Crossword 1411
Across 1 The height to which a Romantic artist might aspire? (6)
4 Such a nervous theatrical movement! (8)
9 Lace as a border-line case (6)
10 Where one might expect volcanic activity on stage (8) 12 He tries love, getting unpractical results (8)
13 The wary hedgehog's advice can sound like importunacy (4, 2) 15 '0 hard, when love and — clash !' (Ten- nyson) (4) 16 Can the gunners go to make such a ward- robe utility? (10) 19 Listen to Hotspur with his banner to east- ward revealing one of his favourite pas- times (10)
20 Fishy complaint (4)
23 Even Sweene was a lad once! (6) 25 One whose entrance is even more insolent after tea (8) 27 Failed lieutenant—it's really just doomed to bad luck (3-5) 28 Incline to put by (6) 29 'The — which was knocked out of them at school is all gently put back at Oxford or Cambridge' (Max Beerbohm) (8) 30 They were a piece of cake, one might vul- garly exclaim! (6) Down 1 A Homeric general gave permission (7) 2 God was no such thing when it came to personal relations, said St Paul (9) 3 Such a partner is far from welcome at arresting moments (6) 5 Those capital Spaniards must truly be kings of the pitch (4)
6 A love of Scotland comes between out- going rams in place of an aroma* (8)
7 The judicial process sometimes proceeds with error! (5) 8 One of those high-speed, self-congratula- tory bell-ringers? (7) 11 How the snake prepares to strike again and the victim escapes (7) 14 Going by coach is putting on a show (7)
17 Big deal! This could be the result (5. 4)
18 The French bear it and find it to be a revolutionary imperative (8) 19 To overtake a Platonic dialogue produces strong feeling (7) 21 Clear postscript gives package deals (7) 22 One of these air-borne country folk should take a bow! (6) 24 Totally embracing and exhausted! (3, 2)
26 Elizabeth, in short Richard's dark horse (4)
Solution next week.
Solution to Crossword 410. Across: 1 Com- mendatory 9 Top-hamper 10 Iliad 11 Pretty 12 Dabsters 13 Waiter 15 Ministry 18 Solution 19 Evader 21 Superman 23 Brevet 26 Ernes
27 Traveller 28 Preciousness. Down : I Cat's- paw 2 Maple 3 Enactment • Dips 5 Tartaric 6 Rails 7 Modesty 8 Digested 14 Ill-spent 16 Inverness 17 Romantic 18 Sisters 20 Returns 22 Riser 24 Value 25 Dado.