The Cosmos
B Y CHRISTOPHER HOLLIS 'These bookAh chaps seen, to worry about Ihe cosmos so:—P. G. Wodehouse.
The world is too much' with them; bookish chaps, Worrying about the cosmos much too much, Huddled like shrinking rabbits in their hutch.
Let's leave our sainted aunts to take the raps.
What Gods there are will surely pull the taps. These highbrow johnnics have not got the touch' It only matters that the beer is such.
The cosmos is somewhat out of tune perhaps.
It moves me not. Old horse, I'd rather be Some sort of medium of a milder type, Turn the old oojah as a passing spree, Then summon Jeeves to rustle up the pipe Than split the Mighty Atom to a T And find the rotten business overripe.