Unofficial. By the Hon. Mrs. Walter R. D. Forbes. (A.
Constable and Co. 6s.)—Mrs. Forbes begins with a "Prologue" in which a dying father commends his daughter to a certain villainous M. Dubose, and recommends M. Dubose to the daughter. The "Two Days' Drama "—this is the sub-title of the story—shows us how M. Dubose, who holds that "angels are valuable assets," attempts to dispose of this particular article of property. We cannot say that we have found the tale a pleasant one to read, except so far as it has been a satisfaction to follow the triumphant progress of the kindly Duchess who sets herself to free Alice Dubose from the toils in which she has been en- tangled. But as a whole the book is not good to read. We are old-fashioned enough—Mrs. Forbes will probably be very much amused at the confession—to think that it is scarcely the kind of story for a woman to write.