Double Thinking
SIR,—Your note on the Government's attitude towards the raising of the heavy goods speed limit says precisely those things which my Committee has been saying to the Minister of Transport. Either the Government is in earnest about the need for extra production
those c es in industrial practice essential to the nation's need.
or it is rh4 If it is in earnest it should not shrink from initiating
If it is not in earnest it should refrain from issuing interminable exhortations to industry which may be effective in war but whose edge has long been blunted in the peace.
But I believe the Government is in earnest and it is hoped that the opinions voiced by independent journals like your own will result in the Order raising the speed limit being made without further
hesitation and delay.—Yours faithfully, LEONARD BROWETT. Chairman of the Committee of Trade, Industry and Vehicle Manufacturers on the raising of the Limit. National Union of Manufacturers.