STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Arrzamoos• The fluctuations this week in Government Securities have been extensive. The closing of accounts by the Bear party or late operators for a fall has been embraced, on every depression causing a rapid rebound. On Monday, the eagerness to buy back was extreme • Consols speedily attained 91k, and as suddenly receded to 91, closing k better. On Tuesday, they declined to 90f I, because the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his reply on the previous night, gave no positive assurance that an increase of the Funded Debt would be dispensed with : the Funds afterwards rallied I. On Wednesday, there was only a trifling alteration. On Thursday, Consols ranged between 91 and 91k, with frequent intermediate changes. Amongst other inducements, specu- lative purchases as well as investments by the public have been based upon the improved appearance of the Continental exchanges, the continued rise in French Stocks, and a belief that the gold from Australia now on its transit to England amounts to about 1,200,000/. The political intelli- gence from abroad has also had some weight, including the destruction of the forts at Range, and latterly the submission of Greece to the demands Of the Allied Powers, and the contradiction of a report of the fall of Sffistria. The temporary depression in the Funds this week has been chiefly attributed to a demand for money, it being worth as much as 4 to 5 per cent on Go- vernment securities. Several loans have also been withdrawn, some, it is said, by the South Sea Company. Exchequer Bills continue heavy, partly through the demand for money : the advertised have fallen to 4 1 discount, which is the more singular as par can be procured at the Paymaster-Gene- ral's office if left one day for examination. It is stated that the amount sent in for payment is under 400,0004, the greater part of which was from one firm. The March bills are 1 discount 3 premium. This market is rather closely watched, from the increased Conviction they will recede fur- ther unless the present rate of interest be raked. Small parcels of gold are still sent to Pans. At Vienna, the money-market is more settled ; the Funds are rising, and the rate of exchange has fallen to 13.7. The sub- scribers to the 2,000,000/. of Exchequer Bonds have obtained Scrip from the Bank of England. These Bonds are dull, at par to premium. Today the Funds have been very firm, and Consols have touched 92: they leave off lower, at 9111 f. Bank Stock is the same as last week ; India Stock, 1 lower. In Foreign Stocks, the transactions have not been numerous. A steadi- ness has prevailed in many cases, and the following" have improved : Aus- trian, 3; Peruvian Three, and Russian Five'per Cents,. 2; Sardinian, lk ; Brazilian, Ruiisian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and Venezuela, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, • and Certificates, k; Ditto- Deferred, }. Mexican has fallen }. Railways have been buoyant; and although affected occasionally by a temporary depression in Consols, high prices have ruled.' .On Mender, an advance of 11. to 2/. occurred in several cases; 'G'reat-Westem were done at 76, and London and North-Western at 99f. On Tueiday,'Shares were from 10s. to 1/. lower: a recovery has since occurred,, with a geed demand for Shares. Yesterday, the differenoe in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the fidlowisig extent. Increase--Shrewsbury and Bir- mingham, 31.; Bristol and Exeter, 24 ; Scottish Midland, and York and North Midland, IL ; East Lancashire, Great Western, London Brighton, and South Coast, London and North-Western, London and South-Western, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 10*.; • Midland, 7s. 6d. Decrease—Ox- ford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, II. ; North British and South-East- ern, 108. ; Caledonian, and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 5s. - There has been little change in Foreign Shares : Paris and -Orleans, have improved II. ; Northern of France, and Paris and Lyons, 2s. 6d. 'Today an improvement of 10s. to 15s. has occurred in several of the English lines. 'Foreign Shares are only a shade higher.
The English Funds are i higher this morning, owing to an increase of 226,880/. in the bullion return of the Bank of England. Consols are now 92k for Money and the Account. Exchequer Bills I dis. 3 prem. Li Fo- reign Stocks an advance of I has occurred in Dutch Four, Peruvian Four- and-a-half and Three, and Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents. Railways are still rising • the present transactions are these—Caledonian, 571 ; East- ern Counties, 121 ; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 24; Great Northern, 89k • London and Blackwell ; London Brighton, and South Coast, 103k; London and North-Western, 99k; Midland, 61i ; Norfolk, 47; North Staf- fordshire, 131.
3 per Cent Consols 92 1
Danish 3 per cents
74 7 Ditto for Account 92 1 Dutch 21 per Cents 60 2 3 per Cent Reduced 901 1 Ditto 4 per Cents 88 90
34 per Cents
91 ' Mexican 3 per Cents
Lon Long Annuities 4 Peruvian 41 perCents 63 5 Bank Stock 204 6 Ditto 3 per Cents 47 9 Exchequer Bills 1 dis. 3 pm. Portuguese 4 per, Cents 38 90 India Stock 233 6 Russian 5 per Cents' 97 9 Austrian 5 per Cents 80 5
Ditto 41 per Cents-
89 6 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents
391 44
Belgian 41 per Cents 88 92 Ditto Deferred 191 20 Chilian 6 per Cents 100 3 Sardinian 5 per Cents.
81 3 ex. d.
Danish 5 per Cents 99 101 Swedish 4 per Cents
84 8