraham Lincoln-. Nicoll, W. R.-The Expositor's Bible
Niven, T. B. W., and R. II. Story-The Modern
Church of Scotland... _ 381 Niven, W. D.-Prof. Maxwell's Scientific Works 546
Norris, W. E.-Marcia 87 rieCIONOR DON, 0. 0.-The °Tonere of
Connaught ..„ 728
Oliphant, Mrs-Janet„. .. ... 595
- Life of L. Oliphant ... ... 757 Oman, C. W.-Warwick the King•Maker ... $45
Orr, Mrs. 8.-Life and Letters of R. Browning 793 Osborn, Emily F. D.-Mrs. Osborn's Letters ... 277 PRDOE, Julia-Life of Marie de Mediois Pfirker, C. 8.-Sir Robert Peel Perry, Nora-Another Flock of Girls Philips, F. C., and P. Fendall-My Face is My
Fortune 864 Preston, Harriet W.-F. Mistral's Mirdio ... 276 Priers. Eleanor C.-The Little One 150 Prinsep, V.-Virginia, .„ 149 Pritchard, O.-Sermons, ,„ 19 Pollock, Sir 8.-The Science of Politics ... 172 Porter, N.-Webster's Dictionary .. ... 518
RAR, W. F.-An American Duchess .„ 764 Rankin, J.-The Creed in Scotland 896 Renan, IC.-Ideas of 1999 ..• 795
Rile, J. A.-The Slums of Now York ... 914 Roberts, G. B., and D. Sladen-Younger Ameri- Itookstro. W. S.-Madame Jenny Lind-Gold- 627 Roy, 61-.-His Cousin Adair ... 764 Rummell, Dora-A Bitter Birthright 896 - W. C,-A Marriage at Sea 418 AINTSBURY, G.-Essays in English Litera-
t tore 148
Saintshury, G.-Essays on French Novelists 761 Scott, A.-Buddhism and Christianity ... 176 SedidY, L. 13.-Mrs. Thrale, her Life, deo. 53 fShelley, Mres. H. W.-Tales aud Stories ,„ 18
Shields, G. O.-The Big Game of North America 146 Skelton, J., W. Gibb, end W. H. St, J. Hope-
The Royal House of Stuart ... ,„ 55 Sladen, D , and G. B. Roberts-Younger Ameri- can , 866 Ellosson, Annie T.-Seven Dreamers ... 997 Smalley, G. W.-London Letters, deo. .„ 246 Smart, H.-The Plunger ... 515 Smiles, 8.-A Publisher and his Friends... 480 Smith, G. A.-Tho Book of Isaiah .., 249 - G.-Life of A. Somerville _ 317 - Goldwin-Canada and the Canadian Question 479 Sonnenschein, E. A.-Pfantne: Redone 599 Spence, H. D. M.-The Story of the Norman Dukes 174 Spooner, W. A.-The Histories of Teeeitus 665 Stead, R., and lire. L. Hog-Switzerland _ 124 Steele, Sarah L.-Biography of the Right Hon. A. 58. Kavanaglu
Stephen, L. and B. Lee-Dictionary of National
Biography ... 313 Stevenson, R. L.-Ballade ... 17 Story, R. IL, and T. B. W. Niven-The Modern Church of Scotland... .,. 394 Story, R. H.-The Church of Scotland, Past and Present Stuart, Esm8-Keetell of Greystone - J. M.-The Ancient Gold-Fields of Africa ... Moeley, Anne-Cardinal Newman'e Anglican Letters . . .. 207-244
- T.-Lettere irom Rome, Are. 547
Mulholland, Rosa, and I. F. Maguire-Father 596 278 563 348 416 694 20 866
806 88 830
TAINE, M.-Le Rdgi me Moderne 1 'Pellet, R.-A Draught of Letho Tilton, Caroline-Holland and Its People ...
Tirard, H. 1. 1., and N.-Sketches from a Nile Steamer Thursfield, J. 11.-Peel
UTWIN (pub.)-Antobiography of J. Wton H. O.-Life of O. 3. Fox
Watson, J.-The Confessions of a Poacher Wheatley, H. B.-London, Past and Present .„ Wickham, E. 0.-The Works of Horace... ... Williams, M.-Later Loaves Wills, O. 3.-John Squire's Secret...
YONG% Charlotte M.-Two Penniless Prin. 005505
01K8.-Subj eats.
ERICA, the Ancient Gold-Fields of-X. M. is.. Stuum't
Africa, Light in-S. Macdonald ...
African, East Glaciers, Across-H. Meyer and America before Columbus-D. G. Brinton
- North, the Big Game of-G. 0. Shields ... Army Chaplain's Reininiseenoes, a-A. Male ... Asia Minor and Armenia, a Ride through-H.
BELIEF, the Battle of-N. Lorelei° Bodonetedt, F. von-Memoirs, &a. Booth, Gen., and the Charity Organisation
Society-O. S. Loch- Browning, R., Life and Letters of-Mrs. S. Orr Buddhism and Christianity-A. Scott Buddhist Catechism. a-S. Bilikshu
CANADA and the Canadian Qin:ellen-GM- win Smith Charity Organisation Society, the, and Gee.
Booth-C. S. Leah „. 315 5475 9615 Oils 694 208 247 281 $68 (397 895 448 830 209 446 125 116 144 696 720 449 123 703 176 176 199 123 Children's Literature in England-Mrs. B. M.
Field ffe of-H, P. bido Christ, L n Cleveland and the Dale-Folk-J. S. Atkinson Coleridge's Poetical Works-T. Jodie ... Orloket-W. G. Grace .„
DAYISONS Poetical Rhapsody-A. H. Sullen 727 Disraeli and his Day-Sir W. Fraser 725 Drama, An. :-
- Achilles in Scyroe-R. Bridges. . 392 Dumas, Alexandre, Memoirs of-A. F. Davidson 147
EDWARD VI. and the Book of Common Prayer-E. Bishop and F. A. Gascmet Egypt Past and Present-H. H. and N. Tirard Egyptian History, Outlines of Ancient-A.
Marlette ..
Electricity, Domestic and Decorative-Mrs. 3, E. FL Gordon ...
England, Commentaries on the Laws of-T. Brett English Literature, Eisaya in-G. Saintabury - Prose, a Treaties on-J.
Essays. deo. :- - French Novelists-G. Saintsbnry - - In Little-A. Lang - Reviews and Addresses-J. Martinean - Scientific and Philosophi 1). Moore Exchange, Free-B. Mallet ... . Expositor's Bible, the-W. R. Niodi
GE".Engraved, of Classiod Times-3. H. Middleton 698 Gild Merchant, the-S. Gross ... 507
Golden Bough, the-I. G. Frazer ... - 415 Gounod's Life and Works-Mario A. do levet... 88 Greek Sculpture, History of-A. 8. Murray ... 282 Greenland, the First Oros:dug of-F. Hansen and H. H. Copp Gypsy &reorient' Fortune-Telling-0.G. Leland 810
tistillY-TALE 4, the Soienoe of-E. S. Hartland 177
Fox, C. .0,, Life of-H. 0. Wakeman ... 247 663 833 661 249 662 761 $48 121 416 381 248 514 56 113 280 15 894 417 386 310 697 174 831
J'AMLICT, the Prototype of-W. P. Johnston Holland and its People-Caroline Tilton Horace, the Works of-E. O. Wickham Houseboat, the Adventures of a-P. II. Emerson Hunt, Leigh, Essays and Poems-R. B. Johnson
ISAIAH, the Book of (the Expositor's Bible)- JAMESON'S, J. 8., Diary in Africa-Mrs.
Japanese Pottery-J. L. Bowes ... Jefferson, J., Autobiography of-Uowin (pub.) Johnson, Dr, in Sockland-G. B. 11111 KARPATHIANS, a Girl in the-Mdnie M. Dowie
Kavanagh, Right Hon. A. M., Biography of-Sarah L. Steele ••• •.. ••• Kemble, Frances A,, her Lest Letters LAMENNAIS-L. S. Martineau Lapses Calami-" J. K. S." .„ Later Leaves-M. Williams...
Law and Lnwyers, Curioalties of-C. James ... Liberty, a Plea for-T. Mackay Lincoln, Abraham-J, G, Niedn,y and J.
Lincl-Goldsohnehit, Madame Sonny, Memoirs, &c.-11. S. Holland and W. El. Rookstro ... 627 London Letters, See.-G. W. Smalley 248 - Past and Prevent-IL B. Wheatley ... 568
Lowell, J. R.-Writiege, As. ... 693 Lyra Elegantiarum-F. Looker-Lamp:ton and
C. Kernahan _ 126 1■11 ACK AY of Ugande, Life of, by his Sister... 566 1V1 Magazines (se° " Current literature ") Mathew, Father-J. F. Maguire, F. J. Mathew, and Rosa Mulholland ..„.. 122 Maxwell's, Prof., Scientific Works-W. D. Niven 516 Mayo, Lord-Sir W. W. Hunter ... 513 Medici, Marie de, Life of-Julia Pardoe 416 Men and Women of the Time-G. W. Moon ... 517 Mexicans, Face to Facie with the-Fanny C.
Mexico, the Story of-Susan Hale... 850
Miles, W. A., Correspondence of-C. P. Miles 567
Murray, J., Memoir and Correspondence of ... 180 XTAPIER, Sir C.-Sir W. Butler-. 54 .1.1 National Biography, Dictionary of-L. Stephen and 8. Lee... 313 Naval Warfare-Admiral P. H. Colomb 865 Newman, Cardinal, his Anglican Letter-Anne Moseley... 207-244 - - Early History of-F. W. Newman... ... 278 New York, the Slums of-J. A. Rile ... _ 414 Norman Dukes, Story of the-H. 1). IL Spence 174 Novels, deo. :- - Alas I-Rhoda Broughton ... 88 - American Duohoes, an-W. F. Rao . 764 596 - Another Flock of Girls-Nera Perry ... 20 - April's Lady-Mrs, Hungerford 419 - Armors' of Lionease-W. Bosant 149 - Australian Girl, an-Bentley (pith,) /10 - Basil and Annette-lt. L. Fro jeon 15) - Bell Barry-R. A. King ,.. 765 - Bertha's Earl-Lady Lindsay 896 - Bitter Birthright, a-Dora Russell ... 6 - Bolt from the Blue, 9.-13. Graham ... 448 - Colonial Reformer, a-Ft, Boldraw)od 153 - Consequences-E. Castle... 516 - Draught of Lathe, a-R, Pellet 595 Ednor Whitlook-H, MaeColl 632 - Eight Days-R. B. Forrest „. 898 - Glenctoonoge-R. B. S. Knowles ... 448 Handfeated-A. 0. Maley and U. H. Curryer 312 - He Fell among Thieves-lternean and Murray 598 - Her Evil Genius-F. Boyle ... .., 896 - Hidden Foe, a-G. A, Henty 896 - His Cousin Austin-U. Roy .., 761 - HOW' d'Angleterre, the, &o.-L. Falconer .„ 829 - Janet-Mrs. Oliphant ... 595 - John Squire's Secret-C, S. Wills ... 448 - Segall of Greystono-Henid Stuart 86 Khaled, &e.-F, M. Crawford .„ .., 895 - Light that Failed, the-it 174 - Line of her Own, a-Mrs. Conney 312 55 564 208 3/4 731 4813 412 827 684 345 346 762 Novels, Ac.:- - Little One, the-Eleanor O. Price _ 150 - Lost Illusion, a-L. Keith ... .„ ... 764
- Love's Legacy-R. A. King 150
- Marcia -W. E. Norris ... 87
- Marriage at Sea, a-W. 0. Rueeell 448 - My Face is My Fortune-F, C. Philips and P.
Fendall 884 - New Grub Street-G. Gissing 784 - Old Maid's Love, Maartene 797 - One of our Conquerors-G. Meredith- ... 763 - On Trust-T. Cobb ... 312 - Philadelphian, the-L. Jennings _ 518 Phra the Plutonic:Ian, the Wonderful Adven- tures of-E. L. Arnold... 311 - Plunger, the-H. Smart ... 515 - Prisoners and Captives-ff. S. Merriman ... 449 - Rainbow at Night, a-hi. 94.. Lo Clare ... 863 Ranole•Land-W. B. G4lpin 20 - Rhea-P. Germain _ 515 Richest Merchant in Rotterdam, the-A. N.
Homer - Sappho of Green Springs, a-B. Harts 449 - Beusitive Plant, a-E. and D. Gerard... 596 - Seven Dreamers-Annie T. Sloseon 897 - Slave Prince, the-Arolnietecon Ohiewell 20 - Some One Must Suffer-IL Cl. Halliday ... 895 - Stand Fast, Craig Royston 1-W. Black ... 149 - Stephen Ellioott's Daughter-Mrs. Needell... 596 - Steven Vigil-D. Dormer ... ... 863 - Tales and Stories-Mrs, M. W. Shelley 18 - There and Baok-G. MacDonald _ 895 - They Have Their Reward-Blanche Atkinson 863 - Urith, &o.-S. Baring-Gould ... ... .595 - Very Young, are.-Jean Ingelow 2115 Virginie, Prinsep 149 - Wages of Sin, the-L. Malet ... 311 - World's Desire, the-Haggard and Lang 249 - Wormwood, &o.-Marie Curolit 912 'CONCHS of Connaught, the-C. 0. O'Conor
Don Olipheait, L., Life of-Mrs. M. ... 7.57
Osborn's, Mrs., Letters-Emily F. D. Osborn ... 277 °Art:oh-Farm, Home-Life on an-A.anio Martin 314 Oxford Movement, the-R. W. Church ... 415-477
pEEL Sir R.-Various Authors 691 Potent's, Dr., African Expedition-H. W. Duleken „. 760
Philomene, Sister-Laura Eimer ,.. 212 Pickwick, the History of-P. Fitzgerald... .,. 599
248 Pinder, the Nemean Odes of-J. B. Bury 799
Plautue : Rudens-E, A. Sonnonmehein ... 598
Poacher, Confessions of a-J. Watson 281
Poems and Poetry :- - American Poets, Younger-Roberts and Sladen - Ballads-11. L. Stevenson _ - Cracked Fiddle, a-F. Langbridge - Mirdio-F. Mistral (trans, by Harriet W. 888 17 759 - Light of the World, the -Sir IC. Arnold ...
- Poems, Svo.-A. L. Gordon ...
- Poets and Poetry of the Century-A. H. Miles - Stray Verses-Lord Houghton- - Vestigla Retrornum-A. J. Manley Politioe, the Salenee of-Sir IT.
Port Tarasoon-A. Daudet and H. James ... Psychioal Research, Proceedings of the Society REETElythe,ie. -A .Mo ore leLeBine
Henan, E.-Ideae of 1849 _ Richmondshire, Turner's-Sirs. A. Hunt and
Right, the PPhilosophyy of, Lioy and W.
832 Roma, Letters irom, Morley ... 517 Russian Folk-Tales-J. Curtin ,„ 432
C.I ORE RE R, Edmond-O. Grdard 86 1..J Selene°, the Future of-M. Ronan „ Scotland, the Church and Creed of, &o.-T. B.
W. Niven, R. H. Story, A. Maogeorge, A.
Milroy, and J. Rankin 384-898 Sermons, See. :- - Cambridge Sermons-J. B. Lightfoot 19‘ - God, the Philanthropy of-H. P. Hughea ... 19 - Nature and Revelation-O. Primhs.rd ... 19 - Regent Square Pulpit -J. Ma Neill ... 19
- Truths to Live By-F. W. Farrar ... 19,
Shakespeare, the International : Othello-F. Diekseo and E. Dowden Shipping, Old•Fashioned-R. 0. Leslie Socialism, New and Old-W. Graham „, Somerville, A., Life of-G. Smith... Sophoelee, the Philootetes, &o -ft CI. Jobb ... Southern Confederacy, an Inside View of the- T. Cl. De Leon - ... 565.
Southwell Minster, Visitations of-a,. F. Leach 450 Stuart, the Royal HOLM of-W. Glhb, J. Steel- ton, aud W. H. St. J. Hope ... 55. Switzerland-Mrs, L. Hug and IL Stead...... MAGI rus, the Histories of-W. A. Spooner-635 1 Tait, Archbishop, Life of-R. T. Davidson
and W. Benham 861-891
Tletrale, lire., her Life, &e.-L. B. Seeley ... 52
Troubadour-Land, In-S. Baring-Gould ... 333 Turner's Riehmondsleire -Mrs. A. Hunt and M.
UNITED STATES, History of the, during the 1,..) Administrations of T. Jefferson-H. Adams 726 TENETIAN Print:ng-Press, the-H.P. Brown V and C. Castellani 6516
ALPOLE, ., Letters, &c.-P. Cunningham W 11 and A. Dobson 2 Warwick the KingMaker-0. W. Oman... -. 515
Washington's, Gen„ Rules of Civility-M. D. 317
WE:tatter's Dictionary-N. Porter ... ... 516
A FRI.CIA, East, Campaign in-W. S. Price 252
- the Development of-S. White- ... 354 Almanac., Year-Books, 03 130-131 American History, Leading Facts of-D. H. Montgomery ... 150 276 519 451 697 863 892 172 147 629 90 315 795 89 795.
175 210 864 317 347 124
Annuals, Ao. .. 59-93.285.354-600-766-767-801
Aristotle on the Constitution of Athens-F. G. Kenyon ... - 571
Art, Works on 128-353-355-.571-802 Asia Minor, Historical Geography of -W. M.
Ramsay ... ••• ... 151 Assurance Mantial-W. Bourne' 488 Astronomy, Handbook, Atlas, Am „. 153 668 Atlases. &o. 179.487
BABA PADMANJI, Life of-J. M. Mitchell... 217 Baboo English as 'tis Writ-A. WI ight 766
Balzeo-F. Wedmore .- ... 571 Beaton, Cardinal-J. Ierkless 867 Bench and Bar-Serjeaut Robinson ... 130 Bible, Stories from the-A. J. Church ... 803
Biblical Works ... - 216.285-833-688 Bioester, Deanery of, History of its Parishes- Biography, Ac.... 511469;70. 0.802821 J. O. Blomfield
Biology, the Fathers Of-0. McRae 251 Blaokio's Modern Cyclopedia. . 59 Blossom.Land and Fallen Leaves-O. Scott ... 454 Books Roceived... 59.94-131-217.252-280573-767
Botany, Ao, - -. 669 British Colonies, Historical Geography of-0. P.
Lucas -. 215 Brough, P , Biography of-J. R. Sherrock ... 283 Bush-Life, Vicissitudes of-D. Ferguson... ... 633
CALENDARS, aco. 131 Camp and Studio-I. Montagu ... ... 284
Cards, Chess, &o. 24-178 Ceylon, Fifty Years in-Annie Skinner ... 283 Ohambere'e Enoyoloprerlia ... 58 Chancery, Court of, listory, Am, of-D. 31. Kerly 25
Chess, Cards, Ao. - 24479 Chesterfield's, Lord, Worldly Wisdom-G. B. Chivalry, the Bpi) it and Influence of-j. Batty Christendom, the Rise of-E. Johnson Church and the Soots, the-0. F. 13. Allnatt - and State uuder the Tudors-G. W. Child Classics, Ac...................
Coachman's Chatter, an 04-11. Corbett ... Oollectsnea-M. Burrows ...
Colonial Tramp, a-H. Nisbet Columbus, Ye Secrete Log-Book of-E. Stook Company Law, Manual of-W. F. Hamilton Cookery-Books, Ao. ' „, Copyright Question, the-G. I. Putnam... .., Corsica, King Theodore of-P. Fitzgerald ()umbrae, the Naturalist of-T. N. R. Stebbing - Sketches-J. A. Wheatley .., ... 573 Dupleix-Ool. Matteson ... 454 Divinity, Am 701.783 Dramatic Peerage, the-Reid and 1111ompton ... 180 Devotional Works, &o. 92-488-571 Drake, Sir F.-J. Corbett ... . Diaries, Ao. ... 131 Dictionaries, &o. -. 418
DANTE and hie Early Biographers-E. Moore 454 Denmark, its Story-Charlotte Sidgwick 217 E DUCATIONAL Works, Ac. 25-318-352 419-451487 4368.867 Electricity, &o.... 668
Emigration, &o. 519
England, Elementary History of-C. Rif:Immo 151 English Chief= Foundations-Sir G. F. Duckett 179 - Phrases, Dictionary of Idiumatic-J. 31, Dixon
- Reformation of the lath Century-W. H. 216 - Writers-H. 'Morley .„ 216 Egnatoria, Ten Years in, Ste.-Major G. Casati... 765 Essays Am ,-- - Fiction in Literature, &c.-D. G. Thompson 129 - Light of Other Days, the-W. Beale... 251
- Paradise, a Return to, &c.-J, J. Platt ... 388
- Parson and Peasant-J. B. Burns 669 - Pessimism, Studies in-A. Schopenhauer 251 - Religion, ese.-A, Sohopenhauer 151 European Progress, Ten Oenturiee of-L. Jack- Evolution, Modern Ideas of-Sir W. Dawson Expositor, the .„
FLORIDA Handbook of-C. L. Norton ... Foundry', Forge, and Factory-W. J. Gordon French Stage, Idols of the-H. S. Edwards .„
tyl/OGRAPHY, ... 634 Gift.Booke 22.57-151 Good-Living-Sara van B. Brugl5re ... 868 Greek Dramatists, Wee from-A. W. Pollard 489
- World, under Roman Sway-J, P. Mahaffy_ 318
Guide•Books, Ao. 130-835.399 Guillotine the Great, 8r.o.-4. Everitt 151 Household. Books for the ... Health, Sanitation, As. „. Historic Oddities and Strange
HD NITIN G, How to Read
History, Baring-Gould
-H. Frith
• •• • 178-551
. . 152 Character in 158 Events-S. 129.151-152 217.31/3 IN13/A., the Mineral Wealth of-0. (1 Townsend 700 Indian Mutiny of 1657-Col, C. B. Malleson 129 JAPAN and its Art-M. B. Huish
Jews, the, under Roman Rulo-W, D. Morrison 252 Jewish People, the, History of in the Time of Joeular Literature, Studies in-W. O. Hazlitt... 802 Christ-E. Scherer (trans. by J. Macpherson) 284 Jerrold, Douglas, Tales of-J. L. Robertson 252 519 ENNINGTON, History of-H. U. Mont- 454 King to King, From-ii. Blokinson ,„ 766 Korean Language, Ac-H. G. Underwood 668 Kurrachee : Past, Present, and Future-A. F. 609
- Oxford, Am-Sir F. Pollock - Moses and the Prophets-G. Carlyle ... .„ - Elementary Schools-Various Authors 552 353 552 817 868 251 353 700 284 216 152 731 388 732 217 766 520 834, 152 700 418 869 151 284 Liberty and a Living-P. Hubert ... 802 London Houses, Memorable-W. Harrison ... 179 - its Memorable Places, &c.-W. H. D. Adams 489 AT AGAZINES :- .1.1J.. - Anglican Ohuroh ... ... 497 - Argosy ... ... 215 - Art Journal ..... ..., ,... - .., ... 387 - Asiatic Quarterly Review ... ... ... 129 - Atalanta ... ... ... - ... ... 215 - Atlantic Monthly ... ... .., ... ... 215 - Belgravia ... ... ... •.. ... ... 487 - Bible•Women and Nurses ... ... ... 153 - Blackwood's ... ... ... ... 240.721 - Boy's Own Paper ... ... ... ... ... 487 - Oassell's ... ... ... ... ... ... 58 - Century ... - ... ... ... 387-668-689 - Ohambers's Journal ... ... ... - 215 - Church Quarterly Review ... ... 178-599 - Contemporary Review ... 22-214.350-657-666-801 - Critical Review of Theological and P bile. sophioal Literature ... ... ... ... 337 - Economic Journal ... ... ... ... ... 599 - Economic Review ... ... ... ... ... 178 - Edinburgh Review... ... ... ... .., 128 - English Historical Review ... ... ... 178 - Expositor ... ... ... ... ... ... 668 - Expository Times ... ... ... ... ... 487 - Foreign Church Chronicle and Review ... 519 - Fortnightly Review ... 21.213.351.667.8t0 ... ... ... ... 4.87 ... ... ... 487 ... ... 387 ... ... ... 58
••• de I et. ••• 57
... ... 59 ... 58 ... ... 387 ... 519 129-519 - North-Country Lore and Legend .„ 94. - Political totenee Quarterly - Portfolio ... 91-519 - Newbury House Magazine ••• 668 - Nineteenth Century 21-199.214-351466489-799
.•. ..•
- Quarterly Review ... 178 - Quiver - Scribner's - St. Nicholas-, .., - Sunday Friend -, Sunday at Home ... 387 - Sunday Magazine „. 215
- Temple Bar 58
- United Service Magazine.„ „„.. 352 - Westminster Review ... 663 (See also pp. 39.94-252-390-520.578.705.835.) Marriage and Kinship, the Development of-T. 318 251 243 634 868 354 283 353
NATURAL History, Ac. 25.57-288
Nelson, Horatio-W, C. Russell 551 Nelson's Words and Deeds-W. O. Russell ... 600 New Editions and Reprints 59-120.180-131•152453 .188.252485.319 354.420.520-552.701-735.707-900 Nowmanianism-Dr. Abbott ... 765 Norfolk Official Lists-H. Le Strange ,„ „, 699 Novels, As. :- - Against Heavy Odds-H. H. Boyesen... - American Girl in London, an-Sara J. Duncan - Widow, an-A. Kevin-Davies - Beaconsfield, Lord-Tales And Sketches - Bride from the Bush, a-E. W. Hornung „. - amine, the-Trans. by G. Saintsbury - Cries-Cross Lovers-Hon. Mrs. H. Ouetwynd - Dower of Earth, the-Ethel Glazebrook - Dramas of Life-G. R. Sims - Fro, Lippe Lippi-Margaret V. Farrington ... - Fiehing Villogo, Annals of a-J. A. Owen - Friend Olivia-Amelia E. ...
- Porditue-Mary 'reunion George-Stott (pub.) - Gilbert Elgar's 8on-Harrlet R. Davies - Golden Bullets-W. W. Ireland ...
- Lake, the-W. C. Dews .„ - Lives, Ac.-F. Wicks
- Honourable Miss-L. T. kleade„, Of - In tho Valley-H. Frederic
- Jack Warlei h-D. J. Belgrave
- Jenny, Ac-H. A. Ourtois - Lad and Lass-A. M. Reeves ...
- Lotus, Am-Author of A Now Marguerite ...
- Maiden Fair to See, a-F. 0. Philips and C.
- Murvitle Eastman-A. W. Toargee - Philosopher Dick-TJawin (pub.) ••• - Pringle s, Miss, Pearls-Mrs. G. L. Banks ... - Queen of the Black Hand-H, 0. Davidson - Royal Physician-Virginia W. Johnson - Rupert Alison-Gertrude Fords - Secret of the Princess, the-Mrs. EL Edwards - Short Sixes-H, 0. Banner - Snake's Pass, the-13, Stoker _
- That Fiddler Fellow-H. G. Hutchinson - To Savo Himself -Capt. C. tiray - Told after Supper-J. K. Jeroine
- Too Apt a Pupil-R. Cleland „ , - Two English Girls-Mabel Hart Two Penniless Princesses -Charlotte M. - Was 8 e his Wife P-Helen Wolff • Wife Or Slave P-Mrs. A.13. Bradshaw .,. - Forum ...
- Gentleman's... ...
- Girl's Own Paper ...
- Good Words ... - Gospeller ... - Groombridge'a - Harper's - Harper's Young People - Illustrations - Journal of Education ...
- Journal of Philology ...
- Ladder ...
- Law Magazine and Review 519 - Law Quarterly Review 129 - Leisure Hour ... ... 487 - Lippinoott's - London Quarterly Review - London Society - Ludgate Monthly ... ... 667 - Macmillan's . ... 11-22-801 - Magazine of Art .., 179 Marylebone and St. Panorae-G, Clinch_ ... McArthur, Sir W., Biography of -T. MoOullagh Mercantile Trade, Map-Studies of-J. Yeats ... Milton : Anodes and Comus-A, W. Verity ...
- Poetical Works-D. Masson ...
Mueloal Compose: Famous-Lydia T. Morris,„ - and Dramatic Oopyr ight-Varions Authors,„ 669 834 732 319 24 180. 700 598 154 178 454 151 700 252 732 669 573 835 251 354 732 152 451 318 571 552 250 251 803 732 669 851 573 153 453 732 451 573 600 598 388 572
Novels, &o. :-
- Winchester Meads-Emina Marshall ... 573 - Winter's Tale, a-Mary E. Mann ... 700 (See also pp, 25.129.150-152.151478-318.453488-571.572 -599.669.699.732.802.803-835.868.) Nyassa.Land, Adventures in-L. M. Fothering. 1111DEBTALOZZI, his Life and Work-R. de • Guimps 213 Pitman, I., Biography of ... ... 318
Pocket-Books, tko. 24.131
Poetry, Am:- - Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the Eng. Bah Language-F. T. Palgrave ... 93 - Creation's Hope-11. S. 0. Riokards ... 25
- Essays in Verse-D. G. Harris.- .„ 389
- Gaudeamus, Farmer „. 217 - Ionioa-Alleu (pub.) ... 570 - Iphigenia in Delphi-R. Garnett ... 398 - Middle Harbour, In, to.-T. Honey ... 899 - Miserrima-Griffith A Co. (pub.) ... 000 - Poems, Bro.-Nina F. Lay ard „. „, 899 - Raymond-A. L. Stevenson _ 389 - Rhymes, Real and Romantio-M. O. Tyndall 89 - Sappho-C. A. Dawson .., 338 - Siluria, Songs of-A. W. Eaton 389
- Southern War-Songs .„ 570 - Themes and Variations-Mrs. J. G. Wilson- 839 - Tyneside Songs and Drolleries-J. Wilson 153
- Verse-Tales, &o.-Emily H. Hickey ... ••• 899 - Whispers-Frances Wynne ... „, _ 215 (See also pp. 152.388-389.)
Political Economy, As................ Poultry for the People-A. Clowns
Pulpit Commentary, the ... Puritanism in Power-0. Wise Puritan Revolution, 1624-1660 -13. R. Gardiner...
QIYINOEY, T. de, Collected D. MatiB011 T) ACING, As. 572 11, Railways, Books on ... 180
Reformatory Work-A. Winter 519
Reprints and New Editions... 25-59429. 48050 AINTS, the, Works on ... -12.. -545939
S Samantha among the Brethren-Author of Josiah Allen's Wife_ „. ••„., 803
Sanitation and Health, 217
School-Books, Ac. 25.318-352419.454.487-668.867 Scientific Works, 2co. ... 98.217.35'2-353.571.802-83& Scotland, How she lost her Parliament-O.
Waddle... 587021 Scotland Yard, Re- minieeence-s. LaMi-down"e.
Scottish Rivers-Sir T. D. Lauder „. 319 Second Empire, Souvenirs of the-Comte de Securities, British and Foreign Sormone, dco.
Living Sermons-Mrs. Heaney... ... Sheridan, R. B., Life of-L. O. Sanders ... Shipp, J., Memoirs of-H. M. Chichester Sick, Care of the-Dr. Billroth Socialism in England-S. Webb ... Soldiers, Guide to Health for-Sum...Major It. Stable and Saddle-Room-A. T, Fisher Sisifr, Life of, Ao.-J. Hay rr HEOLOGY, Ao. 216-420.600466 1 Tradition, the Testimony of-D. MacRitahie 520 Translations, Reprints, Ao..„ „, 25.351 Travel, 179.419.571-835.868 Tudor Period, Notes on the-F. Jordan ... _ 570
UNITED STATES, History of, under the
Constitution-J. &homier ... 284 Universal Strike, the-W. Oaktairst „. 834 " VANITY FAIR" Album 128 vx7 AR-PATH and Bivouac -J. F. Finerty 92 V V Warwickshire, the Flora of -J. E. Baguet]. 93 Women-Foote of the Victorian Era-Mre. W.
Sharp World's Religions, the-G. T, Bateau ... ••• Y EAR-BOOKS, Annuals, &a -700.767-801 Yorkshire Legends and Traditions-T. Parkin-
ABBOTT, Dr., on Cardinal Newman, 590-591-622-659- 691-723. Accuracy, Perfect, rarity of, 623.660.691-72723. Afrioa, South, the probability of another war in, 754.
Albans' (St.), the Duke of, Bill, 879. Alchemy, Modern, 793.
Anecdotes, Am, 543.624-600-691-724-793, Animals, Stories of, 51.81420.206-313-513.758.860. Anti-Vaccination, 091.
BEACONSITIELD, Lord, and Mr. Browning. 6334350. Bedford, the late Doke of, 878. M Besant's, r., Christmas Bunk, 61. Dirde in Fog, 51; the libels on 275.309.813; the raids on their eggs, 309; (Wild) ireservation Ants,
309; Piebald, 380.
ha Bishop.B i r min g Mrm.;a5n0d. Father Gasedet on Edward V1.'8 P rBayi lenrd ,8 13° °eke it8s 410 r the, 170-206-243.343.
BB°onoth, Gen., his alleged Antinomlanlm. 14.
Browning, " J. K. f3.'e " parody on, 755.
BuokoBrowning, r
, North, ,
neLvarism, 444. oaluitdicLaino.dpil3nieoancoiini:lise810d., 623 660, • Cambridge University and its Townsmen, 410. Canons, how to 120-200, Childrenheat, 362.
Oarstares, 410.
Cats, Stories of, o Children -Convalescent Home, the Need of for, 15; Dinners for, 205; prevention of cruelty to, 691. Clergy :-Discipline and York Convocation, 541; Discipline Bill, the, 660. Writings of- ... ... 419 766 418 317 94.
250 283 388 53 353 353 487 700 868 631 552 283 153 "Clerical Superstition," a, 542. Coleridge and the Supernatural, 275. Conservatism and Free Education, 623.655-659-690- 723. Corrections, sto., 380.593.
Oriminons Clerks, 879. Crispi,Signor,and the Contemporary Review article, 858.
J)smets Vivisection Act, the, 512. "Daughter of the Pyramid', e," 15 Deceased Wife's Sister Bill. the, 275408. Dinners : Children's, 205; Wineless, 242.
Dogs, Stories of, 51.84-543-756. Dorsetabb e, South, Election, Home-rule and the Irish Question, 691-724. Dramatic and Musical Copyright, 379. Drayton, Michael, and his Critic, 625.
VASTER Day, the Sun dancing on, 476.512. Edward TI. and tho Book of Common Prayer, 49; Mr. Bishop and Father Gement on, 81. Election, the next General, 754. Elephant, the, 342. English Water-Colourists, the, 308.
PADS and By-elections, 723. Fog : in 1684, 49 ; Births in, 51. Free Education, 622-658-659.690-722-858; primary, highly profitable, 891,
aANaus V. Nerbudda, 311.
Gasquet, Father, and Mr. Bishop on Edward VI.'s Prayer-Book, 84. Girls', Mr. Maurice's Industrial School for, 860. Gladstone, Mr., his opinion of the Liberal Unionist Party, 443. Gordon-Cumming, Sir W., the sympathy with, 860.
HEREDITARY Poets, the rarity of, 755. Home, J., Author of "Douglas," 477. Home-rule, and the late Mr. C. Lever, 83, Howitt, Mary and William, 15-81. Hughes, Mr. Price, on Ireland, 119.
TDLENESS, the Growth of, 51, Ireland: Mr. Price Hughes on, 119; a Clarions Electioneering Bill, 171. Irish Mail-Car Driver, an, 442.
Irish Prieste in Polities, 624.
Irish Will, a curious, 443.
Italy, the Condition of, 512.
"Ivanhoe." 213.
junmism dilemma, the, 443. KEENE, Charles, the latm.84-120.
.ANDOR, W. S., a letter of, 860. Land-purchase Bill, the, 14; and evicted tenants, 826.
Lay Help, 623, Lever, the late Mr. C., and Home-rule, 83. Liberal Unionist Party, the, Mr. Gladstone's opinion of, 448. Lincoln, the Post Office at, 81-119. Linde",,, Miss, Loan Stud for Cabmen and others, 880, Lizard's love of music, the, 860. Loan Stud, the, for Cabmen and others, 380. London Houses, memorable, 206.
London University, the Reconstruction of, 476.
l'UTARRIOTT, Charles, 410.
.+Y-1. Maurice's, Mr., Industrial School for Girls, 860.
Miracle, the logical necessity of, 723.755.702-828; the Orthodox doctrine of, 859. Misquoted Stories, 623-660-601-724. Mind, has it a physical basis P 792.
Moli ke, Count von, 625. Muneepore, 511, Musical and Dramatio Copyright, 979. Music and form, 724.
ATERBUDDA v. Ganges, 341, La Newfoundland Question. the, 82. Newman. Cardinal Mr. Leslie Stephen on, 2(5; and the "Oriel quarrel," 242; rs remarkable fore- cast of, 342 ; Dr. Abbott on, 5D10-59 14322-6594391-729, "Nonconformist Conscience," the, 82-118-119.
nx minus sdrilso, the, 859,
1.." Oxford, Non-Collogiate Students at, 410.
pASTEURISAI in England, 441. Paul's (St.), the late Doan of, 14-50. Political Forecast, a, 82.
Polities, Irish Priests in, 624. Post Offioe, Foreign Languages and Linguists at the, 119-171.
Public Sperdeng, 542.
peconos, the Oldest, 120-242.
-1-" "Retraction '' or " Retraotation " P 300,
Rhodos, Mr. 0., his Afrikanderism, 624. Ritual detail, 826. Rooks, a colony of, 411. Buckle, Mr., as a Leoturer, 15.
Zumou's " Thormidor," 204. " Schoolmaster, the Wanted, 84-119.
Sooppio dol Cerro, 51.0-543.
elootoli Railway Strike, 84. Scottish Church Proposals, 792. Sedgemoor and Sotnersetthire, 204, Sermons : Curate-', 307; the multiplicity of, 308; the pLagierisre of, 342. Session, the work of the, 6141. Shire Horses, 379. Somersetshire aud Sedgemoor,1201. Somerville hall, 14-50.
Eitepheu, Mr. Leslie' on Cardinal Newman, 205.
Strikes : the Scotch Railway, 81. Sun, the, [homing on Easter Day, 512. Seperstitions, Primitive, rte., 143-5124342-543.
UNIONISTS, the Oynioilon of the, 13. Vivisnootox (Danish) Act, the, 512. WALSH, Archbishop, and his tardy protest, 203. Waterford, the late Bishop of, 859. Weather-forecasting, 754.
Wesleyan modesty, 206-242. Wild Birds Preservation Acts, 809. Will, a curious Irish, 413. Wiueless Dinners, 243.
'Vont{ Convocation and Clergy discipline, 541.
-I- Yorkshire, the vernacular in, 692.
Home News, A CADENT (Royal) banquet, the, 616. An ti-Partiollite Federation, foundation of, 895. Archbishops, the Irish, and Messrs. Dillon and O'Br:en, 365.
Aroher, ROY. W., on Irish Homo rule and the Dis- senting consoience, 107. Arnold, Mr. A., and Irish Home-rule, 38. Asaph (St.), Bishop of, at Rhyl, 710. Asquith, Mr., in favour of conceding the largest powers to the Irish Legislature, 38. Aston Manor, vacancy in the representation of, 367; election at, 429.
Australian Confederation, Lord Carrington on, 367.
AMMO case, the, 777-813-845. Balfour, Miss, her tour in the West of Ire- land, 497.
Balfour, Mr., at the Women's Liberal Unionist Association, on the diminution of Irish crime, 777. Barbour, Mr. W. B., M.P., death of, 678. Baring's' (bankers) liquidation the, 366.814. Bedford, the Duke of his suicide, 107.
Boll Cox, Hr., and Mr. Hakes, 909.
Birdwood, Sir G., on the deemnsecration of the Gongs,,. 231.
Birkbeek, Sir E., on Free Education, 610. Bompas, Mr. H., Q.C., his judgment oonneotiou with the strike at Plymouth, 69. Bradinegh, Mr., death of, 153; his probable suc- cessor, 191.
British sailors, the courage of, 431. Bucks, North, election, 742.
Burns, Mr. J., his violent speech at Glasgow, 71, By-elections, pending (April 17th), 529.
r1ALDERON.S, Mr., picture of St. Elizabeth of Hun- miry, opinion anent, 7111 purchased by the Chantrey Trustees, 815.
Cambridge, Lord Dufferin's honorary degree at, 847.
Campbell, Mr. H. C., and Mr. Parnell, 879. Carrington, Lord, on Australian Confederation, 169-967.
Catholic Disabilities, Mr. R. Cooke on, 231. yeCiarasv)e.n8d8i1e.h, Lord Edward, death of, 710. Centenarian (death of Ann Telford, aged 111 Chamberlain, Mr. : on Unionism in Birmingham, 2; on Thrift, 89; on Mr. Morley's avowals, 70 ; and Mr. Gladstone, 188; at the Birmingham Liberal Unionist (nub, 294' at Portsmouth, 462; on the relative chances of the Government and the Opposition for carrying reforms, 579; on Free Education, 010; on the Gladetonian programme, 845; on the state of Ireland, 878.
Channel (Irish) Tunnel, Sir R. Lethbridge on, 231. Charities, Metropolitan, extent of, 3. Chemical Society jubilee : Sir L. Playfair at, 296; Lord Salisbury at, 295. Church House, first stone laid, 879. Churchill, Lord R. : his speech to his constituents, 294 ; his address to the Paddington Parliament, 530. Cinque Ports, Mr, W. H. Smith to be Lord Warden of, 646. Clergy Discipline Bill, the, oorrespoudenee on, 531. Colffie, Miss, on the pain of inoculation, 847. Coinage, the new, 713.
Cooke, Mr. R„ no Catholle Disabilities, 231. Courtney, Mr. L., on Free-trade, 107; on Socialism, 290, Creighton, Canon, to be the now Bishop of Peter- borough, 263, DAVITT, Mr., OR 0110-111an power, 965. Denison, Archdeaann, gives notice of his gravamen egainet " Lux Mundt" 71.
Derby, Lord : on Free Education, 610; to be Chan- miler of the University of London 617. Dicey, Prof. at Workington, 70; at the Liberal Union Club, 190; on Ulster degeneracy, 498. Dillon, Mr., and the Irish Archbishops, 365. Diseetablishment, Sir G. Trovelyan on, 6/7. Dutferin, Lord his material address at St. Andrews, 409; his honorary degree at Cambridge, 847. Dynamite gun, a new, 159.
TO BUILT, Lord, on the Lincoln judgment, 710. Eight.Huurs demonstration, the, 645. Election forecasts, 229. Ellicott, Bishop, on the Archbishop of Canterbury's judgment in the IAA:min ease, 99. English Language, extension of the, 617. Ether-drinkiug in N.E. Ireland, 430,
FF°°5' Lord Woimor on, 294.
Fowler, Mr. R. H., at Willenhall, 469. Free Education; Sir E. Birkbeek on, 610; Mr. Chamberlain on, 610; Lord Derby on, 610; Mr. Howorth on, 609; the Duke of Norfolk on, 610; the National Society on, 847, Free-trade, Mn-. L. Courtney on, 107. Fry, Lord Justice, on the University of Loudon, 647.
aLsosoOnx, Mr, hie letter as to Mr. Parnell's " resignation cif the leadership of the Irish Party, 38; at Halifax. 105; and Mr. Chamberlain, 158; at Hastings (on Mr, (losolion's finance), 397, (on Irish policy), 698; attacked by influenza, 6711; his pro- gramme Mr. Chamberlain on, 845; without Home. role, 845; n the Colonial Church, 877,
Gore, Mr., concludes his nempten Lectures 779.
Gosohon, Mr. at Maidstone, 106; on University Extension, 367; hie finance, Mr. Gladstone on, 397; deputation to on the Boor and Spirit Duties, 498; at St. James's Hall (on Froo Education), 778,
Granville, Lord, death of, 461. T_TAKES, mt., and Mr. Bell Cox, 499.
-I-1- Harcourt, Sir W., on the split in the Irish Party,
69; at Newton Abbott, 677; at °redden, 677; on Free Education, 678.
Hartington, Lord, at Rawtenstall, 157; at the Liberal Union Club, 190; to be head of the Labour Commiesion, 898; in West Derbyshire, 778; on the incompleteness of the policy of the Government, 878. Hartlepool, the Parliamentary contest in, 37. Healy, Mr. T., attack on by Mr. O'Brien Dalton, 480.
Hennessy, Sir J. P., his ethemo of Rome-rule, 329. Hastert Lecture, the, 531. Hicks-Beach, Sir AL, on English trade with the Colonies, 268, Hirsch, Baron, and the Jews, 741. Home-rule, Sir J. P. Hennessy'', scheme of, 389. Home-rule Party, division in at Cork, 2. Haworth, Mr. U., en the political situation (Jan 2nd, 2 ; on Free Education, 009; his attack on the Government, 778,
INDIAN Civil Service examinations, the teaching of Italian in connection with, 491. Italia mei, the, in Yorkshire, 610; its asset upon Members and officials of the House of Commons, 677-679.
Ireland :-Ashbourne Act, working of the, 101; Co-operation in, 711; Cork, division in the Home-rule Party at, 2; Cork, Mr. Parnell's and Mr. M. Healy's proposed resignation, 430; Archbishop Croke and Mr. Parnell, 611; Ether-drinking in, 4,30' failure of the" Plan of Campaign," 579; Mr. T. Healy attacked by Mr. O'Brien Dalton, ao ; Tipperary trials, the verdict, 462; Walsh, Archbishop, on the Paruellites, 107.
Irish political negotiations, the, 157; rupture of the, 220.
ACKSON case, the, 397.
James, Sir H., at Belfast, 462; at the Union Club, 530; on the Liberal Unionists, 878.
Japan, the new route to, 647. lex-Bioko, Dr., to be Dean of Wells, 263.
Tr ;Info, Mr. O. (art contributor to Punch), death of, -M.- 39.
T !MOOCHERS, Mr., on Italy, 814.
-11-1 Labour Commission, Lord Hartingtou to be head of it, 398.
Lambeth Free Library, biomes° of the rate for, 847. Laymen, the House of, on Erastianism, 61.0. Lethbridge, Sir R... ou the Irish Channel Tunnel, 231.
Lover, Charles, and Irish Home-rule, 38. Liberal Union Club, Prof. Dicey at, 190; Lord Hartington at, 193. Lichfield, Hon, Canon Legge to be the new Bishop of 847.
Lidderdale, Mr., Governor of the Bank of England, and the Steak Exchange, 2.
London County Council; its finance, 779. London School Board, indignation anent the in- creasing rate for, 679; its Budget, 846.
MAGAZINE rifle, the, 191. Magee, Dr., to be Archbishop of York, 69; death of 645; proposed memorial of, 815, Manchester Ship Canal, proposed loan for, 366. Market Rights and Tolle, Royal Commission on,159, Matthews, Mr., on the Horgan cane, 191. McCarthy, Mr„ at Liverpool, 189. Medicine, Preventive, proposed Institute for, 814. Monteagle, Lord, on the Land-purchase Bill, 743. Morley, Mr. : at Newcastle, 70; on Irish demands,
70; Mr. Chamberlain on his avowals, 70.
NATIONAL BOOloty, the, and Free Education, 847. New Year's Day honaers, 1.
Nonconformist coneolenee, the, 9, Norfolk, Duke of, on Catholic Disabilities, 191; on Free Education, 610,
O'Bniorr, Mr., his meeting and negotiations with Mr. Purnell at Boulogne, 2.36; gained over to Mr. Parnell, 70; and the Irish Archbishops, 365.
O'Connor, Mr, T. P., his speech to his Liverpool constituents, 490.
Omnibus men's strike, end of the, 846.
One-man power, Ur. DAVitt On, 365.
Oxford : disgraceful proceedings at Queen's College, 3; honorary degrees at, and Professor Palgrave's oration, 847.
paiens.vo, Professor, his oration at Oxford in con- nection with honorary degrees, 847. Parnell, Miss A., on the split in the Irish Party, 70.
Parnell, Mr., his meeting and negotiations with Mr. O'Brien at Boulogne, 2-38 ; gains over Mr. O'Brien, 70; at Limerick, 70; at Tralee, 105; at Ros- common, 295; on Labour, 829; his manifesto to the Irish Americans, 1198; and Socialism, 398; his chal- lenge to Mr. Si. Healy, 398 ; and Mr. H. Campbell, 879 Peterborough, Canon Creighton to be the new; Bishop of, 263. Philosopher's atone, the, 743. Photography in Colours, French discovery of, 231. "Plan of Campaign," the, on Lord Cllanrioarde's Portumna estate, 262: failure of 579. Playfair, Sir L, at the Ohemioal Soolety Jubilee, 295.
Post Oahe Savings-Bank clerks, dispute with, $9. Primrose League, Lord Salisbury's address to, 578.
-p• xvnn en Returns, the, 3.
-Li' Rhodes, Mr., letter to from Si,, Parnell, 70, Rochester, Bishop of. takes a house in Benning- ton, 610; his illness, 710.
Rowdily, Lord, death of through fire, 74.9 Russell, fir. T. W., on the state of Ireland, 878.
Q.ALISDIIET, Lord at Cambridge, 105; on extending
peasant-proprietorship in Ireland, 108 ; at the Chemical Society Jubilee, 2911; at the Associated Chambers of Commerce, 390 ; on Coital and Labour, 331; his address to the Primrose League, 578; at Glasgow (on Africa), 709 ; on the double function of Parliament, 710; on Confederation of the Empire, 846.
Scotland, Railway strike in, 38-71-157.
Shipping Federation, the, at Sunderland, 71. Shipwreck n ' Utopiu,' emigrant steamer, 399. Booleliem, Mr. Courtney on, 230. Speaker, the, on the Parnellite and Anti-Parnellite split, 262.
Stephen, Sir J., resignation of, 4,93.
Strikes :-At Plymouth, 69; in Sootland (the rail- way), 38-71-157- the omnibus men, 848.
Sunderland, the Shipping Federation at, 71.
THEacrinits, the National Union of 493. Thrift, Mr. Chamberlain on, 89.
Tipperary Trials, the verdict, 462. Tolls and Market Rights, Royal Commission on, 159. Trevelyan, Sir G., on Irish affairs, 531; on Bison- tablishment, 647.
Trials :-Batharat ease, the, 777; "Campbell v. the Cork Herald," 879; Jocknon case, the, 397 ; Tipperary, the, 462; Verney 08.90, the, 647.
Truro, Dr. Gott to be the Bishop of, 778.
Uirionzeg, Mr. Chamberlain on, 2. University of London : on the death of Lord Gran. ville, 463- Sir J. Paget's tribute to Lord Granville, 678 Sir P. Magnus on the revised scheme for, 579 ; Lord Derby to be Chancellor of, 647; Lord Justice Fry on the new charter, 817; Convocation rejects the draft charter, 678.
'Utopia,' emigrant steamer, loss of, 899.
17-xitnicz, Capt., found guilty of the offence imputed to him, 647.
1)17.tzlis, Prince of, attacked by influenza, 679; and " the baoottrat scandal, 845.
Walsh, Archbishop, and the Parnellites, 107. Walla, Dr. Jez-Blake to be Dean of, 283. Wesley, John, Centenary of, 367. Wesleyan Ministers, meeting of, and Prof. Davi- son's view of Inspiration, 399. Westeott, Bishop, on University ideals, 367. Whiteohapel, another murder in, 231. Wilkinson, Dr, (Bishop of Truro), resignation of, 581.
Weimer, Lord, on Fogs, 294. Woodstock Division of Oxfordshire, resignation of Mr. Maclean for, 498.
Worcester, Rev. Prebendary It. W. Forrest to be the new Dean of, 847.
VOng, Archbishop of (Dr. Magee), on the Clergy -I- Discipline Bill. 409; Dr. Maclagan to be the new Archbishop, 710.
ZETLAND, Lady, her tour in the West of Ireland, 497.
(Reassembling of on Jan. 22nd, 105,)
15It ALFOUR. Mr.: on the Tipperary trials and con- .11 spiraoy, 261; on Irish distress, 367.
Blundell-Maple, Mr., his London Railway Bill, 3.. Bradlaugh, Mr., debate on his motion to strike out Reeolution of June 22nd, 1880, 158. British Museum, proposal to open it on Sunday rejected, 431. Budget, the, 577.
CAPITAL and Labour, Royal Commission on, 293. Catholic Disabilities Removal Bill : Mr. Gladstone on,199 ; Mr. W. li. Smith on, 190 ; division on, 190; the Duke of Norfolk's letter on. 191.
Cavendish, Mr. V., to succeed Lord B. Cavendish, M.P. for West Derbyshire, 778. Children's labour in faeturies, minimum ago raised, 817.
Clergy Discipline (Immorality) Bill, second reading of, sal.
Conspiracy, the Law of, Mr. Robertson on, 158. Cork : Mr. Parnell's and Mr. H. Healy's proposed resignation as Members for, 430. Courtney, Mr., and the Local Option Bill for Wales, 399,
DECEASED Wife's Sister's Bill: division on, 230; talked out, 815. Pnuoarion Bill, sketch of by Sir W. Hart Dyke, 813.
Blob°, Lord, on the Derby Day, 742.
FACTORIES and Workshops Bin, debate on, 295. Free Education : Mr. Gosohen on' 577; Bill, the sketch of by Sir W. Hart Dyke, 813; debate on the second reading, 878.
azarszong, Mr.: on Catholic! Disabilities, 190; on `-", "One man, one vote," 830.
Goodin, Mr.: his bank note scheme, 157; on English and Colonial Free-trade, 263; his Budget, 577; and Free Education, 577; his reply to Sir W. Harcourt on the Budget, 742, Granville, Earl, the Home of Lords on, 630.
ITALenrez, Lord, on tho Jackson ease, 530.
-1-1- Hanson, Sir R., to succeed Sir R. Fowler in the City of London, 778,
Harcourt, Sir W., on the Budget, 742.
TNDIAN Armiee, the, discussion on, 262. -A- Ireland (light railwa: for), division on, 367. Irish Crimes Act, Return of prosecutions under, 281. Irish Intoxicating Liquors Bill, debate on, 531.
&awns, Sir H., and Women's Suffrage, 611.
.4.11OUR and Capital, Royal Commission on, 293. Land-purchase Bill, the' 578.701) ; paseee out of Committee, 6771 the evicted tenants' clause in, 777; passes its third readiug, 846; in the House of Lords, 879.
Lawson, Sir W., on the Derby Day, 742. Leaseholders, Enfranohiseinent of, Bill, defeat of, 611.
Lords, House of : and the Magistrates, 330; on Muneeporo, 877.
lirearsznAvice, the, and the Lords, 330.
-0-1- Morley, Mr. J., his motion on the Tipperary trials and conspiracy, 261.
Muneopore papers, the, 709; debate, the, 846.
nnli, Parliamentary, debate on, 158.
"One man, one vote "Mr. Stansfeld's Resolution for, 8301 Mr. Gladstone on, 880; Mr. Ritchie on, 330. Opium, discussion on the growth of in India, 580. -PORTUGAL, the Treaty with, 813.
Portuguese Convention question, the, 158.
Rimmune, debate on, 262. .1-1- Ritchie, Mr., on "Ono man, one vote," MO. Robertson, Mr., on the Law of Conspiracy, 158.
Russell. Mr. T. W. on the Tipperary trials and conspiracy, 261.
MALL Holdings Bill, the, 366.
Smith, Mr. W. H., on Catholic Disabilities, 190. Stansfeld, Mr., his resolution for "One man, ono vote," 330.
rrirthinany trials and conspiracy, the : Mr. Balfour -L on, 281; Mr. J. Morley on, 281.; Mr. T. W. Russell on. 261.
Tithe Rent•Charg Bill : in the Lords, 262,
ITEMIZE, Capt., motion for his expulsion unanimously passed, 619.
WALES :-Dieestablishment in, 293 ; rejection of Mr. " P. Morgans resolution, 293; Mr. Gladstone on, 291; Local Option Bill for, oarried, 399; Mr. Courtney on. 899.
Women's Suffrage, Sir H. James on, 611.
ASTON NALIOR.-04pt. Grioe-Hutohinson (C.), 429. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, NORTH.-Mr. Leon (a), 742.
BARTLEPOOL.-Mr. Furness (G.), 105.
LICICESTRESEIRE (Hannoaotein Division) -Mr. Logan (G.), 678.
NORTIIAMPTON.-Mr. Alderman Manifold (R.), 229.
Morrell (0. 579.
Paisificr.-Nr. Dunn (G.), 778.
Szioo, Nth:Tu.-Alderman Collery (Anti-Po.rnol- lite). 461,
WESTMINSTER (STRAND DIVISION).-Mr. W. H. Smith (C.) re.elected without opposition, 670. WHITEHAVEN.-Sir J. Bain (U.), 610.
Baldwin, Prince (Belgian Heir-Apparent), 158. Barnum, Mr.. 498.
Bedford, Duke of, 107.
Bradlaugh, Mr., 158-191.
Barbour, Mr. W. B., 678.
Cavendish, Lord IL, 710.
Gredville, Lord, 4131.
Keene, Mr. 0., 39-48.
Einglake, Mr., 46.
Lloyd, Mr. C. (Consul at Erzeroum), 39.
Macdonald, Sir J. A., 817. Magee, Archbishop, 645-688, Moltke, Marshal von, 009.012.
Napoleon, Prince, 397.
Romilly, Lord, 743.
Sherman, Gen., 262.
Tapling, Mr., 529.
Windom, Mr., 159.
Delimitation treaty between Great Britain and Portugal said to he signed, 677. Italy's claims in, 432 Mashonalancl, threatened "trek " to, 577. Omens, (Newspaper editor), murder by in Algiers, 159.
Witu, Operations in, 39,
AMERICA (Cen7nAL 4IND SOUTH). Argentine securities, fell in, 497. Chili, revolt and civil war in, 71-463-609-711 ; arbitration in, 618; Iquique, the bombardment of, 295; ironclad insurgent navy, the, 741; polities in, 431.
Presidency, the, 845.
Lloyd, Mr. C., death of at Erzeroum, 39, AUSTRALASIA.
Dispersion of the Convention, 498.
Federation scheme, the, 829-462.
Richmond, Mr. Justice, on the Privy Connell, 713.
Bohemia, the elections in, 831.
Eight-Hours demonstration, the, 615. Emperor, the : his speech to the Cis-Leithrin Parlia-
ment, 530; in Fiume, 877.
Parliament, Dissolution of, 153.
Eight-Hours demonstration, the, 645. Heir-Apparent, death of, 151.
Ministry, resignation of the, 106.
Stambouloff, H., assassination of, 401.
BURM Government organisation in, 3.
Abbot, Mr., appointed Premier, 816. Budget, the, 879.
Elections, the, 329.
Macdonald, Sir J.: his appeal to the people, 229;
on Annexation, 281; death of, 813.
Parliamentary Dissolution, the, 181, CHINA.
Emperor, the and his counsellors, struggle between, 891; grants an audience to European Ambassadors, 710. CONFINE ST.
War, rumours of (April 10th), 497.
Judicial reform in, 191-261. Ries Pasha, resignation of, 678.
Bonaparte succession, the, 462. Eight-Hours question, the, 106.615. Frederick, the Empress, in Paris, 293. Haussmann, Baron, death of, 71. Invasion, precautions against, 741.
Labour, creation of a Council of, 263. Lipmann's, H., discovery of photographing in colours, 231. " Melinite modal," the, 879.
Miners, Congress of, 463. Monte Carlo, " systems " in gambling at, 399. Napoleon, Prince, death of, 397.
Pension Law, the, 777. Ravin, M., on Provençal literature, 879. Mot, M., on commercial treaties, 69.
Senatorial eleotions, the, 37.
Siam, proposed annexation of, 877. Slavery question, the Chamber on, 877. Talleyrand's Memoirs, 430 " Thermidor" (M. Sardou's play), prohibited, 150.
GERMANY, Bismarck, Prince, rumours of his application to the Empress Frederick to intercede with the Emperor in his behalf, 1; on Holland, 1; and the Emperor, 262; and Prince Napoleon, 429; his election to the Reichstag, 529.
Caprivi, Gen., on Africa, 189. Eight Hours demonstration, the, 645. Emperor, the : and Catholicism, 107; on France, 385; on bank accounts, 429; on peace, 645; on duel- ling and beer-drinking, 677. Moltke, Marshal von, death of, 609.
GUIANA (Bnizini). Diamonds, discovery of, 498.
" Aga of consent" question, the, 107. Budget, tho, 430.
Census, the, 463.
Ganges, the de-oonseeration of the, 231. Muueepore : revolt in, 431; massacre, the, 497.529; ocenpation of, 809; capture of the Senaputty, 741. Native representation, Congress on, 2.
Sanskrit literature, progress of, 711.
INTERNATIONAL QUESTIONS. America and Italy, 578. Anglo-Italian treaty, rumours anent, 777. England and Portugal, 577.
Anglo-Italian treaty, rumours anent, 777. Crisp', Signor, the fall or, 1e9.)
Eight-Hours demonstration, tee, 615.
Emigration question, the, 711. New Orleans lynchings, correspondence with Washington on, 531. Rudini, Marquis, and his programme, 230. United States, dispute with the, 499-576.
Cesarewitoh, the, ettaok on near Kioto, 678. New route from, 617.
Agitation In for joining the United,States, 37. Fisheries question, the, 385-429.
PORTUGAL. Financial crisis in, 677-742. Great Britain, Treaty with, 813. Oporto, revolt in, 189.
RUSSIA, Jewish Question, the, 578-611-04,5-679-777-815. Siberian railway, the, 831.
King Milan, yearly grant to, 530. Queen Natalie, the expulsion of, 709. Party question, the, 266.
Political effervescence in, 230.
Annexation of proposed by France, 877.
Tokar, capture of, 208.
Eight-Hours demonstration, the, 645. Eleotione, the, 189.
SWEDEN AND NORWAY. Norway, political crisis in, 205.
Roumelin, brigandage in, 770. Yemen (Arabia), molt in, 843.
Barnum, Mr., death of, 495. Bebring Sea, rumours of collision in, 37. Cleveland, Mr.. on the extravagance of the Administration, 670. Congress, corruption in, 366. Copyright Bill, the, 830. Edison% Mr., " Ethetograph," 743, Fieheries disputes, the 365429.
French teachers in, 399, Harrison, President, in Teens, 578. Indians : Massacre by, and outbreak of, 1-37; the number of In, 230.
Influenza, outbreak of, Ill. Italian imbroglio, the, 461-499-576. Negroes, the estimated increase of, 611. New Orleans: lynching at, 308; correspondence
with BOW on, 531; the grand jury refuse to bring
in a true bill against the accused, 616. Sherman, Gen., death of, 262. Silver question, the, 106. Windom, Mr., sudden death of, 159.