The Liberals have carried again both Wallingford and Gravesend, the
latter place by an increased majority. The vote in Wallingford was,—Mr. Pandeli Ralli (Liberal), 567 (15 less than Mr. Wren's poll at the general election) ; Mr. Hanbury (Conservative), 548 (or 7 more than the Conservative candidate, Mr. Edward Wells, polled at the general election) ; majority for the Liberal, 19. At Gravesend, Sir Sidney Waterlow (Liberal) polled 1,504 votes, against 1,284 polled for Sir Robert Peel, the Conservative candidate ; majority, 220. This shows a falling- off on the total vote of three months ago, but a very much heavier fall in the Conservative than in the Liberal vote. The Liberal vote fell off by only 40; the Conservative, though Sir Robert Peel is a sufficiently popular candidate, by 138.