3 JULY 1869, Page 3

We understand that the Government of Canada have formally and

expressly contradicted the statement made in these columns in our issue of May 22 (and which we copied from a New York paper), that the Dominion is no longer granting licences to American fishermen. So far from this being so, the system of granting fishing licences to American vessels at nominal rates in tonnage fees, has been renewed, for this year, with additional facili- ties, and this in spite of the prohibitory United States' Tariff, 'which is very injurious to the interests of the Canadian fisherman. There has been no disposition even to insist on the maintenance of the strict rights of the inshore fisheries,—though these have never been in dispute. The only thing that British subjects in Canada have desired, is, that these temporary concessions to the United States should be replaced by something more permanent securing apparently equal reciprocal rights, and more satisfactory trade relations ;—and in order, we suppose, to keep the question open for this purpose, the renewal of these rights has been limited at present to one year. We have great satisfaction in correcting our mistake, and doing justice to the conciliatory policy of the Dominion.