From The Lord Deramore Sir: Ever since 1972 there have
been a large number of Conservatives opposed to Britain's memberships of the EEC/EC/EU. Thirty-two years' experience of loss of sovereignty and EU intrusion into every aspect of our lives has increased that number greatly. When Michael Howard expressed his determination to stay in the heart of Europe and threatened to deselect any Tory MEP candidate who did not join the integrationist EEP/ED group in the European parliament, thousands of loyal Conservatives decided to vote for country and not party.
Of course it was a protest vote and they never intended to vote for Ukip at a general election. But Michael Howard would be naive to think that the million former Conservative voters who 'defected' to the Referendum and Ukip in 1997 will be attracted back into the fold. They will not contribute to a Conservative victory in the general election.