The state of the commercial and manufacturing interests is very
discouraging, if not alarming. In the Northern and Mid- land counties, the Working peopleara dismissed from employment by thousands at a time. Intelligence "from America, received during the w.tek,has been sufficient to check every thing like speculation or hope of a speedy releasefronsdifficulties. Several American banks, some of them hitherto of high credit—such as the Mechanics' Bank; and the Dry Dock Company of' New York—have stopped payment. Failures of private concerns have occurred to an immense amount in the aggregate. The consequence has been, in Liverpool, the stoppage of a large American comtnission-huuse, and in London of the firms of THOMAS WILSON and Co., TIMOTHY Wino' N and Co., anti GEORGE WILMS and Co. These concerns had been propped up for several weeks by loans to a large amount from the Bank of England ; but the latest accounts from America having shown the fulfilment of their engagements to be most im- probable, the Bank Directors, after two days' anxious consideration, decided, on Thursday night, not to grant any further assistance; and yesterday the firms above-named suspended payment. It is expected that many minor establishments will give way ; but the extent of the mischief is as yet only guessed at. In New York the consequences will be disastrous, and the reaction in this country must be dreaded; though we understand that the effect of the postponement of the failures has been to relieve numerous parties of limited means, and throw the chief loss on those who are better able to bear it.