3 JULY 1852, Page 21


Tuesday, June 29.

PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvED.-Matthews and Co. Lower Seymour Street, surgeons- Taylor and Williams, Manchester,joiners-Simpson and Gilbert, Walsall, booksellers -A. and T. Skelton, Mount Tabor, Yorkshire, stone-delvers-Cheesbrough and Steel, Knottingley, Yorkshire, lime-burners-Huntsman and Corfield, Threw! Street, Spitalfields, manufacturing chemists-Barron and Co. Mexbrough, Yorkshire, glass- bottle-manufacturers; as far as regards B. Rylands, J. and J. Tillotson, and J. Wilson-Shannon and Co. Newton Heath, Lancashire, manufacturers-Chesneau and Co. Leicester, oil-merchants-Greenwood and Sons, Burnley, millers; as far as regards James Greenwood-Braham, Brothers, Bristol, opticians-Taylor and Co. Leeds, milliners ; as far as regards 8. Taylor-Cleaver and Ellis, Pembroke, drapers -Waterhouse and Midgley, Keighley, worsted-spinners-R. and J. Hammond, Chancery Lane, furniture-dealers-The North British Australasian Loan and Invest- ment Company, Aberdeen ; as far as regards T. Shepherd. BANKRUPTIL-ROBERT LEABON and EDWARD CHARLES CURTIS, Stratford, builders, to surrender July 8, August 12: solicitors, Newbon and Evans, Wardrobe Place, Doctors' Commons ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-JoHN WHIT- TAKER, Park Place, Mile-End. Road, draper, July 8, August 12: solicitor, Mason, Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside ; official assignee, Canaan, Aldermanbury-HErray MOPSZT, Union Street East, Bishopsgate, ironmonger, July 12, August 10: solicitor, Boyle, Lincoln's Inn; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-MARTIN WARD, Mark Lane, corn-merchant, July 7, August 9: solicitors, Wishaw, Gray's Inn Square ; Robinson, Hadleigh ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Jour Bnowir Dam, Wittam's Buildings, Old Street Road, carpenter, July 12, August 10: solicitor, Brown, Finsbury Place; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-Wor,- mem Dowtarro, Leicester, grocer, July 9, 30: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane; Hodg- son, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham-FREDERICK 1104140TD, Leeds, twine-spinner, July 19, August 9 : solicitor, Simpson, Leeds ; official assig- nee, Hope, Leeds-ANDREW ATKINSON, Dalton-in-Furness, Lancashire, tanner, July 12, August 4: solicitors, Haigh, Liverpool; Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Pott, Manchester. DPIIDENDS.-July 22, Lomer, London Street, merchant-July 22, F. Sadler, Fore Street, furnishing undertaker-July 20, Goldsmith, Benhall, Suffolk, corn-merchant -July 20, Steel, Fenchurch Street, tailor-July 20, Clark, Soham, Cambridgeshire, dealer in flour-July 20, Moore, Lincoln's Inn New Square, lodging-house-keeper- July 22, Sherlock and Sutterby, Hulme, joiners-July 22, Waite, Leeds, cloth- manufacturer-July 28, M'Kerrow, Hull, draper-July 28, Frankish, Hull, linen- draper. CERTiricAras.-lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of ineeting.-July 21, Monsarrat, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, wine-merchant-July 21, Tarrant. High Holborn, bookbinder-July 20, Todd and Hobbs, Bath, ironmon- gers-July 27, Collins, Marlborough, draper-July 23, Herbert and Wrightson, York, knendrapers-July 28, Frankish, Hull, draper. DECLARATIONS or Drvinmens.-Jones. Strand, woollen-draper; first div. of 2s. 6d. July 1, and three following Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Lyons, Crip- plegate Buildings, umbrella-manufacturer ; first div. of 17s. on the separate estate, July 1, and three following Thursdays ; Stanfeld, Basinghall Street-Hatch, Friday Street, wholesale furrier; first div. of Zs. 8d. on Saturday next, and three subseqent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Elliott, Aylesbury, grocer; first div. of 2s.8 on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Nerinckx, Great Portland Street, laceman ; first div. of 9d. on new proofs, on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Northover, Cheapside, lint-manufacturer; third div. of 9d. on Thursday next, and three following Thurs- days; Graham, Coleman Street-Keele and Co. Riches Court, Lime Street, mer- chants ; first div. of la. on Thursday next, and three following Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Sharp, Liverpool, merchant ; first div. of 6d. any Wednesday ; Tur- ner, Liverpool-Troughton, St. Michael's Alley, Cornhill, merchant ; div. of .nd. on account of first div. of 2s. 4d. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basingliall Street. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.-Howey, Edinburgh, commission-agent, July 6, 27- M'Callum, Glasgow, brick-builder, July 6, 27-Campbell and Cruden, Glasgow, mer- chants, July 1, 28.

Friday, July 2. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVID.-Leyland and Bullins, 'Liverpool, bankers-Wiggins and Co. Aldgate, stationers ; as far as regards R. Loder-D. and J. Carr, Warwick Street, St. James's, woollen-drapers-Bossy and Douglas, Brunswick Place, City Road, medical practitioners- Haigh and Sons, Huddersfield, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards T. Haigh-Banks and Co. Friday Street, warehousemen-Price and Co. Keighley, Yorkshire, chemists-Hayter and Donaldson, Wood Street, warehouse- men- Stevens and Perrin, Myrtle Street, dyers-G. and J. Bailey, Wigan, inn- keepers-Goodier and Co. Manchester, warehousemen-Roberts and Co. Manches- ter, engineers-Stokes and Trewolla, Bath, plumbers-Vernon and Minshull, Bromsgrove, attornies-Glazebrook and Helsham, West Derby, Lancashire, sur- geons-J. and A. Broadbent, Oldham, waste-dealers-Priestly and Co. Liver- pool, general brokers-Loveridge and Brown, Brighton, haberdashers-W. and H. Matthews, Newtown, Montgomeryshire, flannel-manufacturers - Howarth and Co. Pudsey, Yorkshire, manufacturing-chemists-Nichols, Bramham, and Co. Leeds, cloth-finishers; as far as regards W. Brownbridge and W. Bramham- Wells and Ostler, Hull, commission-merchants-Paterson and Williamson, East Street, Finsbury Market, carpenters-Huxley and Co. Long Acre, ironmongers; as far as regards C. Huxley-Ashbee and Tuckett, Broad Court, Long Acre, hthogra- phers-Brenan and Co. Old Montague Street, Whitechapel, lard-refiners-E. and W. King, Tunbridge, carpenters-Hinds and Sanderson, Bradford, Yorkshire, tailors- Hartley and Eanashaw, Colne, booksellers-Litherland and Lindsey, Salford, joiners -Cooper and Davis, West Smithfield, bay-salesmen-Wood and Hinchliffe, Peni- stone, Yorkshire, woollen-cloth-manufacturers-Armitage and Co. Bradford, York- shire, dyers-Parkin and Co. Brotherton, Yorkshire, glass-manufacturers ; as far as regards S. Parkin-Eaton and Sons, Bishopegate Street, house-decorators ; as far as regards J. Eaton-Lewis and Co. Cardigan, dressmakers ; as far as regards A. Lewis-Gibbons and Bethune, Faringdon, schoolmistresses-Martin and Co. Glas- gow, Martin and Co. Singapore, Batavia ; as far as regards C. Carnie jun. BANKRUPTS.-GEORGE WOOD WALTER and WILLIAII HENRY WALKER, Keele, Staffordshire, silk-throwsters, to surrender July 13, Aug. 3: solicitors, Stealer and Co. Newcastle-under-Lyne ; Motteram and Co. Birmingham; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-JoHN Morraax, Shrewsbury, hop-merchant, July 12, Aug. 2 : solicitors, Cooper and Broughall, Shrewsbury; Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-RICHARD PERRY, Leeds, batter, July 15, Aug. 13: solicitor, Upton, Leeds ; official assignee, Young, Leeds-GEORGE STAND- ERvricK and Co. Bristol, auctioneers, July 15, Aug. 12: solicitors, Whittington and Gribble, Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol. DIVIDENDS.-July 23, Harris and Burls, Hampstead Road, brewers-July 23, White and Bowler, Gloucester Street, Curtain Road, scaleboard-cutters-July 423, Heilbronn and Harrison, Great St. Helens, drysalters -July 23, Franklin, Great Marlow, innkeeper-July 23, Bridge jun. Warnborough, Hampshire, butcher-July 23, Brett, Portsea, grocer-July 24, Hopkins, Croydon, grocer-Aug. 5, Wood, Bris- tol, provision-merchant-July 23, Duggan, Maryport, draper-July 23, Moore jun. South Hylton, Durham, merchant-July 23, Bird, North Shields, linen-draper- July 23, Greenhow jun. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, timber-merchant-July 27, W. and S. Shaw, Saddleworth, timber-merchants-July 23, Meadowcroft, Rochdale, cotton- spinner-July 26, Rufford and Wragge, Stourbridge, bankers-July 23, Starkey, Huddersfield, woolstapler-July 23, Ackroyd, Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted-spinner -July 23, Ackroyd, Batley, Yorkshire, carpenter-July 23, Wilkinson, Hudders- field, woollen-cloth-manufacturer.

CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-July 23, Wetherfield, Gresham Street, scrivener-July 23, White and Bow- ler, Gloucester Street, Curtain Road, scaleboard-cutters-July 24, Dubbins, Col- chester, brewer-July 26, lveson, Stokesley, Yorkshire, builder-July 27, Phillipps, Newport, Monmouthshire, grocer-Aug. 4, Roberts, Aberystwith, draper-July 23, Davis, Abergele, Denbighshire, grocer-July 26, Johnston, Macclesfield, silk-manu- facturer-July 28, Bowrin, Walsall, currier-July 28, Fearn, Birmingham, draper- Ju 26, Bates and Co. Halifax, engineers-July 26, Chamberlain, Uttoxeter, draper. DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND.-CbadiViCk, Manchester, paper-manufacturer; first div. of ls. sid. July 7, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Pott, Manchester. SCOTCH SEGIDISTRATIONS.-IFFine, Glasgow, wine-dealer, July 5, 27-Baird, Ha- milton, grocer, July 7, 29-Henderson senior, Chesterhill, Haddington, cattle-sales- man, July 5, Aug. 2-Henderson, Soutra Mains, farmer, July 5, Aug. 2.