The attention of the monied world has been fixed on the deliberations of the Bank Directors during the last two or there days. It has long been a matter of totoriety, that more than one of the principal houses, in the American trade
have been obliged to apply for assistance to the Bank ; and that they had re- ceived, about three months ago, such accomtnodation as, under the then state of our commercial relations with the United States, would, it was supposed, have carried them through their difficulties. The last advices from America, however, precluded all hope of these anticipations being realized. Three large toms were consequently compelled to renew their applicatiJn to the Bank for assistance, to an extent in the aggregate of (as we are informed) '2,700,000/. This application was ntade on Tuesday ; and it was not till a late hour last evening, and after having been three days in deliberation, that the Bank Directors decided against complying with it: During the whole time that this question has been in agitation, the excitement among all classes of commercial men has been greater than at any period since the panic of 1825; the Royal Exchange and neighbourhood of the Bank having been crowded to a late hour with merchants anxious to have the first intelligence of the decision of the Directots. The three houses in question—T. WILtiON and Co., T. Wiccite and Co., and GEORGE WY Lim and Co.—ltave this day suspended tlieir pay- tnents; and it is feared that several firms of less importance in the American trade will be compelled to follow their example. Before decitlingon the coarse now adopted, the Bank Directors hail an interview with the Chancellor of the Exchequer, with the view, as issupposed, toascertain whether the Government would sanction an issue of Exchequer Bills, to be applied to the relief of the present mercantile distress. The only result of it hits bren to produce a decline of 3 per cent. in the price of Bank Stock ; which fell yesterday from 206 to
203, but has since recovered about 1 per cent.
The books of the various Stocks the dividends on which become due in July next have all closed during the week ; and from the indisposition of the capi- talists to hold Stock till the opening, Money was very mach in demand in loan upon Stock ; anti interest at the rate of 4 and 5 per cent. per annum w as readily given. This is rather a high rate compared with that usually paid upon English Stock.
The following uotice was yesterday issued by the Bank Directors: it is in the usual terms.
" The Governor and Company of the Bank of Englrend do hereby give notice, that
on and after the 1st instant, they w in be ready to cerise applications tor loans upon the deposit of approved bias .0 ex...hinge not Inning 11101'e 6;111 ninety iiVe days to run such loans to he repaid ',Koff. the 1514 Jaly next. with interest at the rate of 5 per ..emit. per annum. and to II.. Cor ...nos tout less than 2.000/ each."
Bank at' Englateet, 1st June, 1537."
Consols have becu depressed about 12 pm cent., and Exchequer Bills have receded a little.
In the Foreign Maiket, Soanisli Stock has fallen about 2 per cent., and has heen steady since At'ednesolay at between 22 and 221. It was again at 2:2 this morning, but has since 'risen about I per cent., upon a repoit of the Carl iota having received a check. The (Iovernment have kstoed a notice, stat• log its inability to pay that potion of the Tteastory Bonds n hich became due on the 1st of 3l ay, awl the payment of which was postpotwd till the hat instant, without fixiiig any time for their liquidation. Portuguese !satielc has been heavy, without miterial fluctuation ; the Five per Cents. are now quoted without the Dividend, which became due on the let inst:Ott, and is now in course of ptynient. A meeting of the bohlors of Clolian Bonds was held on Tuesday, at the City
of London Tavern, to receive a communication from the Envoy, Al. Rosa us, relative to their claims upon that Government. The elenneeineic it iii was in ati,ct a proposal on the putt if the Government to reduce t. w interest upon the existing debt, from 0 to 3 pet Vela. per :11611111II, ;Mil to capitalize the dividends now over due on Ihiui,I, at hiclo, when the redemptim, of the present loan
shall have been complete .1, ll hear the slain' rate of inlet est. 'lie dividends lilt the capital of the preselit dela are, honever, to eammence from the :loth
3111..11 I his,, Gov, 11■1111-11t further, after the year 1815, to set apart lo toot aiontial:y to he applied as a sioilsiog• fund to the redemption of the debt ; and when the who!, of the ititelest hearing debt shall have been rod.enied, to apply a Id., swot annually to tcoleent the Bowls into which the over dile divide:v.:: v, ill then become cauverted, umuil as MA upon the extinction' of the ptc•ent amount of dela_ will lie4itt lo hear interest,. front any valves, the (level itmeid should delay h or I wo years to pay the Dividends in the flaw this arrangement isle ill be therelty reinkrell mill and void, an t the Boodholders I '10.1 tte I in their original rights and It ivilegrs. Vie Ilandliohdas who attended the meeting received this proposal with considet .thie itioli2;nation, and unanimously rejected it. The staak,a hileil %Va. 111eV1011•1■ at 31 to 42, is to day quieted at 2-i to :10.
The Railway have b.. la none ist demand : hitt have :ogaito rec-oled, from
the lielh.f that sitar iii the Lave tsloire holder. may he eimmelled too effeetbsyaltehs,e in cons..quence of the ettobao rassnit nts into which they may be thrown .1ineticau
SCTI*119■v, 1' wi ire o'cooerr.
The failure of two limiscs in the American trade has been announced thiS icorniv, making in all lit e which have oceurred in die last two days. Consul*
for .teeount hane liven at u, !POI' :Ire now 90-1 . Exellequer Bills are :32 to 3:3 pre m. 'Elie ttansactions On the Iitoek Exchange have, however, been very kw. spaiiisli steels is rather honer than yesterday, as am,- also lho tiaguese Itande. The Railway Shares leave expo imwei f i considerable decline, ill consequence of the American failures. Lonlitill 11411111.01:11111 tire 40 to 42 prem. ; Great Western I to 2 prem.; Southampton 23 to 22 olis. ; and (Irremv tell 5 to 4 ,hi.
The quarto ly statement of the average of the Liabilities ;m11 Assets of the Bank of England appeared in last night's Gazette. The only circumstance worthy of reolatk, is an iortease of neat ly 400,040/. in tlw amount of the stock of 3 per Cent. Consols, sellers.. dont Psnisli 3 per Ceoits. 72 73
limo fin. Aissiaot, bee■er,
oti; z Donal if per Cents 534 3 per Cent. Reduced
391 a Mexican 6 per rent
22 3
Nets' 34 per Cent Anus exaliv
hutment..., Kearney 5 p. Cts.
424 3
Hank Stock
s214:olit 4
Dote 3 per Cent. 274 S India ■took 254 9 Ditto 5 Jr Cents 1436 see . 464 7 1:e:chewier Dills 32 33
us.iato (1,114)5 per Cei.t
Belgian 5 per Cents ex. div 11104 Ree.sian ( 11422) 5 per Cent...
I i I bin 5 per Cents Sai 4 Spanish (1835)5 per Ceut... 224