We sincerely congratulate India upon the selection of Mr. Fitzjames
Stephen to succeed Mr. Maine as Legislative Member of Council, a selection which is the more creditable because it would, we believe, also have been that of the late Government. A clear speaker, a most accomplished writer, a sound lawyer, Mr. Stephen possesses a special recommendation of the highest value in India, a quality best described as masculinity of mind. He will, perhaps, among such a people get rid of his peculiar tempta- tion, over-severity, a sort of notion that "it is better wrong flaw should be hanged than no f'law," or will use it to secure the grand reform now required in India, namely, a machinery for making sound laws work sternly. Suppose the Courts decree that such a house is yours. In England you get the house ; in India, you don't, but only a right to, plead for execution of decree. If any human being is sure to correct that state of affairs, it is Mr. Fitz- james Stephen.