The Bill for the absolute Sunday closing of public-houses in
Wales, for the sale of liquor, was read a second time without a division last Wednesday, though the Government declared, through Mr. A. Peel, that it could not support, though it was reluctant to oppose the Bill. The evidence as to the unanimity of Wales on the subject was remarkable. Mr. Roberts, who moved the second reading, said that of 78,600 householders in North Wales who had given a written opinion on the sub- ject, 75,666 were in favour of it, 991 against, and 1,943 neutral. Of the 30 Welsh Members, 29 were favourable to this measure, and what is still more remarkable, it appears that the publicans in Wales themselves favour it. Closing their houses for the sale of liquor on Sunday altogether secures them a holiday, and pro- bably injures their trade very slightly, the householders pro- viding themselves for the Sunday on the Saturday, when it is universally known that they cannot buy liquor on the Sunday.