>c .). The Government of Belgium is following the example of
Prince Bismarck and M. de Freycinet, and trying to deal with
..."" the spiritual resistance of 171tramontanism by secular force. The Belgian Bishops have resisted the Education Act of last year, which partly " laicizes " State education, with great acerbity, but, of course, only with spiritual weapons. M. Frere- • Orban appealed to Rome, and received from Cardinal Nina assur- ances that the opposition would be moderated. It continued, how- ever, and some papers placed in the hands of the Ministry by the Y's deprived Bishop of Tournai convinced them, justly or unjustly, that Rome was not sincere, but approved the Bishops' conduct. The Government, therefore, recalled their Minister to the Vatican, and are about to withdraw the Nuncio's exequatnr. 'That is exactly as sensible as if a landlord, wishing to punish a trespass, refused to allow any further communication between his own and his adversary's lawyers. The Continental states- men seem linable to keep their heads in presence of the Clericals, and instead of quietly going on with their measures, want to pinch the priests into approving them. The pinches only irri- tate, and opinion has advanced till the headsman's block is forbidden.