Tuesday, May 30.
Kenyou and Fox, Sheffield, coopers-Bedford and Son, Birmi aa sham, glass-dealers- Sellers Brothers,fLiverpool, wine-brokers-Skelton aud Heighway, Manchester-H. M. Embletou and H. Nightingale, Manchester, milliners-Kempster and Co. Liverpool. timberanerchauts-J. aud B. Davies, Church Street, Chelsea, victuallers-S. T. and C. Adams, Oldbury, steel trussmanufecturers-Welch antiS. n, Newcastle-upon Tyne, builders- Smith and Co. Water Lane, Tower Street, Customhouse agents-Braithwaite and Co. Charles Street, Drury Lane. carvers in wood; as far as regards M. Allen- Chadwick and Co. Bradford, 'Yorkshire, worsted .spinners; as far as regards J. Gelder- Rogers Brothers, Addle Street, shirt manufacturets -Laughteu and Gapp, Wishech St. Peter, brewers-Fellows and West, Liverpool, soda -water.manufacturers-Lork- wood and Cu. Leedenhell Street, ship-brokers-Stanes and Co. Gilbert Street, Oxford
Street. drapers-Ewe and Co. Liverpool, general brokers; as far as regards J. C. Ewart-Yare and Co. Great Asia,. Westmoreland, cattle-dealers. DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY TINDER THE NEW ACT.
Charlton, St. Thomas the Apostle, Dev,ushire, bleacher-Chapman, Hanworth.
Not folk. blacksmith-Gledhill. Halifax, warehouseman - Drummond. Halifax. pattern- designer-Hall, Walton on the-Hill. gentleman-Simpson. Agar Street. corn-operator - Allsop. Nottingham, baker-Mansell, Kingswinford. Stafforashire. butcher - Lowe, Bothenhampton. Dorsehrhire, Lieut. R.N.-Linley, Sheffield, fork-maker -M•Lachlan. Halifax. dyer -Tedsbury. Chesterfield, book keeper-Fenton. Birmingham. plumber - Harris, Paris Street, Lambeth, comedian-Bright, Cinderford. Gloucestershire. pub- lican-Silver, Trafalgar Square. Stepney, master mariner-Owen, Trefelgwys. Mont- gomeryshire. farmer -Killion. Manchester. book keeper-Lord. Rochdale. fulling- miller-Backliouse. Huddersfield, painter- Barrowclough, Kirk Burton. Yorkshire, carpenter-Smith, Morley. Yorkshire. corn-miller-Firth. Batley, Yorkshire, wheel- wright -Shippen. Leeds. butter-fachw-Petty, Bradford. Yrelishire. out of business- Gillett, York Castle. stonemason-Stokes. York Road. Lambeth. baker -Garth. Sun- derland. innkeeper-Heard, East Stonehouse, Devonshire, gunsmith -Webb, Wolver- hampton, journeyman-iron.moulder. B A NKRUPTCY arostssten. Pam EDWARD, New Inn Passage, Clare Market, broker.
ALLEN, Maar, Joszen, and GEORGE. Birmingham. drapers, to surrender. June 16, July 19 : solicitors. Mr. Hampoon. Manchester; and Messrs. Stubbs and Rolling., Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Christie. Birmingham. BLACKBURN, HENRY WEBSTER, Bradford, Yorkshire. woolstapler, July 7,28; solicitor, Mr. Morris, Bradford; cfficial assignee. Mr. Freeman. Leeds. Grans, Jona, Exeter, tailor, June 15. July 12: solicitors. Mr. Clipperton, Bedford Row; and Mr. Hooper, Exeter; official assignee. Mr. Hernaman, Exeter. PALMER. Joan °otter, Liverpool. musicaeller. Jena 8. July 7: solicitor, Mr:Theo- bald, Staple Ins. ; official assignee. Mr. Pennell, Basingball Street. Rouses% CHARLES, Shotley Bridge. Durham. miller, June 19, July 12: solicitors, Messrs. Meggison, and CO. Bedford Row; and Mr. Phillipsou. Newcastle upon Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon Tyne.
June 23, Watson. Moscow Road, Bayswater, apothecary-June 23, Percival, Bishop's Stortford, inkeeper -June 23, Coates, Hart Street, Bloomsbury, apothecary-June V, Mullett, St. Mary-Axe, merchant -June 20. Crosby and Valeutine. Houndalitch, hard. waremen -June 21. Stubbs. Brighton, coachmaker-June 21, Jones, Friday Street. warehouseman -June 22, Bell, Bridlington, Yorkshire, merchant-June 20, Smith. Leeds. glass. merchant-June 27. Spence. Alford, Lincoln, gas-manufacturer-June 20. Williamson aud Rishworth. Keighley-, worsted-spinners-June 22. Mason. Boston, Yorkshire, coru-dealer-July 27. Butler. Carrington. Nottinghamshire, iron-merchant July 18. Bolton, Iiingstoioupon.Hull, corn merchant-June 27, Longstiff, Boughton. Lincolnshire, auctioneer-June 15, Thomas, Manchester, merchant-June 27, Apple. yard. Manchester. stuff-merehaitt-June Batsou, Wilson. and Longhorn, Berwick. upon-Tweed. bankers-June 24, Brooks. Newport, Shropshire, scrivener-Juee 24. Jenks, Nottingham, lace manufacturer-June 16, Thomas, Wem, Shropshire, grocer.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. June V, Mott, Regent Street, laceman- June 22, Honey. Littlemoor. Oxforshire. coriodealer -June 21. De Carle, Norwich, stonemason-June 29. Pitt. Cheltenham, banker-Jutie 21, Younglausband, Cheltenham, brickmaker -June 21, Biggs, Bath. chemist -Juue 26, Robinson, Liverpool, wine-merchant-June 23, C. .1. and J. Gaus- sets. Liverpool, corn-factors-June 22, Southall'. Wallsall, miller-June 20. Stretch. Nottingham. engineer -Jute 26. Norton, Blorwich, Staffordshire. brewer. To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before June 20. Messum, Portsea, brewer- Gower, Marquis Court, Drury Lane. carpenter-Christie, New .North Street. Red Lion Square, bookbinder - Seddon, St. Helen's. miller - Cooke. New Street, D asset Square, upholsterer-Fmch, Rickmansworth. miller -Im- ray, Old Fish Street Hill. stationer -Shepley. Farnham, hop-dealer-Butler, Carring- ton. Nottinghamshire, irmornerchant-White aud Leith, Worksop, machine-makers- Maggs. Cheskunt, upholsterer-Gibson. Ratcliffe Highway, upholsterer -Middlehara, Dewsbury. a ine-merchant - Hill, Stoke.upan-Trent, maltster-Boddington, Liquor. pond Street. ironmonger-Price, Pilgrim Street, Ludgate Hill, warehouseman - Gorton. St. Peter's Chambers, Combat. merchant -Walden, Liverpool. linexidraper-Gray. Kiugsland Road, flour-factor-Halls, Colchester, fishmonger-Butler, Helborn Hill, sictual ler. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. ARCHIBALD, 111.. Stirling. timber merchant, June 6, 27. Mown, R., Glasgow. baker, June 3, 24, Catticamnawe, M. P., Pityoulish, luverness shire, banker, June 7, 28. LIVINGSTONE, J., Dundee, surgeon. June 5. 26. MOIR, J., Glasgow, plane maker. Julie 3, 24. Raw, J. P. and A.. Glasgow, merchants, June 223.
Berme, J. aud H., Salteoats, merchants, June 2, 27.
Friday, June 2.
Lees and Cooper, Bradford, Yorkshire, attornies-Watson and Son, Heaton Norris, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Cheek and East. Hertford, tailors-Hunt and Jeffery, Morning Lane. Hackney, butchers- Beesher and King. Litt ebury, Essex. millers- Tyler aud Wells, Worcester. hop-merchants - Feat! and Hudson. Fteldgate Street, Whitechapel, varnish-Busker - Baker aud Bowen, Castle Street, Leicester Squaw, wine-merchants-Appleby and Co. Manchester. teasdettlers-Hattersley and Co. Cliorley, contractors for public works -Small and Co.; as far as regards Culqu- houu junior-Wood and Senior. Liverpool, attornies-at-law -Taylor oust Martiu, Co- ventry. wateli-manufacturers - Edwards and Co.. Aston-juata-Birtniugliam. brick- makers-Benton and Son, Mansfield, bootmakers-Shaw and Co. Baainehall Street- White and Brown. Worthing. liverymen-Kent and Bailey. Crosdan, carpenters - Bas ley and Adshead, Macclesfield, silk-dyers-Maxwell and Wa1dou, Loughborough Plaee, North Brixton, plumbers-Stringer andChancery Laue, auctIoneers- Hamilton and Savage. Liverpool. hardwaremen -May and Hays, Orchard Street. archi- tects Paige mot Co Stamford Street, dressmakers-Gillon aud SonmEdinburgh, sack. manufacturers, DECLARATIONS OF INSOLVENCY UNDER THE NEW ACT. Pidcock. Buxton, Derbyshire, butcher-Angel. Chichester. buokseller-Houlds- worth - Hulme, stone mason - Lloyd, Mitcheldeau. Gloucestershire, victualler- Howard, Westham, agent-Lowe, Devonshire Street, Kennington Lane, carpentee- Oldrey. Totnes. slater-Powell, Iledwellty. Monmouthshire, carpenter-Read, Kin Street, Snow Hill, clicker-Barnard. Leighton Buzzard, straw plait dealer -Kelsall. Ashton-on Mersey. butcher - Molleuhauer, Liverpool. molasses-boiler - Gammon. Canterbury, butcher -Simmons, Sevenoaks, oilman-Broad, Onlyford. horse-dealer- Boyle, Cardiugton Street, Hampstead Road, surgeou-Tennessy, Newington Causeway. seedsman. BANKRUPTS. Avataso:s, JOSEPH ROBERT. Caistor, Lincolushire, wine-merchant. to surrender June 13, July 4 - solicitors. Morris and Co. Caistor; official assignee, Mr. Hope. Leeds. Cssrox GEORGE. Basingstoke, iroog ,,,,, nger, June 9. July 11: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Weatherall, Temple; and Messrs. Cole and Co. Basingstoke; ufficial assignee. Mr. Johnson. Basinghall Street, CREEKE, THOMAS, Cambridge, tailor, June 13. July 11: solicitors. Messrs. Nieholl's and Co. Cook's Court; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basinghall Street. GLASS, JOHN, Devises, coatmerchant. Jtaw 14, July 12 : solicitors, Messrs. Mogg and Co. Cholwell ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol. • Dwairr, EDWARD, Tycoch, Denbighshire, grocer. June 7 July 7 solicitors, Mr. Edwards, Shrewsbury; aud Mr. James. Birmingham; official assignee, Mr. Christie, Birmingham. Lamson, Joon, Kingston-npon- Hull, innkeeper. June 13. July 12: solicitors, Mr. Lombert, Gray's Inn; anti Mr. Robinson. Hull official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. JOHNSON, JOHN, Amami. Yorkshire. miller. June 13, July 12: solicitors. MT. VII- win, Sheffield; and Mr. Blackburn, Leeds; official assignee. Mr. Young, Leeds. LEYSHON, EVAN, Cardiff, auctioneer. June 16, July 14: solicitors, Mr. Bull, Ely Place; and Messrs. Pride& ant Son, Bri-tul ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol, HUMPHREYS. HENRI( Socirerr, Llansilin. Denbighshire, surgeon, June 19. July 13: solicitors. Mr. Deane, Essex Street; and Messrs. Marshalls, Oswestry; official assig- nee. Mr. Totter, Liver; o MANSFIELD, Ratals, Liverpool, coal-dealer, June 19, July 13: solicitors. Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs. Lowndes, and Co. Liverpool; official as- signee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool. WEBSTER, JOHN, Sheffield. newspaper-proprieter, June, 14. July 7: solicitor, Mr. Bulmer Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. Weisrma WILLIAM ANTHONY, Newcastle upon-Tyne, draper, June 20, July 18: licitors Messrs. Williamson and Hill. Gray's Ion; and Messrs. Bates and Dees, New- castle-upon Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Baker. Neecastle-upou-Tyne.
June 23, Silk and Brown, Long Acre. coach-makers-June 23, Wyer, Newington Causeway, tailor-June 23. Ttiggs, Southampton, upholsterer—June Z.J. Highmore. Royal Exchange Gallery, merchant-June 27, Patton, Swan Street, Newington. iron- founder -June 27. Walibew. Poultry, chemist-June 27, Blackman, Cratibrook, gro- cer -June 27, Harris, Dorking, tailor-June 27, Gray, Great Yarmouth, brewer-June 27. Forbes, Crutchedfriars, corn factor—June 24, Manning and Co. Aldgate, drapers-
Jame 27, Dykes, Broad Street, St. Giles's. stationer-June 24. Towne, George Street. Spite!dela,. chocolate-manufacturer - June 27. Wailing. Upper Street, Islington, butcher-June 26. Smith. Leeds. ironfounder-July 8. Bould. Halifax, eottou.spinner- June 29. Norman. Wadebridge. grocer- July 3. Cartwright. Wigan, cotton.spinners- Juue 21 Steams anti Cu. Coventry. riband manufacturers-June 29, Sands, Nottlug. ham, lace-manufacturer. CIERTIFIGATES.
To be granted. ageless cause be shown to the contrary. an the duty of meeting.
June 27. Sena, Ely, money-scriveuer -June 23, Fraser, Frelleck Terrace. Hanover Square, boarding-housekeeper-June 23, Whitfield, Tuoley Street, grocer-June 23. Hitch. Kingsland, grocer-June 23, Wilshin, Reading. draper-June 27. Frames, Gos- port. grocer-June 26, Jones, Caloe, Wiltshire. tailor-July 5, Pugh, Gloucester. sue- dowser- Jane 28. Norman, Wadebridge, Cornwall, grocer-June 26. Emmersou, Bishop Auckland. Durham, mercer-June 26. Saint. Haltwhistle. Northumberlaud, builder-June 26, Morgan, Woodside, Cheshire. merchant-June 27. Evans. Liver- pool, coal-dealer-June 28. J. and J. Kelly, Rochdale. joiners-June 28, Graham, Oldham. contractor for public works.
Tube granted. toeless cause be shown to the contrary. Oil or befiyre ..Taute 23.
Cox. Gloucester, plumber-Lofty, Bennett Street, Blackfriari Road, shipowner- Kirk. Sheffield. ironfounder-Caunabee, Camberwell Green, bookseller-Goldie. Whitechapel distiller-Fawcett, Whipstiade. Bedfordshire, cattle-dealer-Travell, Sheffield, tailor-E. and 3. Wright, Bodmin. Cornwall. brewers-Worsley, Manches- ter, flour-dealer-Carlisle, Bury. Lancashire, draper-Brown, Kingston upon-Hull, bookseller-Clapham, Liverpool, woollendrapm. • 800TCH SEQUESTRATIGN. BROWNEM.I.. J.. Haddington. grocer. June 5, 26.