3 JUNE 1843, Page 20



On the 17th May, at St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly, the Lady of the Rev. T. W. Nowa', of a SOO. On the 18th. at Heronden, Kent, the Lady of WILLIAM Part CaotrORYON, Esq., of a daughter. Ou the 20th, at Farudon Rectory, Northamptonshire. the Lady of the Rev. GEORGE ADAMS. of a sou. On the 22,1. at Nasingtou Vicarage, Lincolnshire, the Wife of the Rev. H. Limo°, of a daughter. On the 24th, at Tiverton. the Lady of the Rev. J. D. Lioyo, of a daughter. On the 26th, at Melchbourue. Bedfordshire, the Wife of the Rev. Cumu.ss ToReasto- VON, Of 3 SOD. On the 27th, at Blackheath. the Hon. Mrs. Awraua LEGGE, of a daughter. On the ffinh, at Leatherhead, Sursey, Mt-a. WYAT Enoer.t.. of a daughter.

Rotel:tithe. Art oat!. aCstpe. 1 House, Halstead, Essex. the Lady of the Rev. Home'

Ou the 29th, at Down Ampney, in Gloucestershire, the Wife of Captain Cameras TALBOT, R.N., of a sou. On the 21th, at Liverpool, the Lady of ROBERT FARBRIDGE, Esq.. of a son. On the 3011,, at Kings Walden, Herta, the Hon. Mrs. PHILIP SAYILE, of a son. MARRIAGES.

On the 31st April, at St. Paul's, De_ptford, the Rev. Seculars POPE. M.A.. Rector Of Christi)°, Sinnersenthire, 10 ELIZA HARDCASILE, only daughter of the Rev, H. F. BORDER, D.D., of Hackney.

On the 15th May. at Gretna Green. Mr. THOMAS S.AYER. of Kirkby Stephen. to Miss MARIA ABRAHAMS. The bride is in her 15th year. and the bridegroom is his 67th year.

On the 24th, at Steeple Laugford, Wilts, the Rev. Pers. BLACKBURN, to Amnia, daughter of the late Hamm= NEWTON Jattarrr, Esq., of Orange Valley, in the Island of Jamails. and Great Bromley Lodge, Colchester. On the 27th, at All Saints Church. Southampton. ANDIUSW SAUNDIRS. Esq., of Dowues House, Eling, Hants, to Mama, eldestilaughter (tithe late Lieut.- Cud. Fottassr, of the Hon. East India Company's Service, many years Inspector of Military Stores. On the 27th, at St. George s, Hanover Square, R.C. MELLISH, Esq.. of the Foreign Office, to MARY, Only Surviving Child Of the late RICHARD AHMUTY, EN.. Of the Bengal Civil Service. On the 29th, at St. Marylebone Church. Wit.i.test JOHN Mrarrutt. Esq., second son of Colonel Murton. late or the Royal Marines, to CAROLINE, eldest daughter of TIPPING T. Ruler. Esq.. of Yately Lodge, Hants, of the Inner Temple, Barristerat.law, and Recorder of Wallingford. On the it June, at St, George's, Hanover Square. JAMES ARTHUR TAYLOR. En.. M. P. for Worcestershire, eldest sou of James Taylor, Esq., of Moseley Hall. Worces- tershire, to Mama THERESA, seco..d daughter of Grimes Runt, Esq., of Elseoham Hall, Eases, and Farthinghoe Lodge, Northamptonshire. On the 1st, at Teigumouth, Auotisrus MAITLAND, Esq., sou of Sir ALERANDSR Marmara° GIBSON, Bart., of Clifton Hall, Mid-Lothian, to EILZABEIII Lois, daughter of

the Rev. Dr. RICHARDS, Rector of Stoke Abbas. Dorset. and granddaughter of Sir John Strachan. Bart., of Cliffden House, Teigumouth.


On the 26th April, at Concck House, Wilts, Major. General PAGAN, fill his MI year. On the 19th May, at Wemyss Hall, Fife-shire, North Britain, Maarmarr Horne, wife of Lient.-Colonel WILLIAM Low, Madras Army. On the 21st, at Kingston Cross, Portsea, Mr. THOMAS NE rim, in his 69th year, late Quartermaster-Sergeaut of the gallant Fifty-second Regiment; also his a lie, Mrs. ORPIIA NEEDS. in her 66th year, a ho lived but three hours after the decease of her husband. On the 23d at the Farming° House, Broughton-in-Furness. the Rev. Wittiest PEAR. SON. for upwards of fifts years Minister of the above place; in his 80th year. On the 24th, at Mablethorpe. Liucoloshire, suddenly, the Rev. J. QUARIBBY. iu his 65th year. On the 26th. at the Hague, Baron CHARLES DE SELBY, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the King of Denmark. and Danish Secretary of Legation at the Hague, only son of the Boron de Selby. Grand Cross and Companion of the Order of the Danebrog, Privy Councillor and Chamberlain to the King of Denmark; in his 30th year. Ou the 26th. at Kilburn, the Rev. WILLIAM HANCOCK, B.D., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford. On the 26th. suddenly, at Leamington, ANNA MARY BLACHBURNE, eldest daughter of John Ireland Blacklinrite, Esq.. M.P. On the 2711t, at Kirkiutilloch, the Rev. ADAM Foliates?, Minister of that parish; in his 83d year. On the 28th, at 13rompton Square. Loudon, Ann, wife of Sir JAMES WELLWOOD MON. CRIES?, Bart. On the 29th, Jonst Wamrson, Esq., of Skelton Castle, Yorkshire, formerly Member for Beverly; in his 77th year. On the 29th, at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, ELIZABETH, the wife of Lieutenant- Colonel LE BLANC. On the 30th, at her house in Harley Street, MARY, Lady Pyres, relict of Robert Edward. tenth Lord Petre, and sister to Barnard Edward, late Duke of Norfolk; in her 76th year. On the 30th, at Leatherliend. Surrey. bate. the wife of Matson Wrser EDYELL, Esq. On the 31st. in Dorset Place, Vice Admiral KEITH Sn mama R.N. Lately, at Bristol, in her 98th sear, Mrs. Horse. When nine years of age she re- ceived from Mr. Wesley a note of admittance into the Methodist Society, of which she continued a member up to her death, being a period of upwards of eighty-eight years.