Q. This really is an emergency. I am getting married
in July and my fiance has absolutely insisted that an acquaintance of his family, who not only gatecrashed his brother's wedding but also removed my fiancé's place card so that he himself would have a seat at dinner, thereby leaving (as it were) the groom's brother with nowhere to sit, should be allowed to attend. For some reason my future mother-in-law doesn't seem too bothered and is prepared to invite him. Obviously, unless he is somehow warned oft', I am afraid he will come whether invited or not. What can! do?
M.M., via email A. Since you say he will come whether invited or not, extend a welcome to the offender and ensure that his place card is displayed in prime position between two of the most exciting fellow guests. At the last minute, and before he has had time to sit down, simA,' switch his place at table, relegating him to the third division and replacing him with someone more desirable who is prepared to undergo a temporary downgrading in status in order that this punishment may be meted out