The most liberal of our English Church clergymen have signed
a petition, got up chiefly by Mr. Llewellyn Davies, the Vicar of Marylebone, in favour of that amendment of the Duke of Cleveland's, by which a manse and ten acres are to be given to each Roman Catholic and Presbyterian minister ; and it was presented on Tuesday night by Lord Grey, though for some reason or other the newspapers have never noticed it. It was got up in very great haste, but has neverthe- less been signed by 160 clergymen of a great number of different shades of opinion ; for example, Deans Liddell and Stanley, Arch- deacons Browne and Sandford, Professors Maurice, Plumptre, Lightfoot ; Drs. Temple, Ridding, Bowen-Evans, Sir John Haw- kins; Messrs. Chase (St. Mary Hall), W. G. Hamphry, Westcott, W. H. Fremantle, C. E. Prichard, Garden, Abbott, Campion,
Cope, Harry Jones, &c. Whatever the country may be pledged to, unquestionably the best men of all classes heartily favour this proposal.