Tuesday, May 30.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-A1 artin and Wood, Market Wharf, Regent's Park Bar sin ' • as far aa regards E. Martin-Thompson and Co. Cornball. ship-brokers-Gould and Co. Derbyshire, coal-masters ; as far as regards J. Eggleshaw-Tomkinson and Spenser, Bottesford, Leicestershire, wheelwrights- Longdon and Thornton, Derby, Bilk-trimming-manufacturers-Thornton and Sons, Birmingham, merchants-Lees and Co. Hartford Old 51111, Oldham, Lancashire ; as far as regards E. Whitehead- Lambert and Co. Regent Street, gold-lacemen ; as far as regards T. Patrick-Lee and Greenacre, Old Broad Street, merchants-Harper and Watts, Bilston, Staffordshire, surgeons-Reeves and Simes, Sandhurst, Kent, carpenters-Ashforth and Co. Shef- field, manufacturers of spindles-The Patent Safety Cab Company, Great York Mews, Baker Street; as far as regards J. Knight-Baker and Cook, Westbury-upon- Trym, Gloucestershire, smiths-John and Joseph Garner, Birmingham, coopers- Dinning and Co. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchants-Haddon and Co. Birmingham, screw-manufacturers; as far as regards W. Allen. B.thicaurrs.-30nE Niel/etas Semi, Jewry Street, Aldgate, provision-merchant, to surrender June 12, July 20: solicitors, Ashnrst and Son, Old Jewry ; official as- signee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings -WILMAX HENRY Wr.Atur, Portsea, grocer, June 9, July 14: solicitors, Linklaters. Size Lane, Bucklersbury ; Stigma, Portsea; official assignee, Gentian, Aldermanbury-IlEsav CLARIDGE, Souldern, Oxfordshire, tea-dealer, June 9, July 14: solicitors, Parker and Co. Bedford Row ; official assig- nee, Canaan, Aldermanbury-JOHN LLOYD BridocE, Battersea, chemist, Junelb July 12: solicitor, Moss, Moorgate Street ; official assignee, Struisfeld, Basingh Street-Gam:me WILLIAM ldraumerroir, Edgeware Road, draper, June 14, July 8 solicitors, Reed and Co. FridayStreet ; Saleand Co. Manchester; officialassignee, Pen.
Guildhall Chambers--11naisLasutAix,flanisouStreet, Gray's Innitoad, draper.
June 6, July 11 : solicitor. Conlin, Ely Place; official assignee. Lee, Moorgate Street- JOSEPH Lamm,- Crawford Street, St. Marylebone, linen-draper, June 13, July U: Solicitor.. Brewer,-,Philpot Lane; official assignee, Lee, Moorgate Street-Joint LAWRENCE QADD,,Whitechapel Road, draper, June 13, July 18: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street ;_ official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-THOMAS ADKINS, Bediforth; Warwickshire, grocer. June 10, July 1: solicitore, Kirlup, Coventry ; Idotteram . and Knight, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham- DAvu, HAtaworrin, Liverpool, .woollen-draper, June 12, July 8: solicitors, Gre- gorys, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-Joan HADFIELD, Dukinfield, Cheshire, grocer, June 12, July 10 : solicitor, Sutton, Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester-Mellow:. Gammitt. and RICHARD LrscomBE, Tavistock, grocers, June 13, July 6: solicitors, Little and Woolcombe, Devonport ; Stogden, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter.
Dtvrnstoos.-June 21, Woodhams, Tunbridge, draper-June 21, Wymark, Mistley, Essex, wharfinger-June 21, Powell, Romsey, Hants, upholsterer-June 21, Apple- ford, Holborn Bars, draper-June 30, 111‘Kenna, Belfast, draper-July 6, Brierly mid Co. Oldham, cotton-spinners-June 21, Coupe, Preston joiner-June 23, Reliant and Geller, Liverpool, merchants-June 2, English, Bath, auctioneer-June 21, Carter, Liverpool, brewer. _ , _ .
CERTIFICATE/3.-lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of ineeting.-June 21, Goble; Shoreham, Sussex, miller-June 21, Wilson jun. Old Street Road, currier-June 22, AL and J. R. Browne, Middle Row South, Knights- bridge, window-glass-cutters-June 20, Gleadah, Leamington, musicseller-Jurie.20, Stevens, Charlwood Place, Pimlico, builder-June 29, Williams, Mold, Flintslure, draper-July 6, Tebbutt, Manchester, merchant-June 22, Ducker, Bilston, Stafford- shire, railway-contractor-July 6, Taylor, Birmingharn;coal-dealer-June 22,13ough, Kidderminster, carpet-manufacturer-July 3, Howard, Great Grimsby, shipowner.
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-SeagliM, Winchester, solicitor; first dlr. of 2s. sa. any Tuesday ; Nichalain, Basinghall Street-Crossley, Noble Street, silk-ware- houseman ; first div. of Is. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chrunbers-Whitmore, Stockport, tailor ; first div. of Sr. 6d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Johnson, York Buildings, Adelphi, coal-merchant, first div. of 51d. any Tuesday ; 'Pennell; Guildhall Chambers-Hinde, Bedford, plumber ; first div. of 68. any Tues- day; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Martyn, Ardgate High Street, woollen-draper; 'first div: of 10s. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Fisher, Mincing Lane, colonial broker; first. div. of 7d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-J. and J. F. King, Well's Row, Islington, builders; third div. of 8id. and fitill div. of 5s. on the separate estate of J. King, any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Butler, Ludgate Hill, stationer; second div. of 4.1d. any Tuesday; .Pennell, Guild- hall Chambers-J. and T. Metcalfe, Cambridge, upholsterers; fourth clic, of lid. Thursday next and three following Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-North- over, Skinner Street, lint-manufacturer ; fourth div. of Is. 5d. Thursday next and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Davison, Chatham, grocer ; first div. of 6d. Thursday next and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Palmer, Great Iladham, grocer ; first div. of 10d. Thursday next and three following Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-J. and J. Boyd, Wellington Cham- bers, Southwark, hop-merchants; third div. of 4ad. Thursday next and three fol- lowing Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-=Brown, Gloucester Terrace, ‘19rite- chapel Road, draper ; first div. of gd. Thursday next and three following-, Thurscidys; Btansfeld, Basinghall Street-Raynes, Nottingham, laceman; first div. of Is. 13d. Thursday next and three following Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Wil- liams, Birmingham, linen-draper; first div. of is. id. any Thursday ; Christie, Bir- mingham-Chesworth, Manchester, merchant; first div. of Is. June 13, or any sub- sequent Tuesday; Pott, Manchester.
Swum SannEsinsvions.-Warrax, Montrose, draper, June 7-Simpson, Gamrie, Banffshire, merchant, June 15-Jamieson, Aberdeen, tea-merchant, June 8 -Cur- tis, Edinburgh, musical-instrument-maker, June 9-Rowland, Dundee, manufac- turer, June 13.
Friday, June 2.
PARTICERSHIPS Dissotvro.-Hare and Co. Mark Lane. merchants-Sharp and Caswell, New Windsor, tailors-Galpine and Daniel, Leeds, cloth-merchants-Dea- kin and Staniforth, Sheffield, Britannia-metal-manufacturers-Worth and Akroyd, Bradford, Yorkshire, waste-dealers-Dunn and Co. Lancaster, coach-makers-W. and T. Marshall, Heston. Middlesex, millers-IL and T. H. Gough, Birkenhead, postmasters-Bay sen. and Ray jun: Artillery Row, soda-water-manufacturers- B.owe and Co. Liverpool, dealers -Brindley and Co. Wolverhampton, proprietors of the Wolverhampton Journal-Turner and Turner jun. Boston, confectioners-W. and M. Phillips, Bridgend, Glamorganshire, wine-merchants-Scott and Holden, Settle, Yorkshire, cotton-spinners-Atkinson and Co. Paddington, builders-Lo- thian and Finlay. Edinburgh, solicitors.
IlAnxnuris.-Krcuonn GEORGE PRENTICE, High Street, Shadwell, grocer, to sur- render, June 13, July 12: solicitors, Wilde and Co. College Hill; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street- GEORGE EDMUND 6/11/17LEARTH, MARK HODGSON SHVITLEWORTE, and GEORGE EDMUND SHUTTLEWORTH, the younger, Poultry, auc- tioneers, June 14, July 12: solicitors, Crowder and Maynard, Coleman Street ; offi- cial assignee. Graham, Coleman Street-Gm:mos JAMES ROLLASON, Birmingham, brass-founder, June 14, July 13: solicitor, Partridge; Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-JAmEs PAIAIER Sitancom, Preston Plucknett, Somerset- shire, wool-dealer, June 8, July 6: solicitors, Slade and Vining, Yeovil; Terrell, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-Jomms Hawaii), Levenshillme, Manches- ter. grocer, June 19, July 12: solicitor, Dawson, Manchester; official assignee, Fra- ser, Manchester-HENRY HARTLEY, Trawden, Colne, cotton-manufacturer, June 14, July 7 solicitors, Rowley and Son. Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman, Man- chester-Monioweram GLADSTONE and JOSEPH CHESTY BOND, Manchester, brokers, June 15, July 3: solicitors, Worthington and Earle, Manchester ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-EDwAnn Poisson, Preston, draper, June 19, July 7: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assignee. Herrmann, Manchester-JOSEPH Won- MOLD, Glossop, shoemaker, June 14, July 6: solicitors, Sale and Co. Manchester ; official assignee, Hermann, Manchester.
DIVIDENDS.-June 17, Randall and Dicks, Greek Street, leather-sellers-June 27, Nokes, New Ormond Street, builder-June 27, Starkey, Old Street, carpenter-Jung 23, T. and E. Lyon, Birchin Lane, stock-brokers-June 23, Harris and Burls, Hanip- stead Road, brewers-June 23, Upward, Lyme Regis, draper-June 23, Gubb, Exe- ter, innkeeper-June 23, Rogers, Callington, Cornwall, surgeon-June 23, Head, Exeter, silversmith-June 23, Harris, Camhorne, Cornwall, grocer-June 27, Har- rison, Sunderland, victualler-June 23, Occleshead and Cummins, Liverpool, com- mission-agents-June 30, Elgood, Leicester, merchant -June 23, Rowbottom, Hali- fax, boiler-maker-June 24, ituddock and Ebison, Bradford, Yorkshire, masons- June 24, North, Chesterfield, coal-dealer-June 23, !Jackson and Yale, Leeds, en- gineers.
GERTIFICATES.-To le granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-June 24, Warp, Folkstone, innkeeper-June 23. Mathews, Lyceum Thea- tre, bookseller-June 23, Button, Holborn Bars, chemist-June 23, Lloyd, York Street, Westminster, victualler-June 27, Hulbert, New Court, Bow Lane, acoount- book-manufacturer-June 26, Joyce, Bolton-le-Moors, bookseller-June 26, Wil- kinson, Liverpool, tailor-July 4, Booth, Halifax, innkeeper-July 4, Sharp and Middleton. Leeds, printers-June 23, Thompson, York, linen-draper-June 24, Brown, Sheffield, chemist-June 24, Bramer, Sheffield, wood-dealer.
DECLARATIONS OF DivinsNns--Parry, Change Alley, bill-broker ; second div. of 2s. fid. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee. Moorgate Street- Parry and Underwood, Change Alley, bill-brokers ; first div. of 1 7-168. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee, Moorgate Street-Cawthornjunior, Salisbury Wharf, wine-merchant ; second div. of 4s. Did. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesday ; Lee, Moorgate Street-Gibney, Nottingham, corner; first div. of 9s. any Saturday ; Harris, Nottingham-Lea, Grantham, draper ; first div. of 114. any Saturday ; Harris, Nottingham-M•Colin, Manchester, waste- dealer ; first div. of 64d. June 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester =Grave, Manchester, warehouseman; first div. of Is. June 20, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Fraser, Manchester-Hutchinson, Monkwearmouth Shore, shipbuilder; first div. of Is. 68. June 10, or any subsequent Saturday; Wakley. Newcastle-upon- Tyne-Duffield, Heavitree, Commission-agent; first div, of ls. 2.1d. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Stephens, Truro, draper ; second div. of 38. 28. any Tues- day or Friday ; Hirtzel, Exeter-Mansfield, Lyme Regis, ship-builder ; first div. of 4s. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Woods, Buckfastleigh, Devonshire, miller ; .first and final div. of 38. 3d. any Tuesday or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter.
Scar= Szursyrusisceis.-Robertson, Plains of Thornton, Forfarshire, contractor June 15-Ure and Son, Glasgow, calenderers, June 13-Bakic, Thurso, merchant, Awe 14-Purdie, South Knapdale, Argyllshire, innkeeper, June 13.