gvectator, 310 2nb, 1853
MR. BARON ALDERSON has been summoned by a cabman for 8d. A cab was called to the Judge's house, but it was not needed; on a subsequent day, two cabmen called and one was paid the fare; after that another cabman demanded the fare, and as it was not paid he obtained a summons. Baron Alderson appeared in person before the Marlborough Street magistrate; and explained that he had resisted the second demand, as he feared otherwise that he should have " the whole cab-rank " coming to his house in succession, each driver demanding eightpence. It seems that the driver who really had a claim had talked about it, and one of his roguish companions had gone to the house and got the money. The Magistrate decreed the Judge to pay 8d., and 2s. for the summons; but did not allow the cabman anything for loss of time.