Mr. Bevan's Conscience
SIR,—Strix does less than justice to Nye Bevan—in the references to the lounge suit at Buckingham Palace. Though the technique of government in this fallen world involves pomp and ceremony, and " lustre and distinction " of that sort, and though we rightly enjoy these things as well as beauty for its own sake, and although it would probably not advance the cause of peace if everyone followed his example, it is a good thing that Nye should remind us of values of which we can never be too conscious: that, for example, any expenditure needs to be carefully considered at a time when there are food shortages in India. rib glad that Mr. Bevan follows his conscience, even at the risk of being accused of bad manners.— Yours faithfully, W. E. PRICKETT (Rev.) 14 Broad Oak Road, Canterbury, Kent.