3 JULY 1830, Page 12


vices front Angier, that The Flora, Eryrer, from 0,

bay, put 10..0., i'e• •..

Arrived. `.

cried', from ...

lard, from V, Kerr, Brodie, 2,1,

Strachan, 11.00:0

tavia. •

stilly, Julie

City of Edi1.1. , 20th, lien:Mean, 1::, from Liverpool for 311, I.antr,

from Louden for in.e: Liverpool. 110:1, 21st February, I7 '1'ran1iy, Storey... •

5'oiled.—Ju....:2.:.11, I I■,?, for itlaurithts; 271.11, Eli,,a,DNon, for Senth Wale. ; and Blar.. •., car ltcw.tal ; 2Oth Ittsourc,' :Anti', for Yai, inco's Land ; La, H, -, Tucker, for Botal'elv ; J;:lv ist, Cambia, Itch:m.1, for OW Cap.... rfol, • .•)1, .1:tne 2.6th, 1.ondon, Huntley, tor Bengal. 51011en.-11. from houttlon to NaMas ; and China ; 1-111, -May.

3 south, c It.orge, from Lomion to Iliauritimt, 4 north, 22 west. All to. I, from London to the Cape, 291.11 fat 3, Loa, 22. lad 0...•0 stat, inent, lountled un tic 11th ljebroary.

Lich was sten bem lug up f6r Dom- - I op a leak. n. 1155 Lemoll. 20th, York, M00n- 1 0,5', and Fire ltegent, ldIii -1 iitis;Chitrk. :It' Itover, July 011, Consbroolc, July msley, from 11a-

()tr from 11. ...al and :Nrauritio..... At Liverpool, Juno .. Itc, I. At Madeira, .1;10,0 1, Albion, i‘laclecd, and Juno, 1,, trom 1).11,1111 for New. South Wales.

I. 'tic for au Diemen's Land. 1:411, Madras, Beach, :Mauritius, March 121:1,1'11e:is:nil, Mc ;re:tor, from me, steel, front London. Al Swan Liver, previous to aid lluughley, ft out Lontlea ; and