3 JUNE 1854, Page 12

The Trade and Navigation Accounts for the month ending May

5, state the declared value of the exports at 7,765,285/. ; being an increase of 186,3751. over the same month of last year. For four months the amount is 32,003,4931.; showing an excess of 4,032,8604 over the cor- responding period of 1853.

Continuing our comparison of the quantities of corn returned as sold in England, we find that the Registrar's figures continue to present the marked falling-off in the supplies to which we have referred in previous numbers of the Spectator.


Week ending April 8, 1854 15,



May 6, „ 20.

An estimate has been presented of the charges for the collec- tion of the revenue under Mr. Gladstone's new bill, amounting in all to 4,052,8031. The leading details are—for the Customs and Coast Guard, 1,320,1051.; for the Inland Revenue, and the Revenue Police in Ireland, 1,207,3631.; for the Post-office, 1,525,335/. These estimates em- brace the Three Kingdoms. The details appended are exceedingly mi- nute.

1854. 1853. Decrease.

quarters 36,628 .. 88,343 .... 51,715 „ 41,926 .. 75,972 .... 34,096 „ 54,353 68,439 .... 14,086 „ 70,581 74,904 4,323 „ 66,511 93,996 .... 27,485 „ 57,450 95,443 .... 37,993 „ 54,981 .. 87,844 .... 32,863