3 JANUARY 1903, Page 24

Lord Curzon in India, 1898 - 1903. By H. Caldwell Lipsett. (R.

A. Everett. 2s. 6d.)—Mr. Lipsett is a little beforehand in telling the story of a Viceroyalty which has yet some time to run, but these are times when there must be no lingering over opportunities. And Lord Curzon has done enough to enable an observer to judge of his capacity. Mr. Lipsett does not deal in indiscriminate praise. In one or two matters he criticises with gravity and force Lord Curzon's action. On the whole, however, he admires. The Viceroy he holds to be a clear-headed, original thinker, who understands the position—and, indeed, no one has ever taken more pains to understand it—and has the courage do deal with it. We cannot here discuss the many difficult questions involved in this subject, but we may commend to our readers this lucid and able essay as a very material help to the understanding of them.