It was announced on Wednesday morning, that Messrs. WHITMORE, Wara,s, and Co., the old-established bankers of LombardStreet, had suspended their payments ; an event that was as unexexpected as unfortunate ; for the firm bad enjoyed the first reputation up to the moment of its insolvency. It is understood that the suspension of payment was rendered necessary by the failure of Messrs. DUMMY, RTLE, and Co. of Macclesfield ; to whom, as London agents, Messrs. WHIrmonu were so largely in advance as to be com- pelled in fairness to their other connexions immediately to stop. The effect of this calamity in London will be unimportant ; but we understand that at Mac- clesfield the stoppage of Messrs. DAINTRT and Co. will be the cause of very considerable embarrassments, and greatly aggravated the already depressed state of trade in that district. The near approach"of the time at which the Divi- dends are paid has caused money to be more abundant ; and as a considerable demand for English Stock has occurred, prices have risen nearly j per cent. ; Consols for Account and Reduced Three per Cents. for Money, having both been done at 90, while Reduced Three-and-a-half per Cents, have advanced to 99/. The market has, however, given way a little today ; and the closing price of Consols and Reduced is 69i Bank Stock has also improved, and has to- day been done at 1691; but was afterwards marked:at 169. We are without any quotation of India Stock during the week. The premium upon Exche- quer Bills has risen 2s. ; large bills (1,0001.) being done:today at 12s., and closing at 10s. to 128.
The late arrivals from the United States are not of so favourable a character as the preceding ; the improvement then noticed in Stock and Bank Shares had not been supported. Another shock has this week been given to American credit : the State of Indiana has not remitted the funds requisite to pay the dividends upon its Stock due on the 1st instant ; and on presentation of the Coupons yesterday at the agents, Messrs. ROTHSCHILD'S, the Bondholders were informed that no communication of any kind bad been received from the Government upon the subject : it is, however, believed that the necessary remittances are on their way to this country by the Great Western ; whose arrival may be expected at the end of the next week. We cannot notice any transactions in State Stock or Bank Shares; all speculation in this description of security being in abeyance.
In the Foreign Market, business has been unimportant, and prices are gene-
rally the same : today, however, an impulse has been given to Mexican Stock, by the arrival of 10,000 dollars 011 account of the dividends ; and the price, which was yesterday 27i, has been today as high as 274. A trifling reaction occurred before the close of business, and the last quotation was 271. The South American Bonds are without variation, though the arrival of this Mexi- can remittance has given firmness to this class of Stock generally. The Portu- guese Bonds are now quoted without the half-dividend now in course of pay- ment; the price of the Regency today being—
Five per Cents. 32 to 1, equal to 334 4. with dividend. That of the Three per Cents. 19 to 1 ,. 191 20 „ Five per Ceuta. 1841 27 tel 281
Spanish Active has shown but slight symptoms of improvement : on Tuesday it was as high as 221; but it Las again given way, and after being today at 211, closes at 21i 22. We cannot notice any transactions of importance in Russian, Danish, or Dutch Stock ; the prices of which are nearly the same as in our last report. The fears of the shareholders of the Brighton Railway as to the delay in opening the line, have been entirely dissipated; and previous to opening to the public, on the 12th instant, the Directors and Shareholders will make several 'trips, the first of which will take place on Monday next. The price of the Shares has consequently risen, and has been as high as 21 die.; but has since given way, and is now about 3/. ills. Sertmosy, TWELVE O'CLOCK.
There is not any variation in the prices of the English Funds, which are the same as yesterday : the price of Exchequer Bills has, however, improved, and is quoted today at 118. to 13s. prem. In the Foreign Market, the only varia- tion is in Portuguese and Active Spanish Stock, both of which are lower ; Re- gency Five per Cents. being 31i 32, Five per Cents. 1841, 27 to the Three per Cents. 191 1, and Spanish 214 Brighton Shares are firm, at 3i ills.
A very uneasy feeling is prevalent in the City, and reports of various failures are current this afternoon ; but we cannot trace them to any authentic source. Messrs. LADBROKES the bankers have intimated to their customers, their desire to decline business after today ; proposing at the same time a transfer- ence of their business to Messrs. GLYN. Messrs. LADBROKES have' it is understood, been long anxious to retire, having gradually diminished their transactions, and having now brought their business into so small a compass as to render its transfer in the manner proposed an easy matter. All the liabili- ties of the firm will be fully discharged, and the partners are understood to retire with considerable wealth. The Foreign and English Funds all close at the morning's prices. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has continued to
improve, and after being at 16s., closes at 148. to 16s.
3 per Cent. Consols
Columbian 6 per Cents
201 21t
Ditto for Account 891 Danish 3 per Cents
3 per Ceut. Reduced 391 I Dutch 24 per Cents
3+ per Cent. Ditto 994 Mexican 5 per Cents. Consd.
8414 2771:1:
New 34 per Cents shut Portuguese Regency Spec Cts.
Bank Stock 169 Ditto New 5 per Cents. 11341.. 27 Exchequer Bills .
Ditto 3 per Ceuta
24 231114
India Stock
Russian 5 per Cents ... 113 114 Brazilian 5 per Cents
67 8
Spanish (Active)
Belgian Spec Cents 100 1